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Hello. So I was thinking about a strange challenge (I'm probably not the first). The idea is simple :

How long can you last in the final map before killing the boss ?

Basically, how long it is possible to kill the boss' goons before killing the boss ?

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I thought Beserkers had the most strength (with Axefaire thrown in) of any physical class?

I was specifically talking about leads, and Berserkers make poor leads due to bad Luna rates and no room for +Hit skills due to being male exclusive.

Hello. So I was thinking about a strange challenge (I'm probably not the first). The idea is simple :

How long can you last in the final map before killing the boss ?

Basically, how long it is possible to kill the boss' goons before killing the boss ?

Indefinitely with 100% AT. Four spawn per turn, so all you'd need is enough killing power to get rid of the first wave and then keep 4-8 down per turn (spread out over the whole map- so likely a good deal more than that), while staying healthy. Galeforce + Lifetaker should be more than enough for that.

This is assuming Lunatic+, of course. On anything less you could just park a Manakete somewhere and be totally invincible- the strongest physical threat has 74 Atk, and the strongest magical is 63 (Morgan/Nah hit those easily, Nowi would too but she gets no AT). There are also 64 Atk GKs who have a paltry 29% Luna chance, but they're really rare so you'll never fight more than one at once, so you can keep perfectly healthy with Renewal (or Lifetaker if you can get a guaranteed KO). There are also Vengeance Sorcs with 26 Spd and 22 Def- you'll want at least 62 Atk to ORKO them so it can't become a problem.

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Hey there!

So I'm on my second play through out of my three back to back runs, this being my lunatic classic run (next will be lunatic plus classic). I'm debating using different pairings in these three runs, but not sure if trying to be different for different's sake will hurt more than help.

For those who don't memorize my every post (crazy!) my first game I had




Sumia/ Frederick









This second run, I'm hurting my brain trying to find optimal pairings for the third run, while leaving myself something to work with in my current run if that makes any sense.

idea for Second run:

Chrom x Maribelle

Male Avatar x Nowi

Sully x Donnel

Lissa x Libra

Cordelia x Lon 'Qu

Tharja x Gaius

Sumia x Henry

Miriel x Ricken

Cherche x Gregor

Panne x Frederick

Olivia x Kellam

proposed Third run:

Chrom x Sumia

Female Avatar x Owain

Sully x Donnel

Lissa x Stahl

Cordelia x Virion

Tharja x Ricken

Miriel x Henry

Cherche x Vaike

Panne x Gregor

Nowi x Gaius

Olivia x Frederick

Maribelle x Kellam

Granted, i've been staring at screens trying to make numbers work for WAY too long, so I 'm not even sure I've listed every person down. I'm going to feel foolish if I forget to mention Chrom or something. In short, I'm over thinking every possible move with enough paranoia/indecision to keep me up at 5:30 am, local time as I post this. My OCD has kicked in and I keep running scenario after scenario of 'what if' and such to the point I'm over tired and loopy, which you know, good combo for making posts on the internet.

Before I rant too much, I'd appreciate a good old fashioned slap of logic to the face, if for no other reason to calm my crazy cranium. I have pages of notes and numbers and I can't even remember half of what I was thinking when i made such notes, or why the me of a few hours ago thought some of these pairings are/were good ideas. It's essentially FUBAR at this point. I'm likely to take any advice at this point as I'm driving myself mad with this. Thankfully the meds seem to be kicking in, so I think i'll try sleeping. Thank you for your time.

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Speed bump: do you care more about ingame or postgame? You probably know this if you've already started Lunatic, but unlike Normal and Hard it will not wait for you to train the rest of your units. It's DLC now or tiny team all the way 'til postgame.

The only thing that stands out to me at this hour in the morning is Kjelle: you're moving Gaius around quite a bit, try giving him to her. She really likes him. I'll probably have more comments later depending on what you're going for and exactly how good you want it to be.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Hm, I've ended up either lacking 1 spd for doubles or 1 skill for strikes for some pairs 8\ I would like to check if my math is correct.

Assuming I've already applied LB and pairup bonuses I have still following in the assets:

+20 skill from rallies

+4 skill from tonics

+4 skill from all stats +2

(28 points always)

additional +2 +1 on lead from sniper and paladin plus additional +2 from supporting unit if it has access to sniper

(up to 33 points depending on class accessibility)

+6 speed from rallies*

+2 speed from tonic

+2 speed from all stats +2

(10 points always)

additional +2 +1 from pegasus and paladin

(up to 13)

* guess I'm missing another 4 there

It's easier for me to do it that way as rest is crunched in excel. That's what I've got so far: http://i.imgur.com/QxKL9e1.png


A while back ago you've posted your pair-ups and Inigo x Noire features Noire having Defender. Is it a typo (Deliverer is viable too) or it started magically working on non-leading units?

Edited by serpentskirt
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No, it's not a typo. She needs its +1 Skl to achieve 100% DS in the lead. Since Inigo gets Sniper's +3 bonus and she only gets +2, she needs it to compensate.

It's still probably the most niche skill in the game, I just found a place where it actually is necessary.

It may be easier for you to do your math that way, but it's also a lot harder for others to check it. I've been meaning to make a proper stat calculator sometime but haven't gotten around to it.

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It's about maximizing the number of Agg support fights. If you have a female with GF and a male without, the female will want to lead both times to get two rounds of Agg support. If you have a male with it and a female without, the male needs to lead the first round to activate GF and the female takes the second to have it- it'll add more damage than replacing any skills the female needs to lead with other damage boosters.

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Severa and Nah can take either Vaike or Virion. Your choice. Yarne gets Henry without a doubt. Brady takes Lon'qu.

Alternatively, Severa and Brady can take either LQ or Virion she Nah takes Vaike.

You have a lot of choices. Nah can also take Henry while Severa takes Vaike, Yarne takes Virion, and Brady takes LQ.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Okay, here are my silly pairings with "I want valkyries for the sake of difference" in mind. It seems to be able to achieve 100% DS and 75 Spd though quite a lot of units are missing fairies/aggressor. Here goes:

Maribelle!Lucina x Libra!Owain

Valkyrie (TF, DS+, whatever, GF, LB) | Berserker (AF, All2, whatever, Agg, LB)

Speed: 45 + 10 (LB) + 8 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) = 75

Ricken!Inigo x Frederick!Noire

Sniper (Skill2, All2, Defender, GF, LB) | Assassin (BF, All2, Skill2, whatever, LB)

Speed: 42 + 10 (LB) + 9 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) = 75

Skill1: 50 + 10 (LB) + 7 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (skill2) + 2 (all2) + 1 (defender) = 84

Skill2: 50 + 10 (LB) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (skill2) + 2 (all2) = 76

DS: 84 + 76 = 160

Gaius!Kjelle x Vaike!Laurent

Asssassin (SF, All2, whatever, GF, LB) | Assassin (SF, All2, whatever, Agg, LB)

Speed: 51 + 10 (LB) + 9 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) = 84

Skill1: 53 + 10 (LB) + 7 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (skill2) + 2 (all2) = 86

Skill2: 51 + 10 (LB) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) = 75

DS: 86 + 75 = 161

Henry!Cynthia x +Skl-Def!Avatar

Falcon Knight (LF, All2, whatever, GF, LB) | Sniper (BF, All2, Skill2, Agg, LB)

Speed: 48 + 10 (LB) + 3 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) = 75

Skill1: 50 + 10 (LB) + 8 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) = 82

Skill2: 52 + 10 (LB) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) + 2 (skill2) = 78

DS: 82 + 78 = 160

Chrom!Brady x Lon'qu!Nah

Sniper (Skill2, All2, Defender, GF, LB) | Assassin (SF, All2, whatever, whatever, LB)

Speed: 42 + 10 (LB) + 9 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) + 1 (defender) = 76

Skill1: 51 + 10 (LB) + 7 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) + 2 (skill2) + 1 (defender) = 85

Skill2: 51 + 10 (LB) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) = 75

DS: 85 + 75 = 160

Virion!Severa x Gregor!Gerome

Sniper (BF, All2, Skill2, GF, LB) | Assassin (whatever, All2, whatever, Agg, LB)

Speed: 45 + 10 (LB) + 9 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) = 78

Skill1: 53 + 10 (LB) + 7 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) +2 (all2) + 2 (skill2) = 86

Skill2: 50 + 10 (LB) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) = 74

DS: 86 + 74 = 160

Cynthia!Morgan x Stahl!Yarne

Valkyrie (Defender, All2, Skill2, GF, LB) | Sniper (BF, All2, Skill2, Agg, LB)

Speed: 47 + 10 (LB) + 3 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) + 1 (defender) = 75

Skill1: 47 + 10 (LB) + 8 (pairup) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) + 2 (skill2) + 1 (defender) = 82

Skill2: 52 + 10 (LB) + 2 (tonic) + 10 (rally) + 2 (all2) + 2 (skill2) = 78

DS: 82 + 78 = 160

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It's a start, but that's definitely not a finished team (or at least if yo try to make it you'll likely be disappointed with it).

Basically, now that you've got 100% DS on all your pairs, shuffle things around one at a time, always keeping 100%, to squeeze more stuff out. 8 Mov and more Atk is useful (don't forget that you have two pairs of Boots to allocate for this), but you should be primarily concerned with making your team be able to do something outside 100% mode: right now you're packing things like Vaike!Laurent and Lon'qu!Nah who work for this purpose but not for anything else.

The two things you should be looking at when considering swaps is swapping the parents of both children in a pair (total mods are the same, so classes permitting it still works) and swapping two pairs with equal splits between Skl. For example, you've got Avatar paired with Cynthia (looks like a vestige of my pairings- I did it for Aether/75 Spd Wyvern Morgan, but neither of those will work for you since you've changed Cynthia's father), but he can support any equal female just as well. Try getting him onto someone like Kjelle who can make more use of a really good hard support.

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As a general question, has anyone ever tried giving Wyvern Lord Lon'qu/Virion!Severa or Gaius!Kjelle a Hero support instead of Berserker? Berserker is the ideal and gives you a massive amount of power, but just how far does Hero fall behind in power where it matters? Do the benefits of Hero actually give you enough reason to use Hero at all? (Not necessarily as a sidegrade to Berserker, I mean using Hero in a situation where Berserker is unavailable, like Stahl!Gerome) The extra SKL gives you extra DS rate and Hero is generally more accurate than Berserker. If you've got Kjelle paired up with a Hero she gets some extra Luna activation rate too.

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Hero is a good alternative if you want better DS chance- I'd say it'd be very good in cases like Lon'qu!Severa x Stahl!Gerome where the primary attraction is 75 Spd Hero + Warrior support, but Gerome will also have SF Hero in his belt.

Hero is also a good option if Def is a thing- while Severa and Kjelle's mods aren't suited for it, Wyvern has a handy base 46 Def and with Hero's +7 that can get very high very fast, enough to sponge hits and be an asset.

I've used Wyvern x BK myself, and it's very nice too.

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Holy. Beans. From these few pages alone I'm set on my pairings for Lunatic (main and post game), but still working the classes and skill sets. Can anyone tell me the most effective skill set for Dread fighter Morgan (Chrom x FeMU)? I know this pairing isn't optimal for Morgan, but it is what I want to use. This will be for main and post game, along with dlcs. Please and thank you! And thanks for all the amazing advice given here!

Edited by SorasKingdomKey
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Dread Fighter Morgan probably doesn't cross any skill or speed thresholds so you could easily just go with the standard

Ignis or Luna


Weapon faire


Limit Break

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I must say that valkyrie fix is real pain. Two most problematic pairs are Brady and Morgan ones (if I still want her as valk). As well Cynthia is a freaking nightmare with that abysmal pool of fathers - assuming Chrom is taken that leaves Henry her only option, unless you are gimping Kjelle by robbing her Gaius. I might try female avatar and male Morgan with Kjelle on support but I guess I'll just abandon that valk nonsense.

Anyway, I've managed to somehow "optimize" previous layout allowing Inigo run aggressor:

Maribelle!Lucina x Libra!Owain

Henry!Inigo x Gregor!Noire

Donnel!Kjelle x Virion!Laurent

Gaius!Cynthia x Avatar

Chrom!Brady x Lon'qu!Nah

Frederick!Severa x Ricken!Gerome

Cynthia!Morgan x Stahl!Yarne

That Brady is just awful. It kinda forces pairing with assassin Nah as Inigo wants assassin and sniper - which is easier to get on Noire. Plus the only way to fix that low skill of hers is by smashing Lon'qu on her mom.

Morgan as valk is no better - she needs both skill and speed modifiers (that's why her mom is Cynthia) and a good sniper.

My head is about to split 8/

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Yeah trying to drag a -11 class into a 100% team takes up pretty much your entire team's wiggle room.

If Nah is hard supporting then all the Sniper dads will tie Lon'qu at worst for DS boost thanks to Skl+2 access and Sniper giving +1 over Assassin. He's far from the only way to fix her, and not even a very good way at that.

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Rate My Pairings

FEmuXGerome!Vaike(Optimal serk morgan)


LibraXLissa(Sorcerer Owain)





LonquXYarne(SPEEEEEEED SKILLLLLLLLLLLL next time its gregor I herd he is a good father)


FredXCynthia( weakest child)

StahlXSevera(Great Physical female child CANT BE)

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Ignis will definitely be superior on a 40/40 class like DF. You'll have at least 65 Alt.Atk and that's more Def/Res than all but one enemy in the game.

Isn't Dread 43/38 or something?

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