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Counter does nothing on Apo, and outside of Lunatic+ maingame you're doing something wrong if you let your Snipers take an EP at 1 range (with some exceptions if you really, really know what you're doing, but in most of those cases Counter won't help anyway).

Axefaire is usually the defacto pass to females if you have it, I'm somewhat fond of Wrath though it's hard to use well, and Despoil is useful for grinding when you have nothing better to pass.

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But if his feMorgan is going to finish as a Sniper, then what good is Axefaire doing? Obv counter isn't going to do a TON, but it's certainly more useful than Axefaire on a Sniper, though to be fair both it and Wrath are pretty situational/useless since they require you to take a 1-range hit, which is something a Sniper never really wants to do anyway.

My reasoning for Counter is that at least it allows a sniper to punish units that try to exploit the its weakness, and isn't reliant on staying at low health like Wrath is (a risky position for a sniper). Despoil could be a good option too, though if you have Golden Gaffe then its kind of outclassed.

Anyway Duke of Dozel we've said our pieces, I'm sure you can come to your own conclusion. Counter is undeniably not optimal for a Sniper's final skill set, but it's better than anything else you can get IMO.

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So I had a really random thought last night.

MU with +LCK (or the Morgan of said MU and a dad with high LCK), Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, and a staff-using class, with the Goddess Staff (I think that's what it's called? The one with only one use but it fully heals everyone in range).

Can either of them naturally get a LCK stat of 50+ before pair-up bonuses?

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So I had a really random thought last night.

MU with +LCK (or the Morgan of said MU and a dad with high LCK), Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, and a staff-using class, with the Goddess Staff (I think that's what it's called? The one with only one use but it fully heals everyone in range).

Can either of them naturally get a LCK stat of 50+ before pair-up bonuses?

Doesn't work.

Armsthrift and Staves blends as well as Nuns and Warfare do. [According to Seliph]

AT only functions for ATTACKING.

Using a Staff isn't attacking.

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Doesn't work.

Armsthrift and Staves blends as well as Nuns and Warfare do. [According to Seliph]

AT only functions for ATTACKING.

Using a Staff isn't attacking.

Well, damn. I thought AT applied to all weapon usage, including staves. And here I thought I'd actually been clever.

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I like putting Anna with the Avatar. Morgan comes out with those nice Trickster skills, and later goes into Grandmaster.

Olivia (Dark Flier) and Lon'qu works great for me every time cause Inigo comes with Galeforce and Astra, and can also learn Sol by going into Hero.

Somnia/Chrom is wonderful to see Lucina gain Galeforce too.

Nowi/Henry is a favorite of mine too after getting Nowi to level 25 and going into Dark Knight to collect more skills. With Sorcerer Henry, Nah comes equipped with Vengeance and then i always make her into a Thief-Trickster.

Gregor and Cordelia is one of my favorites for making a child with Galeforce and Sol.

Gaiu and Chereche has made the most powerful Gerome for me, whom I always go into Mymirdon/Assassin.

I also like Gaius with Somnia for a bad ass Assassin made Cynthia. On my first play through, Cynthia was the most powerful child in the game as an assassin.

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Um... I don't think this is really that kind of pairing thread. .3.

This thread seems like it's more for the hardcore strats and things like that than basic pairings you use in average runs...

Edited by BANRYU
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I want to have either

Nowi x Vaike and

Cherche x Stahl


Nowi x Stahl and

Cherche x Vaike

(because I had Nowi x Kellam on my last file and their S support was less than disappointing)

but I don't know which combination would be the best for Nah and Gerome. Some help in terms of skills and stats would be appreciated.

Note: I already have Dual Support+ on Cherche, and I'm not a big fan of having characters in the cavalier chain unless it's to Exponential Growth them just for skills or it was their original game-entering class.

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Gerome is destined to be a Berserker, therefore anyone who can pass him Berserker (excluding Avatar) is his ideal father. Vaike passes Berserker, Stahl doesn't. I'd say that choice is pretty clear.

However, Stahl isn't that impressive with Nowi- Nah is usually a Sage with LB/TF/All+2/Mag+2/filler, unless she both gets the stuff to run physical support (Axefaire and Hero, usually) and marries a physical Inigo, and Stahl offers her neither more mods nor anything worth putting in that filler slot (Skl+2 from Virion or Anathema from Henry are nice). If you have it, Nah is one of the few characters who can run Armsthrift in Apo, mainly because there's nothing else important to put there.

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Gerome is destined to be a Berserker, therefore anyone who can pass him Berserker (excluding Avatar) is his ideal father. Vaike passes Berserker, Stahl doesn't. I'd say that choice is pretty clear.

However, Stahl isn't that impressive with Nowi- Nah is usually a Sage with LB/TF/All+2/Mag+2/filler, unless she both gets the stuff to run physical support (Axefaire and Hero, usually) and marries a physical Inigo, and Stahl offers her neither more mods nor anything worth putting in that filler slot (Skl+2 from Virion or Anathema from Henry are nice). If you have it, Nah is one of the few characters who can run Armsthrift in Apo, mainly because there's nothing else important to put there.

Thanks, this helps a lot!! Never thought about the Berserker class as the prime class for Gerome.

With everyone married off except for Fredrick, Stahl, and Kellam, it looks like I'm going to have to choose Nowi x Kellam and cringe through that awful, awful, moodkilling S-support.

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Hmm, what would be some good skills and a good final class for a Severa!Morgan? I was thinking of either making her a Sniper, or a Grandmaster, but I'm not sure which skills to use (aside from the obvious Galeforce and Luna).

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Hmm, what would be some good skills and a good final class for a Severa!Morgan? I was thinking of either making her a Sniper, or a Grandmaster, but I'm not sure which skills to use (aside from the obvious Galeforce and Luna).

Galeforce, Luna, Ignis, [Weaponfaire], Limit Breaker <- Standard non-Aether F!Morgan build.

Severa!Morgan is a skill stack, so any focused class is solid- Sage, Sniper, hell, Hero's pretty great. She could roll Dark Flier.

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I usually use Sniper, but keep in mind that Lon'qu!Severa!Morgan is so fast/skilled that you can use a slower, stronger class like Wyvern without feeling the flaws anywhere nearly as heavily as other units.

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So if Lon'qu!Severa is considered generally better than Stahl!Severa, then who is Stahl a good parent for? I almost never see him brought up as a potential candidate for anyone else, especially if you're also running Chrom!Inigo.

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^ I wonder this from time to time too, especially since he's considered a great parent, a-parent-ly (HAHA I'M SORRY I COULDN'T RESIST)

My Stahl is VV tank/support Laurent's daddy but that's just me.

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Stahl gives Luna, Vantage and decent physical mods, but nothing absolutely groundbreaking- he's pretty much the universal second fiddle (funny, he's also Mr. Average in all his supports) as a father. He fits well on Inigo, Severa, Laurent, and can go on Yarne as well if for some bizarre reason he's freer than Frederick.

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So now that I accidentally erased my savefile with the somewhat crappy MU I started another one with a +Spd - Luc, I'm guessing I should pair my MU with Lucina.

Here are my new pairings

Chrom + Olivia (only one that can't be changed)

Male MU + Lucina

Sumia + Henry

Cherche + Frederick

Maribelle + Libra (since Miriel already gets Sorc might as well pass it down to someone who could use it)

Miriel + Vaike (Still has a +2 mag but gets luna)/Kellam (+4 mag, Pavise, Luna)

Cordelia + Lon'Qu/Stahl

Lissa + Ricken

Panne + Gregor/Stahl/Lon Qu

Sully + Donnel

Nowi + Kellam/Vaike

Tharja + Gaius

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Most people recommend Frederick x Panne, since most of Yarne's other dads are better used on other people. Yarne basically has everything he needs already, and Fred gives him Wyvern tree and Luna/Dual Guard+ as well.

If you want Luna on Laurent, Stahl is another option that doesn't use up Vaike and his high strength mods.

TharjaxGaius, HenryxSumia, SullyxDonnel, LissaxRicken, and MaribellexLibra are good. I'm sure people will have recommendations for the others...

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Chrom + Olivia (only one that can't be changed) - Good

Male MU + Lucina - Good

Sumia + Henry - Good

Cherche + Frederick - Huge Nope. Fred doesn't pass 'Zerker, or the mods for support. Far better with Vaike or Gregor.

Maribelle + Libra - Ok.

Miriel + Vaike/Kellam - No way. All Laurent needs is Vantage, and by giving him Vaike or Kellam, you're essentially demoting him to as good as a Gen 1 Unit.

Cordelia + Lon'Qu/Stahl - Good

Lissa + Ricken - Good

Panne + Gregor/Stahl/Lon Qu - No. Yarne is hard support, and all three of those fathers are desired elsewhere. Fred is far better.

Sully + Donnel - Good

Nowi + Kellam/Vaike - No on Kellam, yes on Vaike.

Tharja + Gaius - Good

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I have the hardest time making a good Laurent. Easily the toughest child character to make competent.

Pass him Lon'qu. All he needs is Vantage.

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Just started a lunatic run with min maxing for postgame in mind. Came up with these pairings:

Chrom x Olivia

MU (+SPD -LCK) x Lucina

Sumia x Henry

Cordelia x Stahl

Lissa x Gregor (Ricken?)

Maribelle x Libra

Sully x Donnel

Tharja x Gaius

Nowi x Vaike

Cherche x Frederick

Panne x Lon'qu

Miriel x Ricken (Gregor?)

I am aware the optimal setup with Lissa and Miriel probably would be a magical Owain, but I badly want a physical one (sword hand and all) and a Laurent with nukey MAG, is that a very bad thing with optimization in mind? If a physical Owain can be good in any way would you change anything around?

I don't mind using the last males if needed (Kellam and Virion I believe), but I insist on not benching Lon'qu (I love myrmidons).

I also like pairing Panne with Lon'qu (gameplay wise, not just for my head canon), so unless that is bad I would rather not change that around but if it is I am very open to any and all suggestions.

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