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So today's my first day of school...


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I just started my first year in middle (yes I am that young),I had a stupidly shorter break than you,it has always been this short,school ends June 10,school started July 26 or somewhere close to there,we always had terribly short breaks,you're so lucky :P to have a longer summer than me.

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Oh my god.

My school didn't even start yet.

We're starting on September 9.


Why the hell are you complaining?

Personally, I love school and hate staying home. The last few weeks have been terrible v.v

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Good luck to all of you guys with school, as stupidly early as it may have come (mine starts at the end of August). Dunno why, but this summer passed so fast...

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I had a 3.5 month break weeeeeee

Summer almost always feels too fast for me x3 It doesn't help that I prefer summer over winter, so it makes winter feel too long and makes summer feel too short...

Though with online classes I'll still be home all day~ At least I'll be able to wake up when I want to wake up... and schedule study/work times when I want them to be.

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Pff, wait until you schoolfolk start WORKING. You don't get breaks then unless it's a holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving or you're able to take a little leave. You make money, but you don't get a lot of time to actually spend it. And that's even if you make enough money to begin with in an economy like this one. I have a job, but I'm still stuck at my mom's house and without a driver's license. Everybody else works, so there's not much opportunity for me to get any driving practice.

I hate this job too. I want a better one, but I think I need a bit of school to get the job I really desire. But I can't afford it right now (my mom won't help me again because I failed the last couple of times I tried college classes. I think I just took the wrong ones, but still). So I'm stuck with just trying to find a better low-skill job...

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summer holiday has been over far away since 15th july...

how in the world westerns could have holiday over than 6 weeks? insanity...

Edited by Pukuriripo
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Don't complain. My last 3 vacations were all 3 weeks long =/

in a year, i only get a one week holiday, one two weeks holiday and two 3 weeks holiday...

still, i get what u feel there ._-

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i'm not sure wether all was happy since there still a holiday or they just wanna go back to school already...

some people loves school days more than holiday...

not sure to those who in univ.

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Why the hell are you complaining?

Personally, I love school and hate staying home. The last few weeks have been terrible v.v

I'm just shocked that some people start school so early.

But, school does take up a good amount of time, so it's not all bad. The homework is the bad part.

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im so glad i don't go to school anymore. september is just another month for me

1 week and 8th grade starts.....
My life.... My nonexistent life.....
I can feel it dying....

say, have you ever heard of this console called the N64. i know this might come as a shock, but there were nintendo consoles before the gamecube.

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I'd much rather stay at home and play games; all I do in school is take hard graduate level philosophy and linguistics classes when I'm still not in my 20s. I don't have time to play as much as I like. Not fun at all.

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