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Guys, help me win this!


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So I entered Siliconera's Tales of logo contest for the Tales of Xillia collector's edition.

And I made it into the 10 finalists. Now they opened a poll for the winner. Can you guys vote for me? ;w;

Mine is "Tales of Lucidia" (pun for Rey-/shot)


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Thank you guys so muuuuch <3333

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another vote for your Beautiful logo ~~~ your logo is just my favorite here ^_^

just how long does it take to make that butterfly? that's the main reason i like it anyway

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another vote for your Beautiful logo ~~~ your logo is just my favorite here ^_^

just how long does it take to make that butterfly? that's the main reason i like it anyway

We only had 3 days to make the logo since the contest was announced.

Took me around 2 days for the fly, last day to put everything together.

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Seeing as the only other entry that I liked has no shot in hell of winning. . .GO AMELIA!

this had best not cut into DoF work or I'll be a sad clipsey :P:

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Thanks so much guys. ;A;

Seeing as the only other entry that I liked has no shot in hell of winning. . .GO AMELIA!

this had best not cut into DoF work or I'll be a sad clipsey :P:

Okay fine back to spriting I go, after I finish some commission!

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