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Male likes Berserker and Sage the most.

If I might ask, why Berserker? I've generally read that Berserker is a meh class for a lead unit due to their shaky hitrates (and if you're running DLC male characters have no room for a +hit boosting skill), is it just that strong that it's worth doing anyway? Or is something like Lon'Qu/Virion!Yarne!Morgan's SKL just so high that it makes up for it?

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Males usually stay in the back of the pair-up to maximize the usefulness of Aggressor. Berserkers have a very hig strength stat and give high +Spd and +Str pair-up bonuses. Sages have high skill, speed, and magic, and are one of the best magical classes. Since males stay in the back, Sage is used to maximize dual strike power.

Also, how do you get 100% proc with Chrom x Avatar? (Assuming we are not talking about Vengeance)

A +Skl/-Def Avatar@Sniper(LB/Skl+2/All+2/Ignis/Luna) paired with Chrom@Sniper has a skill of:

52+10(LB)+8(Pairup)+2(Tonic)+10(Rallies)+2(All+2)+2(Skl+2) = 86 Skl

(0.86+(0.86*0.14))*100 = 98% Proc Rate

With barracks surge, it goes up to 99%. But I don't see a way to get higher than this.

Edited by CloudJumper
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I don't see any reason why you wouldn't have Morgan lead, otherwise there'd be no reason to even give him Galeforce or a proc. Yeah you're gonna want his wife to lead more often than him, but he's still going to be in front sometimes. I guess you COULD use him as a hard support, and he'd be very good at it, but isn't that kind of a waste of potential?

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Well... yeah. That goes without saying. But he's still there 1/3 of the time, which means he's going to have a standard GF/AGG/Proc/LB/Faire setup. That means you don't have room for a +hit boosting skill, which you want because Berserkers tend to have issues with hitrate. Regardless of Morgan supporting or leading, you'd still want a +hit boosting skill. Unless LQ/Virion!Yarne!Morgan's skill is just so high that it doesn't matter, or Berserker just being so damn powerful that it works out. I know why Berserker is a good support class, but that's not what I'm asking about. You're not really answering my question.

You edited your post while I was typing this up, but either way... I don't really know why you'd want to sacrifice axefaire or a proc for a +hit skill. At that point, wouldn't it almost be better to just use a different class entirely? A faireless berserker will have the same STR as a faired assassin, I believe. Yeah if you switched to assassin you'd lose 3 STR in the front, but you would have a lot more SKL and an extra point of SPD. You could sacrifice your proc, I guess, but do you really want to do that?

edit: I'M WRONG. But I'm still not sure if sacrificing Axefaire would really be worth it or not.

Edited by Diabeasty
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Being in front is only "wasting" aggressor if he's using brave weapons, and if that's the case there's practically nothing in the game that will be defeated any less easily when aggressor is in the front.

If you're not using brave weapons, where aggressor is is practically a moot point.

The real point is which unit has better proc damage against the enemy. That's the one it's best to put in front.

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I assume brave weapons unless someone says otherwise.

Standard berserker setup for Morgan is Agg/LB/Hit+20/Axefaire/Galeforce. If you are going berserker, you are most likely with a sniper Lucina in order to achieve 100% DS. Assasins and Sniper Morgan's don't usually pair with Lucina to maximize 100% DS capability, they also usually run the Proc/Faire setup you were talking about. Berserkers don't usually use a proc, compensating instead with raw strength (plus they are in the back 2/3 of the time, wasting the skill slot which is better used on Axefaire, and they don't have a very high proc rate in the first place). Also, in terms of Assasin vs. Berserker, Berserker gives a +10 Strength boost, while Assasin give one more point of speed and some more skill, but less strength. Basically if you are using a berserker, you are using it as a hard support to utilize its strength and pair up bonuses. Galeforce berserkers work essentially the same way as normal berserkers do, swapping All+2 for GF, except they come in front every so often

This should really be renamed the general help thread, lol. Every question ever gets answered in here. I love this thread.

This is pretty much the only thread I visit. Edited by CloudJumper
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I assume brave weapons unless someone says otherwise.

Obviously, my point was simply that whether aggressor is in the front or back only makes the difference between pulverizing and liquefying the opponent, unless you're NOT using brave weapons, in which case that's not the whole picture.

Though I suppose it makes a significant difference on challenge runs that allow Brave Weapons but ban LB/Rallies.

Edited by Alastor15243
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Yeah, I understand what you mean. Also, in your no-brave run, are you allowed to grind Infinite Regalia or not?

Yeah, I don't see why not, I mean part of the reason of banning brave weapons is that it makes a massive wide variety of weapons viable. The selection of awesome weapons available is just huge.

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Standard berserker setup for Morgan is Agg/LB/Hit+20/Axefaire/Galeforce. If you are going berserker, you are most likely with a sniper Lucina in order to achieve 100% DS. Assasins and Sniper Morgan's don't usually pair with Lucina to maximize 100% DS capability, they also usually run the Proc/Faire setup you were talking about. Berserkers don't usually use a proc, compensating instead with raw strength (plus they are in the back 2/3 of the time, wasting the skill slot which is better used on Axefaire, and they don't have a very high proc rate in the first place). Also, in terms of Assasin vs. Berserker, Berserker gives a +10 Strength boost, while Assasin give one more point of speed and some more skill, but less strength. Basically if you are using a berserker, you are using it as a hard support to utilize its strength and pair up bonuses. Galeforce berserkers work essentially the same way as normal berserkers do, swapping All+2 for GF, except they come in front every so often

Hm, alright, thanks. That makes sense. I wonder if I could do something similar with Frederick!Inigo, using a breaker skill (or outdoor/indoor fighter, i guess) instead of Luna.

Edited by Diabeasty
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Are this beginners worhts: + Mag - skill (My Unit)for all this mothers ok?: Tharja( of course),Lucina and Aversa

And what are The best beginners worths for M Unit X Chrom = Morgan ( is one of the best pairings for e Female Avatar)

PS: all My questions,for lunatic mode

Edited by Flosukemaru
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Wyvern Lord w/ Vengeance, AS +2, LB, Lancefaire, Spd +2. This let's her hit 75 Spd as a Wyvern Lord which her LQ!Severa's main claim to fame.

There's also dodge tanking Hero setup but I don't know that one by heart.

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The latter is like, infinitely times better than the former.

Edit: I'm exaggerating, of course. But the latter is better than the former. LQ!Yarne is nothing special, Stahl!Yarne gets Hit +20. Both LQ!Severa and Stahl!Severa have incredibly potent offense so there is negligible opportunity cost in going with LQ!Severa over Stahl!Severa.

Edited by Ownagepuffs
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Stahl!Severa and Lon'qu!Yarne or Lon'qu!Severa and Stahl!Yarne?

Depends greatly on who the avatar's marrying. If she's marrying Yarne, Lon'qu!Yarne is quite good. If not, and if you know how to use vengeance properly, go for Lon'qu!Severa and Stahl!Yarne.

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Thank you.

Also when you say use Vengeance right do you mean Vengeance/Vantage combo?

Also Avatar is a he and is marrying Olivia or Aversa depending on how I play the game.

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Thank you.

Also when you say use Vengeance right do you mean Vengeance/Vantage combo?

Also Avatar is a he and is marrying Olivia or Aversa depending on how I play the game.

No, I mean knowing how to get vengeance working in apotheosis. If you don't know how to use it, vengeance can be a liability, especially on no-brave runs, compared to Luna and Ignis and procstacking.

Between the two I'd recommend Aversa because Olivia's got some pretty crappy mods and Inigo is already plenty versatile and doesn't need the avatar's class pool.

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Aversa was considered the one of the best Gen 1 wives at some point (not for Shadowgift Morgan) so yeah I'd go with her. Inigo is incredibly self sufficient, having 2 faires at base that are usable with all his base class trees along with Galeforce and Astra. All he wants is a primary proc.

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If I might ask, why Berserker? I've generally read that Berserker is a meh class for a lead unit due to their shaky hitrates (and if you're running DLC male characters have no room for a +hit boosting skill), is it just that strong that it's worth doing anyway? Or is something like Lon'Qu/Virion!Yarne!Morgan's SKL just so high that it makes up for it?

Shaky hitrates are actually more of a thing in the back than the front due to pairup boosting Hit, so Berserker doesn't have to worry about that. In fact, if you had a dedicated lead Berserker, the only thing they'd even remotely care about is low DS rate. Going between lead and support does cause a bit of 5-skill syndrome, but it's not like other classes don't suffer from that too. You'd likely just have to choose between Vengeance (don't use Luna, Skl is too low) and Hit+20 for the last slot. It's also possible to run both and skip a Faire, as you'll have plenty of power in the back anyway (when married to Lucina with a Longbow, killing things shouldn't be an issue) and only want more in the front (it only takes 10 damage to get a boost equivalent to a Faire). Agg and when he's up front apply to all males; they're not something exclusive to being a Berserker.

This should really be renamed the general help thread, lol. Every question ever gets answered in here. I love this thread.

If the mods could change the author of the OP, I would have asked for it long ago. But I completely agree.

Wyvern Lord w/ Vengeance, AS +2, LB, Lancefaire, Spd +2. This let's her hit 75 Spd as a Wyvern Lord which her LQ!Severa's main claim to fame.

There's also dodge tanking Hero setup but I don't know that one by heart.

GF over Spd+2?

Hero Lon'qu!Severa is usually paired with Gerome for his DSp+, has a ranged Axe of choice, and packs Lancebreaker and enough other +Avo skills to take Anna down to 0 Hit, though it's a set that's often adapted for challenge runs where certain skills are missing and doesn't have a static build. However Hero Lon'qu!Severa (with the same skillset as Wyvern but with appropriate Faires- LB/GF/All+2/Vengeance/SF) is her other flagship set as it hits 75 Spd with any pairup- notably Stahl!Gerome@Warrior for lots of Str while keeping DSp+ open and Yarne free for Avatar, or Stahl!Virion!Yarne@Sniper as it lets them have an easy 100% DS.

Also when you say use Vengeance right do you mean Vengeance/Vantage combo?

No, VV is an antique. Using Vengeance as an offensive proc requires deliberate setup- take a fight with someone you know will damage you- take a fight on EP unpaired (or risk a DG), or charge a Counter foe head-on to set it up, then kill stuff with GF using your boost, then heal up at the end of your turn with Fortify and repeat. It's not an automatic proc like Luna as you have to set it up, but has higher theoretical output and a 100% activation rate (basically higher input for higher output). The two procs are roughly the same in usefulness if you know how to use Vengeance, but if you don't know how and treat it like Luna it'll be borderline useless.

Aversa was considered the one of the best Gen 1 wives at some point (not for Shadowgift Morgan) so yeah I'd go with her.

She still is (by me, at least). Along with Sumia and Cordelia, she's the only one of the bunch to get both GF and a proc. She can even try to go Lancefaire Wyvern, though her mods hardly suit it and Shadowgift DF/DK will have similar output even lacking a Faire.

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