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Never saw any particular benefit in Pairing Nowi with Virion, myself. I'd rather give her class flexibility or Dual Support +.

It lets her become a bowfaire bride, which is a useful class for her as it lets her be physical while still supporting Brady or Owain's magical powers.

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I used to do pairing stuff like a year or so ago, but I put down the game for a while and focused on other things. I've taken a look at the past pages and I'm actually pretty interested at how things changed over time. (I think I stopped playing around the GF+Luna phase) I kind of want a bit of advice for a a run I'm planning on to see if these pairings work OK.

For the most part, what I'm looking for are to have units with strong niches, but also have fairly flexible skillsets. I like children who if I get bored of one setup, I can somewhat freely change what they're doing to mix things up a bit, like going physical or magical, or making good leads or supports. I'll put down the pairings I have so far and my justification for them to see if what I'm planning is going to work.














Sumia!Lucina/Avatar (+Str/-Def)







Lucina/Avatar and Morgan/Laurent can both run 100% DS setups, with Lucina just needing Dual Strike+ and Morgan/Laurent needing sorta complicated setups instead assuming Morgan goes Sage but it still hits the mark. (Sage/Sniper combo, Morgan runs LB/AS+2/Skl+2/V/V and Laurent runs LB/AS+2/Skl+2/Defender/Bowfaire) I think Severa/Yarne and maybe Kjelle/Inigo either hit it too or come close, but I can't be arsed to figure out setups at the moment.

Initially, I had Lucina paired with Laurent, Cynthia with Avatar and Morgan with Gerome, but decided to switch it around because Lucina's Dual Strike+ means Avatar can run a more flexible skillset to reach 100% DS+ than others, which is good since he knows every male skill in the game. He also runs +Strength to be not totally outclassed power-wise by Gerome/Yarne for when she goes Sniper or another physical class, and to give Morgan just enough skill to 100% DS with Laurent. Initially I also had Gregor as Laurent's dad partly because I thought I could run AT on the set because of laziness, but even with 1 more skill, the loss of Skl+2 and Defender means I can't 100% DS with him and Morgan unless I take a Skill asset and I want Avatar and Morgan to hit things really hard. Also, it screws over Noire in this setup, because Gregor!Laurent and Stahl!Noire is probably worse than what I have now.

Ricken!Gerome is kind of the leftover of the Avatar/Laurent/Gerome trio for the Aether girls. He benefits Cynthia very well as a support for both physical and magic stuff. (though no Berserker is the main reason why he's paired with her instead since Lucina/Morgan are better Aether girls overall) Even if it's not as high as it could be, 3 Strength/Magic is still very solid and Cynthia's speed mod is already really high(5) so slower pair ups probably won't kill her. I love the support too, so that's gravy.

Severa gets Lon'qu to Skl/Spe stack to run things like 76 speed Wyvern Lord. V/V is an option for her, and she nabs a bunch of breakers to run evasion sets too. I still like Stahl!Severa but he's going to Miriel this time, I already have this pairing on another file and like doing things different, and Lon'qu!Severa is still awesome. She gets paired up with hard support Virion!Yarne, who gets Sniper for Hit+20 and Bowfaire, full access to the Wyvern tree, and Sage access if I really want to. I don't usually like making Yarne hard support, but considering he's good at it and the only dads who let him out of that are high demand, he'll have to accept his fate.

Kjelle and Inigo are the final physical pair. Gaius!Kjelle for high skill/speed and good offensive potential and because since he's free today he might as well go to her. Frederick!Inigo is kind of a leftover, but Frederick gives him Luna and 3 strength/4 Skill to work with, which is good considering this team.

Donnel!Nah is the really questionable pairing that I'm going to have to justify as to why she gets GF but Noire does not. First reason, I'm not a big fan of Donnel!Noire. (Tried it once, never again. I hated the support and the speed/class combo was really underwhelming compared to all the other kids. If I hear a compelling argument I'll consider it but no promises.) Second reason, for the most part it's convenient for what I want to do - Galeforce is really just a bonus for her. I was actually considering Vaike for her, but most of the good physical husbands are already taken up by the Aether trio and Severa, so I had to look for a husband who gives Nah a good magic support class to use Tomefaire with to pair up with Owain/Brady. Brady wants Henry because Vaike, Kellam and Donnel all screw him over kinda badly stat-wise if Nah gets Henry instead. Donnel still gives Nah access to Dark Flier and Valkyrie for +Mag/Spe pair up and all the relevant faires needed to be useful. In non-Apo maps she can still hit OK with Tomefaire so she can still sorta double GF with her husband. Plus for ingame I can run something like Aptitude Manakete which is all kinds of hilarious.

Gregor!Noire is probably my favourite non-GF Noire. She gets V/V with AT and Sorcerer for ingame and also has pretty good physical stats too. Pass down Axefaire and make her an axe murderer. Valkyrie access lets her run magic support too, though she's not that great at it compared to others. Brady was already covered - Henry was the best out of the leftover options, lets Brady do a bunch of cool stuff (Axefaire War Monk/Berserker and other cool things like Thief tree) and Donnel is probably an OK replacement for Nah. Owain can run Anathema in that pair if it really comes down to it.

That should be everything, so if there's something that should be changed, let me know and I'll see what I can do. Thanks!

Edited by HeoandReo
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So I'm trying to brainstorm things for my newest (7th) playthrough. I did Apotheosis back in my (2nd) playthrough but haven't done it again since, with most of my runs being quick blitzes through the story in Hard (and once in Lunatic). I'm thinking maybe I'll do another Apotheosis run this time.

I know that there is no "optimal" per se, nor am I necessarily aiming for it (as my asset/flaw and Avatar/spouse choice will make clear). And I do have a decent idea of how I want to pair up four of the females. But I'm having trouble making up my mind about what to do with the remaining females.

So I thought that I might bounce it off the people on this forum to brainstorm for ideas.

These are my restrictions:

1. I will be running a +Mag/-Str Male Avatar as a point of personal preference because I feel it is most fitting to represent myself (I am associating magic with study/intellect, particularly because they use tomes [books], while I'm also quite physically weak by my own admission).

2. Said Avatar will be marrying Cordelia (despite the mod clash) because I simply prefer her. Cordelia has often been used as a postgame Armsthrift Sorcerer outside of Apotheosis (because I felt like it), although back in the old Apotheosis run I switched her over to a Dark Flier for that map.

3. Chrom and Sumia will be paired.

4. Donnel and Gaius will go in some combination to Sully and Tharja; I do want Kjelle and Noire to have Galeforce, while I don't particularly care so much about Nah.

5. Lissa, Olivia, Maribelle, Cherche, Panne, Miriel, and Nowi are not yet assigned. These are the ones I'm brainstorming for.

6. While I have an overall preference for magical units, it would be nice (from a aesthetic standpoint) to have a mix of magical and physical units among the children rather than just going pure mage for everyone.

I already have some thoughts for these (although I'm not sure yet), but I'll refrain from mentioning them for now to avoid biasing the responses/suggesting. I'll be interested in seeing to what extent people suggest things that align (or oppose) with the ideas I've been contemplating and the reasons they give for the various pairs.

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It lets her become a bowfaire bride, which is a useful class for her as it lets her be physical while still supporting Brady or Owain's magical powers.

Wouldn't Stahl be better in that case, assuming he's not taken? Edited by Just call me AL
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Wouldn't Stahl be better in that case if he's not taken?

Sure he would, but Stahl's the most versatile parent in the game with great classes, skills and mods for any physical unit. Then again, Virion's not far behind in usefulness. It's a matter of preference then I guess.

Edited by Alastor15243
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It lets her become a bowfaire bride, which is a useful class for her as it lets her be physical while still supporting Brady or Owain's magical powers.

Actually it's more of letting her run Sage (LB/TF/All+2/Mag+2/Skl+2) with a +2 Skl mod, which is Nah's best magical DS boosting set. Stahl!Nah does indeed eclipse Virion!Nah as a Bride.

I used to do pairing stuff like a year or so ago, but I put down the game for a while and focused on other things. I've taken a look at the past pages and I'm actually pretty interested at how things changed over time. (I think I stopped playing around the GF+Luna phase) I kind of want a bit of advice for a a run I'm planning on to see if these pairings work OK.

For the most part, what I'm looking for are to have units with strong niches, but also have fairly flexible skillsets. I like children who if I get bored of one setup, I can somewhat freely change what they're doing to mix things up a bit, like going physical or magical, or making good leads or supports. I'll put down the pairings I have so far and my justification for them to see if what I'm planning is going to work.

There are three main changes from back then. The first one is already in line with your goals: units take having procs/GF as a given, and are then optimized for usefulness beyond that rather than optimized for having simply two things. Second, Vengeance has become more of an offensive skill: rather than set up a VV sweeper, it's usually best to take damage on Player Phase to power it up, use it to get kills with GF/Dance, and then heal with Fortify once that unit's turn is over. Third, all males without GF- Yarne, Gerome and Laurent- should never be up front, since Atk boosts make twice the difference in the back due to Braves and males get Aggressor. This makes optimization easier because you don't have to worry about getting skills for leading on them.

Anyway, on to your pairings. I made a team with 8 100% DS pairs a while back and tried to shove as much non-100% mode utility onto it as possible, and actually wound up using a +Skl/-Def Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan x Ricken!Gerome, so I've looked at that pairing pretty in-depth. Here's what it can do:

Morgan hits 75 Spd as a Wyvern Lord with All+2 and a Bow Knight support.

Morgan hits 75 Spd as a Valkyrie with All+2 and a Sage support.

Morgan@Falco (LB/All+2/Defender/GF/LF) x Ricken!Gerome@Sniper (LB/Agg/BF/All+2/Skl+2) hit 100% DS.

The two can make a Sniper x Sage pair for magical DSes on a Longbow.

Basically they've got high Mov/Spd options for both physical/magical, a 100% DS setup and a boss killer setup. They're also loaded with healing/defensive skills for non-Apo postgame. +Skl Avatar can get Chrom!Cynthia to 100% DS fairly easily, with enough room to put Cynthia into Falco or Avatar into Hero or something.

As for a potential Morgan x Laurent, Defender doesn't do anything in the back.

Severa and Yarne work extremely well together- Wyvern x Berserker is their main gig but as a Hero with All+2 Severa can hit 75 Spd with either a Sniper or Warrior support, and with a Sniper the two reach 100% DS with just All+2 on both.

Frederick!Inigo has a very strong pool of +Avo skills- consider making Kjelle an Assassin and having Inigo be a dodgetank. They're slightly obsoleted by offense but it's always nice to have a unit with a 100% chance of surviving the most dangerous thing in the game. However, Kjelle does have enough Spd to hit 75 as a Wyvern with All+2 and a +3 support- Inigo has both Hero Faires for this, and could also be a Berserker if you don't mind the lack of a good +Hit skill on him. Going with a +0 support and no All+2 will drop you below 69 (the next threshold down), though, so don't do that.

My compelling argument for Donnel!Noire is that Donnel!Nah is even slower and has no proc and thus less KOing power. If you find Noire underwhelming, Nah will be even more so. This is actually less of an argument for Donnel!Noire and more of one against Donnel!Nah- you could actually just bench Donnel and get away with it.

It looks like your Vaike is free, so put him on Nah and run Axefaire Hero instead. Since Hero doesn't boost Str, you're not wasting any bonuses by giving it to Owain as a support, and you'll be getting extra Str, Spd and Luna to come up front and take the last KO of the pair's turn (Nah wants to do this so you can get the bonus from having Agg in the back).

Brady and Noire are fine.

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There are three main changes from back then. The first one is already in line with your goals: units take having procs/GF as a given, and are then optimized for usefulness beyond that rather than optimized for having simply two things. Second, Vengeance has become more of an offensive skill: rather than set up a VV sweeper, it's usually best to take damage on Player Phase to power it up, use it to get kills with GF/Dance, and then heal with Fortify once that unit's turn is over. Third, all males without GF- Yarne, Gerome and Laurent- should never be up front, since Atk boosts make twice the difference in the back due to Braves and males get Aggressor. This makes optimization easier because you don't have to worry about getting skills for leading on them.

Anyway, on to your pairings. I made a team with 8 100% DS pairs a while back and tried to shove as much non-100% mode utility onto it as possible, and actually wound up using a +Skl/-Def Chrom!Cynthia!Morgan x Ricken!Gerome, so I've looked at that pairing pretty in-depth. Here's what it can do:

Morgan hits 75 Spd as a Wyvern Lord with All+2 and a Bow Knight support.

Morgan hits 75 Spd as a Valkyrie with All+2 and a Sage support.

Morgan@Falco (LB/All+2/Defender/GF/LF) x Ricken!Gerome@Sniper (LB/Agg/BF/All+2/Skl+2) hit 100% DS.

The two can make a Sniper x Sage pair for magical DSes on a Longbow.

Basically they've got high Mov/Spd options for both physical/magical, a 100% DS setup and a boss killer setup. They're also loaded with healing/defensive skills for non-Apo postgame. +Skl Avatar can get Chrom!Cynthia to 100% DS fairly easily, with enough room to put Cynthia into Falco or Avatar into Hero or something.

As for a potential Morgan x Laurent, Defender doesn't do anything in the back.

Severa and Yarne work extremely well together- Wyvern x Berserker is their main gig but as a Hero with All+2 Severa can hit 75 Spd with either a Sniper or Warrior support, and with a Sniper the two reach 100% DS with just All+2 on both.

Frederick!Inigo has a very strong pool of +Avo skills- consider making Kjelle an Assassin and having Inigo be a dodgetank. They're slightly obsoleted by offense but it's always nice to have a unit with a 100% chance of surviving the most dangerous thing in the game. However, Kjelle does have enough Spd to hit 75 as a Wyvern with All+2 and a +3 support- Inigo has both Hero Faires for this, and could also be a Berserker if you don't mind the lack of a good +Hit skill on him. Going with a +0 support and no All+2 will drop you below 69 (the next threshold down), though, so don't do that.

My compelling argument for Donnel!Noire is that Donnel!Nah is even slower and has no proc and thus less KOing power. If you find Noire underwhelming, Nah will be even more so. This is actually less of an argument for Donnel!Noire and more of one against Donnel!Nah- you could actually just bench Donnel and get away with it.

It looks like your Vaike is free, so put him on Nah and run Axefaire Hero instead. Since Hero doesn't boost Str, you're not wasting any bonuses by giving it to Owain as a support, and you'll be getting extra Str, Spd and Luna to come up front and take the last KO of the pair's turn (Nah wants to do this so you can get the bonus from having Agg in the back).

Brady and Noire are fine.

Thanks for the advice. +Skl Avatar is probably better for those kinds of setups, and +2 strength for Morgan is still kind of good I suppose. To be honest I actually forgot Defender didn't work from the back, so that won't work. Still considering S!L!Morgan/Stahl!Laurent since Laurent's skill boost over Ricken!Gerome is a bit more flexible for 100% DS. Double Sage can reach it if Morgan runs LB/AS+2 and Laurent runs LB/AS+2/Skl+2. If I really wanted the Strength asset I could make Morgan also run Skl+2 to make up for the Skl deficit, but I'm not sure how worthwhile that option would be there, since it takes the spot of a potentially valuable skill like Aether. I'm inclined to think that magic might be a bit more useful for 100% DS options, just because of the utility and range of tomes compared to other weapons.

Sniper x Sage for Longbow + magic DS sounds really intriguing. I did some calcs and came up a bit short of 100% in that setup with Morgan x Ricken!Gerome, but Stahl!Laurent still makes up the gap that I had. Sniper Morgan with LB/AS+2/Defender + ralles(10) reached 88 and Sage Rome with LB/AS+2/Skl+2 and rallies reached 69. Laurent's 3 extra skill reaches 72, which is juuust enough to get 100%. Dunno if it's important to get 100% with that setup, but it's something I could do there. Can't do this with +Str/Spe asset, so I guess Skill will be what I'll have to do. (I guess I could technically reach it if I have Morgan run Skl+2, but again I don't think it's really worth it.)

As for marrying Cynthia vs. Lucina, how many skill slots would I have to set for Avatar to get 100% with Cynthia assuming a high skill class like Hero/Sniper/Sage? (Like LB/AS+2/Skl+2/etc.) I'm still leaning a bit towards Lucina since she gives me more leeway in terms of what skills/classes I can run for that setup, though I understand that it's a bit of a waste to use a high skill Avatar on Lucina considering her DS+. It'd be nice for all the Aether girls to get the option for that setup, but not strictly necessary.

Axefaire Hero Nah is actually pretty viable as a magic pair up, checking it over. If for whatever reason I want a physical pair, I guess I could kinda maybe not really make Owain go Berserker or Assassin with her. This is actually good though, since I wanted to try Vaike!Nah from the start and Donnel!Nah was a bit more of a compromise that came from putting Henry elsewhere. If Vaike is still fine, I'll do it. (And I'll just save Donnel!Nah for a more fun pairing file so I still abuse Aptitude Manakete in some way even if it's not here. I know it's not good for postgame but it's a guilty pleasure of mine.)

Edited by HeoandReo
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Double Sage can reach it if Morgan runs LB/AS+2 and Laurent runs LB/AS+2/Skl+2.

Morgan@Sage's Skl: 43(base) +8(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +7(pairup) =82

Laurent@Sage's Skl: 43(base) +3(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(Skl+2) +2(tonic) =72

It's going to take quite a bit more than that for Sage x Sage 100% DS. You'll either need Defender on Morgan and Mjolnir on either or Skl+2 on Morgan and a Barracks Boost to pull it off.

Something to keep in mind: the point of 100% DS is being able to get the same KOes no matter how bad of RNG you may have. Running procs alongside that- even good ones like Aether/Luna stack- lessens the significance of having 100% DS because you could still get screwed by having a proc you were counting on fail- they reintroduce RNG to your fights. That's not to say you shouldn't use them, but that putting them together with 100% DS isn't quite as big of a deal. Where you really should be looking to squeeze out the extra DS is in places like Severa where proc damage either doesn't matter or is/can be guaranteed. It would be a nice thing to shoot for on a Sniper x Sage pair, considering how good those are at fighting bosses, but on your Aether pairs you probably want to focus on average damage to make the most of Aether. I've just got it because it's the point of my team- none of my units are running procs in 100% mode for extra reliability and because I need the room.

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Morgan@Sage's Skl: 43(base) +8(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +7(pairup) =82

Laurent@Sage's Skl: 43(base) +3(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(All+2) +2(Skl+2) +2(tonic) =72

It's going to take quite a bit more than that for Sage x Sage 100% DS. You'll either need Defender on Morgan and Mjolnir on either or Skl+2 on Morgan and a Barracks Boost to pull it off.

Something to keep in mind: the point of 100% DS is being able to get the same KOes no matter how bad of RNG you may have. Running procs alongside that- even good ones like Aether/Luna stack- lessens the significance of having 100% DS because you could still get screwed by having a proc you were counting on fail- they reintroduce RNG to your fights. That's not to say you shouldn't use them, but that putting them together with 100% DS isn't quite as big of a deal. Where you really should be looking to squeeze out the extra DS is in places like Severa where proc damage either doesn't matter or is/can be guaranteed. It would be a nice thing to shoot for on a Sniper x Sage pair, considering how good those are at fighting bosses, but on your Aether pairs you probably want to focus on average damage to make the most of Aether. I've just got it because it's the point of my team- none of my units are running procs in 100% mode for extra reliability and because I need the room.

Sorry about my bad math. I had a long day and I must've thought I was talking about the Sniper/Sage pair I mentioned later in the post. Double checking the math it's only a 98% DS rate with double Sage Morgan and Laurent.

It's pretty much those last three that I'm working at now before I get started on preparing it. At the moment I'm considering Lucina/Gerome, Avatar/Cynthia, and Morgan/Laurent. Could still swap Gerome and Laurent around, but Lucina's DS+ helps out Gerome's lower skill to bring the rate to 100 anyway. Just experimenting a bit, there also seems to be quite a few combos where Morgan and Laurent could get 100% DS rather than just Falco+Sniper. Hopefully my math is a bit better this time around.

Sniper Morgan: 48 + 8(mods) + 10(LB) + 10(rallies) +2(tonic) + 2(all+2) + 7(pairup) = 87 (Needs Defender so 2 free slots, likely GF + Faire/Vengeance)

Sage Laurent: 43 + 3 + 10 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 2(skl+2) = 72 (2 free slots)

Total: 159 -> 160

Falco Morgan: 45 + 8 + 10 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 7 or 8(pairup) = 84 with Assassin, 85 with Sniper (3 free slots, no Defender needed)

Sniper/Assassin Laurent: 48 + 3 + 10 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 77 (2 free slots)

Total: 161/162

Sage Morgan: 43 + 8 + 10 + 10 + 2 + 2 + 7 or 8(pairup) = 82 with Assassin, 83 with Sniper (Needs Defender if paired with Assassin so 2 free slots in that case and 3 for Sniper)

Sniper/Assassin Laurent: 77

Total: 159->160/160

Falco Morgan + Sniper/Assassin Laurent actually looks pretty swanky, even if it is complete and utter overkill. If the calcs are right, she can run 3 other skills aside from LB and AS+2 which she needs, so she has room for other cool stuff to use, and can get full DS in a variety of classes. Cynthia/Avatar is a bit more restrictive but it's acceptable to me, and Lucina has DS+ to compensate for her partner.

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Sniper x Sage will probably be your most powerful option there- I went Falco because a) I like them and b) I wanted 8 Mov on all my leads. But if 8 Mov is something you want too, then don't hesitate to use it.

It looks like your Morgan@Falco has enough stats to leave off All+2 with a Sniper pairup and still hit 100% DS. You'd miss 75 Spd (by 1), but that likely wouldn't matter since you've got Aether/Ignis.

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Sniper x Sage will probably be your most powerful option there- I went Falco because a) I like them and b) I wanted 8 Mov on all my leads. But if 8 Mov is something you want too, then don't hesitate to use it.

It looks like your Morgan@Falco has enough stats to leave off All+2 with a Sniper pairup and still hit 100% DS. You'd miss 75 Spd (by 1), but that likely wouldn't matter since you've got Aether/Ignis.

I can do one better - I've had max Renown for a while, so giving Morgan a pair of boots if she goes Sniper is a possibility with one other pair left for Olivia/Severa/Avatar/etc.

The more I look at this pairing, the more completely monstrous it feels, I love it. 100% DS with room for Galeforce and 1-2 procs? (or other stuff like faire/movement skills) May not activate all the time, but if I go Falco, 85% Luna/Ignis, 42% Aether or room for guaranteed Vengeance is certainly not a bad thing. In Sniper it shoots up to 88/44/100, which is good too.

If that's the case, I'll probably go ahead with Lucina/Gerome, Cynthia/Avatar, and Morgan/Laurent. Thank you very much.

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I have been thinking and about shifting pairings around(have not started with pairing at all cause of school) and decided to change a few things:

Chrom x Sumia(it's cannon guize)=Lucina,with all she really needs to be a good unit and Cynthia with Aether which is great on her.

Avatar x Lucina=Not only would I prefer an only child Morgan but it gives her Aether and such(Plus she starts as Tactician which is always nice).While I am not a fan of 3rd gen Morgans(Won't explain why) I think MU x Lucina is pretty canonical in its self and while it is odd explaining how the Avatar would even marry Lucina since he would be like in his 40/50 in Lucina's future,it is not that weird for the time a I guess.(Long explanation is long)

Ricken x Lissa=It makes an awesome Owain with actually decent Str as a Dread Fighter + Luna which is a win/

Frederick x Olivia= have done this before and Inigo was amazing.Also Luna which every says is all Inigo needs.

Henry x Maribelle=Super emo and magical Brady anyone?Yep that is all.

Donnel x Sully=For my fav Sully ending and fav Kjelle with AS and GF.

Stahl x Cordelia=My usual and fav Severa.

Gregor/Vaike x Cherche=So depending on what is suggested I will go with.I know that Gerome is awesome regardless of the one I pick between the two.I usually go Gregor!Gerome but then saw a lot of people do Vaike!Gerome and saw him be really good.Really the other father I don't choose is going to Nah cause I wnat her to have AS.

Lon'qu x Panne=I know this is normally fodder for Morgan but I just like this pairing anyways.A man who hates women and a taguel who hates people who end up loving each other,how romantic.

Libra x Miriel=Just so Laurent can get Renewal without sacrificing DSu+.

Gaius x Tharja=They are adorable together I think and ginger Noire is adorable and awesome.

Gregor/Vaike x Nowi=For a Nah with AS so I can use Dragon Stone+s better.Also Nah is a great Hero for Apo I heard.

So now I was wondering who the kids should marry.I was thinking of just going by who I like but then Apo came to mind and the kids I use have to have good relationships that actually help.What I thought:

Lucina is with MU so yeah.

Cynthia with Inigo(double GF)

Nah with Brady(single GF)

Severa with Owain(double GF)

Noire with Yarne(single GF)

Morgan with Laurent(single GF)

I have no experience in this field but I know Morgan x Laurent is good and I am using a +Mag MU.

Thoughts?Also other then GF and DS+ is their any Male only skills I should pass down to daughters?

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Well if you don't know for Gregor and Vaike distribution I'd say Gregor x Cherche and Vaike x Nowi because those 2 couple have really good supports. Though Henry is better off on Gerome or Nah than he is on someone who is as complete as Brady.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Well if you don't know for Gregor and Vaike distribution I'd say Gregor x Cherche and Vaike x Nowi because those 2 couple have really good supports. Though Henry is better off on Gerome or Nah than he is on someone who is as complete as Brady.

I know he is but I want to get Brady Sorc(For Vengeance(Yes I know there is an axe but I would prefer the skill)) and also axefaire and really no father gives him axefaire while also giving him awesome magic(Bolt axe FTW)IIRC.(Yes I want to make a War Monk Brady,but not for Apo,he will be Sage for that)

Also thanks for the recommendation.

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Anyone have a picture of what Virion's hair looks like on Male Morgan? If it looks cool enough, I may switch Lon'qu and Virion around, and have Virion father Yarne who fathers Morgan, and Lon'qu father Brady. Morgan's speed would be nerfed by 1 (meaningless, he's already fast enough with just Yarne and no negative speed mods in his bloodline to reach 75 as an assassin with just the generic +3 of a pairup) and his skill would be nerfed by 1 (this is a slight problem, as it means Stahl!Nah @ Sniper won't be able to reach 100% in back anymore with just AS+2 equipped, which means replacing luna with Skill+2, which means there's no point of her being in front at all) but it means Yarne will be able to do hit+20 berserker with Robin, which would be a massive damage increase at the cost of no more 100% DS for those two.

My OCD senses, however, really like that nice round +10 for Morgan's skill though, so Morgan would have to look pretty cool with Virion's silver hair in order to convince me I suspect.

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Yeah, that's... kinda lame. I think I'm sticking with Lon'qu!Morgan. Though the fact that ALL of Lon'qu's speed is wasted on him hasn't escaped my notice.

Maybe Gregor, so that he can be a bit stronger too?

I prefer black to red though... But that 7 str and 9 skill...

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Which unit in a pair up is supposed to have Dual Support+, and what does it do?

Either one, and it adds a number, I think 5, to the support bonus, which depending on how high the number is, gives a bonus to accuracy, avoid, critical and critical avoid in battle, and it's based on your support levels with those next to you and the one you're paired up with.

Edited by Alastor15243
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Okay so while I am not atm but I was wondering,if I wanted to get the three girls who can't get GF normally GF who should I pair up with who?

I do plan to do this eventually when I decide to maximize my team regardless of relationship(Right now I am doing a personal run where I just have fun on Normal/Casual).

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Okay so while I am not atm but I was wondering,if I wanted to get the three girls who can't get GF normally GF who should I pair up with who?

I do plan to do this eventually when I decide to maximize my team regardless of relationship(Right now I am doing a personal run where I just have fun on Normal/Casual).

Sully x Donnel, Tharja x Gaius. Nah can't get galeforce and a proc unless the avatar is her father, and that causes its own problems. The best option is to make her a hard support, she does that pretty well.

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