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Hopefully this doesn't sound mean, but VVW is older than this thread (and out of style- it's just VV now).

The primary draw of using Vengeance is it's reliability- the boost is independent of enemy Def and it has a 100% proc rate on just about anything. Because of that, it's much more suited to offensive purposes, so drop Lifetaker (you don't want to heal for maximum damage) and Wrath (not reliable and you can kill everything without it anyway).

Because it's so based around reliability, it also needs a 100% DS rate to work. The best way to do that is with Maribelle!Lucina's DS+. The optimal setup for VV sweeping is +Mag/-Def Avatar x Maribelle!Lucina, both as Sages, with Avatar sweeping.

Using it to stay alive is pretty much LB farming only- either it won't heal enough to help, or you won't be taking damage period.

Drat. And here I spent a whole day coming up with something I thought was original. :/

Then again, this is a more defensive take on the V/V thing because, like I said, I like to have half of my pair-up dedicated to the Enemy Phase and the other to the Player Phase (where the latter uses Galeforce to switch between them).

What's LB farming?

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I'm adding some points to the previous page's discussion:

1) Secret Apo's enemies have an average of 3.333 difference between Def and Res. If removed 33 Res>Def enemies, the rest have 9.594 average difference. According to this, by comparing with Sage, physical attackers should have 46+10-(17-11)=5250 basic Str to not to be inferior than magical attackers.

Only GreatKnight/General/Warrior/Berserker/WyvernRider can provide a Str.50 with decent parent mods. But GK/General/WR's Spd are too awful to double-hit even a random soldier. Warrior/Berserker are male exclusive. That means no physical girls can have both hi-Str and hi-Spd.

So I suggest always pairing female physical attackers with Gale-less boys. If making the girls to Double-Gale, then you'll have one battle with bad output on switching Physical!Girl backward each turn.

2) Vantage + Vengeance without Chrom and Lucina means unable to have 100% 6-hit before enemy's attack. It's not recommended on tanking Apo enemies. So VV is not such important on anyone who isn't Lucina's husband, except for special rule challenging which has to give up achieving 100% Dual Strike on VV.

3) Although Gale!Kjelle's magical output sucks, she is still acceptable to be magical.

Kjelle's magical index: 41-5=36 (DF or Valkyrie, -5 for being lack of Tomefaire)

Kjelle's physical index: 43-6=37 (Hero or Paladin, -6 for the calculation on 1) above)

4) Berserkers always need hit boost skills. Without any skill of them, they'll have only 80~90% on Sorcerer, Berserker, Anna with full rallies.

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Righto I want to get some general advice for my current run and see how I'm doing. Here are the specs:

- Hard mode / Classic

- skill sets are mainly for the DLC maps; possibly Apo but I don't have it yet so not sure

- Gonna avoid using Limit Breaker just fo' fun

- As an additional challenge/quirk/whatever I'm going for 2 each of whatever classes I decide to use. Also going to use Dreadfighters and Brides (2 of each also of course) because why else did I buy those DLCs? (also having so many staffers helps me cut out training time for Staffbots)

Here are my kids + MU:

MU (male)

Class & Role: Dreadfighter - Mixed Tank and/or Support

Skillset (tank) : Ignis, Aggressor, All Skills+2/Anathema, 2 Faires or 1 Faire + Anathema/All Skills+2

Skillset (support) : Aggressor, Dual Guard+, (All Skills+2 & 2 Faires / 3 Faires)

- just kind of wanting to abuse Ignis / Dreadfighter class

- wondering if I should drop the Faires and go for more procs and buff/debuff skills for the Tank set, or maybe just get all the faires so I'm hitting hard no matter what weapon I have. Probably doesn't matter.


Class & Role: Assassin / Sniper - Striker

Skillset: Galeforce, Aether, Dual Strike+, Rightful Queen, Luna/Astra/__faire

- leaning toward Assassin mainly because why not, it sounds cool. (I prefer a class where she can have her Falchion though I'm not above having her as a Sniper)

- how does proc priority work with Aether / Astra / Luna? I know Luna is typically best but I may go with Astra just for variety even though it's not optimal (I can probably afford to do that on Hard right?)

- EDIT: Thanks for the catch Gaia, added DStr+


Class & Role: Dreadfighter - Lead/Sweeper

Skillset: Galeforce, Aggressor, Vantage, Vengeance, Counter/Wrath

- Dreadfighter bcuz it's cool so why not, Owain gets his favorite swordhand + his better tomehand

- I'm mostly set with Owain, I guess I'm mainly wondering what's better between Counter and Wrath

Class & Role: Assassin / Sniper / Berserker - Striker
Skillset (RFK/Lethality gimmick) : Galeforce, Rightful King, Lethality, Avo+10, Aegis/Pass
Skillset (not-so-gimmick) : GF, Luna, Faire, Aggressor, Pass/another Faire/Hit Rate+20
- Thinking about having Inigo and Lucina be in the same class for sibling similarity lol (like it really matters). Actually though I don't know what classes Inigo is well-suited to.
- I kind of want to do RFK + Lethality for kicks if it'd be reasonably effective
Class & Role: Sage - Striker
Skillset: Galeforce, Aggressor, Tomefaire, Luna, Renewal/Lifetaker
- since I'm avoiding LB I could use a good filler recommendation for the final skill slot. What's better between Renew/LfTkr, or is there something better?
Class & Role: Hero - Striker
Skillset: Galeforce, Luna, Swordfaire, Astra, Breaker/Sol/Renewal
- Wouldn't mind a recommendation for an alternate class, though I don't really want her as a DF; Wyvern Lord might be cool (in which case Lancefaire replaces Swordfaire)
- Thinking of giving her Counter/Vantage/Sol for kicks but it doesn't seem too effective so probably not
Class & Role: Darkflier/Bride - Striker
Skillset: Galeforce, Faire, (Luna, Dual Guard+, Dual Support+) / (Vengeance, Counter/Wrath, Iote's Shield) / (Luna, Iote's Shield, Renewal)
I dunno, which of these looks useful?
Class & Role: Hero / Sniper / Assassin
Skillset: Galeforce, Vantage, Vengeance, __faire, Avo+10/Lucky Sevens/Pass
- I'd like to use Snipers but I hear Severa's not great as one; probably leaning toward Hero
- I may or may not have seen the thing about Severa being really good at dodging shit and may or may not be considering completely copying that
Class & Role: Berserker/Wyvern Lord - Support
Skillset: Axefaire, Aggressor, Dual Support+, Deliverer, Gamble?
- support skillsets, r I doin' it rite? *shrug*
Class & Role: Berserker - Support
Skillset: Axefaire, Aggressor, Dual Guard+, Deliverer, Defender
- has more support options than Gerome so that's nice. Don't think I'm having any trouble with Yarne unless I'm doing something wrong
Class & Role: Sage - Support
Skillset: Aggressor, Tomefaire, Anathema, Dual Support+, Anathema
- Anathema works when you're paired up on the back row right?
Class & Role: Darkflier / Bride - Striker
Skillset: Galeforce, Vantage, Vengeance, Luna/Lancefaire, Counter/Bowbreaker
- pretty straightforward I think; if she goes Bride then I'll probably drop counter/bowbreaker and go Luna + Lancefaire
Class & Role: Hero / Wyvern Lord - Support
Skillset: Axefaire, Dual Guard+, Deliverer, Armsthrift, Patience?
- I dunno, what other good support options does Vaike!Nah even have? only other faire she gets is Tome, so would she be good as a mixed class like DK? *shrug*
Class & Role: Darkflier / Bride - Striker
Skillset (Lucina) : Galeforce, __faire, Aether, Ignis/Luna, All Skills+2/Healtouch (if Bride)/?
Skillset (Noire) : Galeforce, __faire, Vengeance, Ignis/Luna, Vantage
- Lucina is the most likely mommy at the moment but considering Noire bc she's adorable
- what's a good filler to replace Limit Breaker, IDK

Some other questions:

- What is the usual recommended class/role/skillset for MaMU?

- How viable is Lethality outside of Lunatic/+ and/or Apotheosis? It's supposed to be better, right?

- Could I get some suggested 2nd gen pairings? The only ones I really know to be good are GeromexSevera and MUxLucina. I'm also thinking LaurentxNoire/Cynthia since they're the only femle magic users I have and my Laurent is a supporter.

- Who are good candidates for Brides and Snipers (in general or among my kids)?

- What skills are useful for support units other than faires/DStr/DSup/DG/Deliverer/Defender? (Agg works from the rear line, right?)

- what are some good filler skills to replace LB? (I know Anathema, Avo+10, Hit Rate+20, and All Skills+2 are pretty good) Are recovery skills like Sol/LT/Renewal any good?

Sorry for the ridiculous amount of questions and things, any input will be appreciated.

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The pairings are pretty solid, but if you still can, I'd switch around Vaike!Nah and Greg!Gerome. You're also missing Dual Strike+ on Lucina. And yeah, you can afford Astra on Hard (you can afford anything on hard). Don't throw Sol onto Kjelle; it conflicts with the other two procs. Deliverer and gamble can be switched out for All+2 and Str+2 on Gerome, because, as a support, you probably won't be leading for use of deliverer. I'm not sure about Yarne though; can defender activate in the back of a pair up? Still the same about deliverer though. Stahl!Laurent leads pretty well by the way, he's got the ability to go for a V/V.

- What is the usual recommended class/role/skillset for MaMU?

Usual skillset for MaMU is Limit Breaker, Luna, Ignis, Agg, -Faire, but seeing as you're not using LB, you could fill that with something like Anathema or All+2. A V/V works just as well (possibly better).

- How viable is Lethality outside of Lunatic/+ and/or Apotheosis? It's supposed to be better, right?

It's better, but outside of Lunatic(+) and Apotheosis, anything goes.

Edited by Gaia
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Thanks for the catch, added DStr+ on Lucina.

For some reason I was under the impression that Deliverer works when you're in the rear of the pair-up... Right then, no Deliverer.

I guess what I'll do with Laurent is get him skills for both supporting and tanking so he can switch between roles (was actually planning to do that for most of the kids anyway lol).

What are the perks/cons of Vaike and Greg as Gerome and Nah's dads? I had Vaike!Nah and Greg!Gerome recommended to me a while back when I was asking, but I'm willing to hear out both sides... I mean as far as I know, they both give them what they want, right?

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It has more to do with the mods. The skillsets will be identical. Vaike gives mods more fitting of a support unit, and because Gerome makes a far better support than Nah (Possibly the best in the game), I'd just rather give him the better parent.

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Yeah I see your point. Greg!Gerome doesn't have that many useful skills for Supporting and Nah will probably get more useful skills to be either supporter or lead that way. I might have been biased because I liked the hair colors lol. I'll give it some thought.

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Defender: it both only works when you're up front and is directly inferior to All+2. Don't use it.

Good Snipers are folks with lots of procs, namely Chrom and DLC Ike for epic Double Bow poking. If you're using them in the back of a pairup, go for high Skl units instead because Snipers already have the highest Skl in the game (tied with Assassins) and give the biggest boost in the game, so 100% DS isn't unfeasible with them.

Only GreatKnight/General/Warrior/Berserker/WyvernRider can provide a Str.52 with decent parent mods. But GK/General/WR's Spd are too awful to double-hit even a random soldier. Warrior/Berserker are male exclusive. That means no physical girls can have both hi-Str and hi-Spd.

Lon'qu!Severa@Wyvern Lord with a Berserker support, tonics, rallies, and LB/Galeforce/All+2/Vengeance/Lancefaire has 76 Spd, enough to double any enemy in the game. She also has 104 atk with a 5/15 Brave Lance, before a Vengeance boost, and 247 Hit, assuming no DSp+. Are those not up to your standards?

GKs, however, are indeed legitimately terrible.

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[unless you already are using A+2 and are attempting crazy challenges.]

*Stares at mah Brady*

...That is true. I spent a while trying to get Chrom to one-shot Lunatic+ Grima through Pavise+ and was stacking All+2 and Defender. It didn't work, King Marth is required for an OHKO (and he doesn't need either), but I suppose it is a use.

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Lon'qu!Severa@Wyvern Lord with a Berserker support, tonics, rallies, and LB/Galeforce/All+2/Vengeance/Lancefaire has 76 Spd, enough to double any enemy in the game. She also has 104 atk with a 5/15 Brave Lance, before a Vengeance boost, and 247 Hit, assuming no DSp+. Are those not up to your standards?

This Severa has 48 Str, which equals to Mag.42 magic attackers by that calculation, is able to compete with Dark Fliers. It's OK.

BTW, this also reminds me Gaius!Kjelle will be better than Donnel!Kjelle for this purpose because of the Spd+5 mod.

100% DS isn't unfeasible with them.

100% Dual Strike without Lucina is generally locked to Sniper/Assassin/Hero's combinations.

Even having married with Virion!Yarne, the entire best DS booster except Morgan, his wife still requires at least +3 Skl mod on Sniper/Assassin (+5 Skl mod on Hero) to achieve 100% in full boost.

And Sniper(Assassin/Hero)/Sniper's output does not high enough.

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Alright, Nightmare Sniper has 70 Def, Pavise and Dragonskin. That Severa with max Vengeance will do 146 -70 /4 =18 x4 damage to him, and Vaike!Gerome (LB, Agg, Axefaire, All+2, Str+2) will do 116 -70 /2 =23 x2 per DS. That's incredible overkill, Gerome just needs to nail one DS out of four and down the Sniper falls. Even if Severa just got two attacks, Gerome still only needs to get one DS proc for the curbstomp.

On the other hand, Ricken!Severa x Lon'qu!Laurent, also versus the Nightmare Sniper (who only has 46 Res- a lot bigger than that 9-10ish average gap).

Ricken!Severa is a Dark Flier with LB, TF, Vengeance, All+2 and GF, Laurent is a Sage with LB, Agg, All+2, Mag+2, and Tomefaire (which isn't an optimal setup for L!L, he should be VV).

Severa's damage: 42(base) +2(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +5(TF) +2(tonic) +2(All+2) +11(Celica's) +9(Laurent) +42(Vengeance) =135. That's 22 damage per hit. Laurent's doing 46(base) +4(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +5(TF) +6(+2 skills and tonic) +11(Celica's) =102, or 28 x2 per DS.

In both cases, NS is effortlessly destroyed, and he's probably the biggest example of a Def/Res discrepancy in Apo. Essentially, my point is that there comes a threshold where that 6 point discrepancy between Str and Mag simply doesn't matter.

Oh wait. Ricken!Severa's Spd. She has 42(base) +3(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(all+2) +2(tonic) +3(Laurent) =72, which is too slow to double the Nightmare Sniper. Looks like a DS will be needed after all (and physical Severa gets to attack four times, so she has better odds of felling the NS than magical, despite targeting it's much higher Def!). Laurent has 42(base) +5(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +8(Severa) =79, but the Galeforce unit is the one that needs to do the doubling. See, physical females may be slower, but they can S with Berserkers/Assassins while magical females can't S with Dark Fliers. With an Assassin pair, a Wyvern just needs a +4 Spd mod to double anything (Lon'qu and Virion are great +Spd Wyvern fathers) with All+2. Dark Fliers/Sages with a Sage pairup and All+2 need at least +6 Spd, so even Virion!Severa falls a point short.

Said the Wyvern Lord to the Dark Flier: "You're too slow!"

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1) With full boost, Spd is not a big problem even on SR Wave 5's Anna side. The three requires 69-75-69 to double-hit and it is not such difficult for canon DF/Sage Double-Gales to achieve. For DF to reach Spd.69, she just needs neutral Spd with Tonic & All+2. For Sage to reach Spd.75, he just need +3 Spd with Tonic, or +1 Spd with both Tonic and All+2.

2) For DF/Sage Single-Gale, switching back DF on their 2nd hit is acceptable, even it decreases the pair's movement on next turn.

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Fair enough. My point is that you can't really call out physical girls for being slower than magical ones when physical get an extra +5 Spd from Berserkers, which puts Wyvern Lord 1 Spd above Sage/DF.

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Gonna concisify and bump some other questions I had about my pairings.

Here are the specs on my current run:

- Hard mode / Classic

- no Limit Breaker for kicks

- mainly for DLC challenge maps

- trying to use 7 of the following classes (2 units of each class) : Dreadfighter, Bride, Hero, Assassin, Sage, Darkflier,

Wyvern Lord / Berserker (interchangeable)

Here are my kids + MU:

MU (male)

Class & Role: Dreadfighter - Tank

Skillset: Ignis, Aggressor, All Skills+2/Anathema, Vengeance, Vantage


Class & Role: Assassin - Striker

Skillset: Galeforce, Aether, Dual Strike+, Rightful Queen/__faire, Luna/Astra/__faire


Class & Role: Dreadfighter - Lead/Sweeper

Skillset: Galeforce, Aggressor, Vantage, Vengeance, Counter/Wrath

Class & Role: Assassin - Striker
Skillset (RFK/Lethality gimmick) : Galeforce, Rightful King, Lethality, Avo+10, Aegis/Pass
Class & Role: Sage - Striker
Skillset: Galeforce, Aggressor, Tomefaire, Luna, Renewal/Lifetaker
Class & Role: Hero / Bride - Striker
Skillset: Galeforce, Luna, __faire, Astra, Breaker/Sol/Renewal
Class & Role: Darkflier - Striker
Skillset v1: Galeforce, Faire, Luna, Dual Guard+, Dual Support+
v2: Galeforce, Faire, Vengeance, Counter/Wrath, Iote's Shield
v3: Galeforce, Faire, Luna, Iote's Shield, Renewal
- WHY DOES CYNTHIA HAVE SO MANY COOL SKILLS BLARGH I dunno which of these sets looks useful?
Class & Role: Hero / Bride - Striker/Tank
Skillset: Galeforce, Vantage, Vengeance, __faire, Avo+10/Anathema/__breaker
Class & Role: Berserker/Wyvern Lord - Support
Skillset (Support): Axefaire, Aggressor, Dual Support+, All+2, Str+2
Class & Role: Berserker - Support
Skillset: Axefaire, Aggressor, Dual Guard+, All+2, Str+2
Class & Role: Sage - Support / Tank
Skillset (support): Aggressor, Tomefaire, Anathema, Dual Support+, All+2
Skillset (tank): Aggressor, Tomefaire, Anathema, Vengeance, Vantage
Class & Role: Darkflier - Striker
Skillset: Galeforce, Vantage, Vengeance, Luna/Lancefaire, Bowbreaker/Lancefaire
Class & Role: Hero - Support
Skillset (support): Dual Support+, Axefaire, Swordfaire, All+2, Str+2 ?
- still not really sure about good back-line skills for her.
Class & Role: Darkflier / Bride - Striker
Skillset (Lucina) : Galeforce, __faire, Aether, Ignis/Luna, filler (All Skills+2/Healtouch/Anathema/__faire/__breaker)
Skillset (Noire) : Galeforce, __faire, Vengeance, Ignis/Luna, Vantage
- Lucina is the most likely mommy at the moment but considering Noire bc she's adorable

Some other questions:

- Could I get some suggested 2nd gen pairings? The only ones I really know to be good are GeromexSevera and MUxLucina. I'm also thinking LaurentxNoire/Cynthia since they're the only femle magic users I have and my Laurent is a supporter.

- Who among the kids makes a good Bride? Mainly my kids specifically of course. Morgan will probably be a bride and I'm looking for perhaps one more. Cynthia and Noire are probably going to go Darkflier so I'm mainly considering Lon'qu!Severa and Donny!Kjelle for this.

- Do skills like Anathema and Bond work from the back row of a pair-ups?

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To Answer BANRYU:

2nd Gen pairs:



Nah- she needs to be with a Galeforce user. Since you're using Gregor!Nah, who's mostly Physical, she probably should be with Inigo.

Morgan- she should ideally be paired with a Galeboy.

The remaining Galeboy should be paired with Cynthia most likely.

Beyond that, mix/match for lining up class combinations.



Those two are the prime candidates for the class, although it's kinda iffy. [i had reason to use it in the form of it being a +MAG Bow user]


Yes, they do work from the back row.

Bond doesn't really do a whole lot and since skills don't stack with themselves isn't really useful.

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Thanks for the response. Yeah, I realize Brides are kinda just inherently worse than Dreadfighters (or heck, most other Lance classes) due to the fact that their only variable range attacking option is Spears. That's kinda weird. (Why don't Shocksticks have 1-2 range, I have to wonder, but I digress) Still it seems like a fun class with some weird traits so I'm using it for the gimmick factor I suppose. As I mentioned before I'd like Lucina to be able to use her Falchion, so I suppose Kjelle it is for the second Bride candidate. AC, I'm curious as to what you meant by the +Mag Bow user comment and how Brides were useful for you.

Hmm. I guess I was just being kind of lazy with the gen 2 pairings... I should really just come up with my own instead of expecting you guys to do it bleck sorry. Here's what I got based on advice given:

- MU x Olivia!Lucina

- Lon'qu!Severa x Vaike!Gerome

- Gregor!Nah x Chrom!Inigo

- Lucina!Morgan x Libra!Owain/Ricken!Brady

- Henry!Cynthia x Ricken!Brady/Libra!Owain

- Donnel!Kjelle x Fred!Yarne

- Gaius!Noire x Stahl!Laurent

Why necessarily do Morgan and Cynthia need to be paired with Galeboys when they themselves have GF?

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I'm doing a male MU playthrough and I plan on making Morgan into my main sniper.

His Asset is Skill and his Flaw is Luck.

What pairing would make her preform the best as one?

(Also I'll consider bride as well).

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Thanks for the response. Yeah, I realize Brides are kinda just inherently worse than Dreadfighters (or heck, most other Lance classes) due to the fact that their only variable range attacking option is Spears. That's kinda weird. (Why don't Shocksticks have 1-2 range, I have to wonder, but I digress) Still it seems like a fun class with some weird traits so I'm using it for the gimmick factor I suppose. As I mentioned before I'd like Lucina to be able to use her Falchion, so I suppose Kjelle it is for the second Bride candidate. AC, I'm curious as to what you meant by the +Mag Bow user comment and how Brides were useful for you.

Hmm. I guess I was just being kind of lazy with the gen 2 pairings... I should really just come up with my own instead of expecting you guys to do it bleck sorry. Here's what I got based on advice given:

- MU x Olivia!Lucina

- Lon'qu!Severa x Vaike!Gerome

- Gregor!Nah x Chrom!Inigo

- Lucina!Morgan x Libra!Owain/Ricken!Brady

- Henry!Cynthia x Ricken!Brady/Libra!Owain

- Donnel!Kjelle x Fred!Yarne

- Gaius!Noire x Stahl!Laurent

Why necessarily do Morgan and Cynthia need to be paired with Galeboys when they themselves have GF?

Bride Pair Up bonus MAG, SPD, LCK, RES; Weapons used are Lance, Bow, Staff

They're all +2's [effectively it's Dark Flier with 1 dropped from MAG and SPD and given to LCK]

Brides are the only class that has a +MAG pair bonus and uses a Bow, which is a useful trait for certain things- mostly dealing with FKs and DFs in Apoth.

Morgan and Cynthia are likely lead candidates for your double-gale pairs: Morgan is an obvious choice for that role, and Cynthia is amazingly solid as a choice as well.

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I'm doing a male MU playthrough and I plan on making Morgan into my main sniper.

His Asset is Skill and his Flaw is Luck.

What pairing would make her preform the best as one?

(Also I'll consider bride as well).

FMorgan!Sniper pretty much has baseline everything she needs. Just make sure whoever the mother is, has a good Spd mod (+1/+2 should be good enough)

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FMorgan!Sniper pretty much has baseline everything she needs. Just make sure whoever the mother is, has a good Spd mod (+1/+2 should be good enough)

Another question. I plan on passing a male exclusive skill. Is Counter effective towards Snipers? Or should I just OP out with another skill?

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So these are my favorite pairings based on their supports but I'm curious about how good or bad they are in gameplay. Avatar is +Magic -Skill.

Avatar X Cordelia

Chrom X Sumia

Lissa X Lon'qu

Sully X Stahl

Mirel X Kellam

Maribelle X Ricken

Panne X Gaius

Nowi X Gregor

Tharja X Libra

Cherche X Vaike

Olivia X Henry

So I posted these as my pairings a while back and I've decided to try SR of Apotheosis with them. Anyway I'd like some feed back on my planned children pairings and skill sets. Avatar is now + Magic - Defense if that matters. I apologize in advance if it's hard to read

Lucina Great Lord GF/LB/luna/aether/lancfaire X Owain Dread figher GF/LB/aggressor/deliverer or acrobat/axefaire

Cynthia FK GF/LB/luna/aether/lancefaire X Yarne Berserker LB/axefaire/aggressor/mov+1 or acrobat/deliverer

Ingio Hero GF/LB/aggressor/axefaire/vengeance or all stats+2 X Kjelle sniper LB/bowfaire/luna/deliverer/dual guard+

Severa Hero GF/LB/axefaire/luna/ignis or breaker skill X Gerome Wyvern Lord LB/aggressor/axefaire/dual support+/ deliverer

Brady Sage GF/LB/tomefaire/luna/aggressor X Noire Sage or DK LB/tomefaire/dual guard+/all stats+2/anathema

Morgan Sage GF/LB/tomefaire/luna/ignis or breaker skill X Laurent Sage or DK LB/tomefaire/dual guard+/mov+1/acrobat

Nah is unpaired but if I do end up switching up my pairings I was planning Wyvern Lord LB/axefaire/dual support+/deliverer/all stats+2

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Another question. I plan on passing a male exclusive skill. Is Counter effective towards Snipers? Or should I just OP out with another skill?

You should definitely pass Counter from your MaMU; it's the only male-only skill that Snipers can really get any use out of. (Wrath would only be good in conjunction with Counter or Vengeance or something, but you have better skill slots to reserve for that.)

I'm not super savvy on the crazy-high difficulty modes or challenges and whatnot, but in theory, Counter on a Sniper sounds like an effective tactic... Although it might just be better to have her avoid encounters if she's not using a longbow and reserve it for a different skill. On the other hand if you're grinding with her by soloing maps and such, Counter might get some use and could be good combined with skills like Sol and Pass.

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