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10-20 years later, will you still be on Serenesforest?


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Not really? I mean maybe if I'm playing some new FE game that may pop up, sure, but sticking around on a forum isn't really easy + I've got skype so if I wanna talk to anyone I know from here I can without going on SF. ;3

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I hope I'm still interested in FE and there are still FE games, but I doubt both.

In regards to FE games still being made, ten years can go either way. Either the franchise REALLY takes off and SF will be triple as active. Or FE will stop making games, which could put a halt to the active users on SF.

(But that's unlikely to happen because of FE13's huge success mind you.)

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Well, its so much fun on SF, abandoning it would be saddening T~T

Im only 13, though, so i have a long (hopefully!) life what life ahead of me.

Maybe around 20, my activity will decrease, little by little.... MAYBE

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I was thinking "probably not", but then I remembered I've been in the fandom for just over 10 years.

Oh man, what have I been doing? X D

But in all seriousness, I'll probably still be around. I won't be super active, but I'll be there, probably.

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Nine years ago, I thought I'd stick around a community I was with forever. I stopped posting there about four years after I started posting there, and I lost touch with the various members of the community one-by-one. Today I keep in semi-regular touch with exactly one guy.

I loved that place more than I've ever loved SF, so I have no reason to believe I'll still be here in ten years. I probably won't even be here in five. Honestly, I might be all but gone from the forums within one.

I feel ya. There was a forum i joined way back in 2002 that i assumed id still be at. 11 years later, i am not posting there. It was around 2006 or so did i stop going to that place. I joined a forum in 2003 that i thought i would never leave. I still periodically check it but the forum itself is pretty much dying and is being kept on life support due to a very small handful of members and the guy who was in the band the forum was about. For the first forum i mentioned, im only still in contact with one dude who posted there. Im pretty sure that forum doesnt exist anymore according to google. Oh well. The other forum i mentioned, im still in contact with a small number of people, mostly because some of them, i met in real life.

As for the topic question, who knows. Im actually shocked im still posting here as it is.

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I feel ya. There was a forum i joined way back in 2002 that i assumed id still be at. 11 years later, i am not posting there. It was around 2006 or so did i stop going to that place. I joined a forum in 2003 that i thought i would never leave. I still periodically check it but the forum itself is pretty much dying and is being kept on life support due to a very small handful of members and the guy who was in the band the forum was about. For the first forum i mentioned, im only still in contact with one dude who posted there. Im pretty sure that forum doesnt exist anymore according to google. Oh well. The other forum i mentioned, im still in contact with a small number of people, mostly because some of them, i met in real life.

As for the topic question, who knows. Im actually shocked im still posting here as it is.

That's interesting. There's a community that I call my "home board" that even when it was not nearly as active as it used to be, I am still with after 9 and a half years. I plan on making it a full ten, and I'm trying to revitalize activity there as we speak.

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i once joined a forum at 2008, it was fun... then at 2011, it's starting to die... and at 2012, that forum is kinda dead...

i'm not sure either for the next 10 years, FFtF and chat is the main reason why i always here, and considering this probably the only place where i considered my second home In internet,, but we need to keep move on, sooner or later, it had to be done...

oh well, who knows?

probably not, because skype. i use sf for social networking more than anything XD

Hey, can you add mine Bon?

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