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New lion species discovered in China


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Y'know, this might work a bit better if the pic didn't say "Tibetan mastiff" in its address.

(in other words, this is a time where I can both bring up the hotlinking rule and use it against the pic iteslf in one go)

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Zoo dog lion in China isn’t a new species, but rather a victim of an animal swap that has the Chinese zoo in a bit of hot water this week, NPR announced this Thursday, Aug. 15. Visitors in the zoo were likely shocked to hear that instead of a roar, this so-called lion gave little more than a dog’s bark.
The zoo dog lion debacle also revealed other lies in the Chinese zoo, including a dog as a wolf, and a white fox within the exhibit for leopards. What's your take on this facetious story?

Information from an article on examiner.com . How dumb must they have to be to think that they'd get away with such obvious trickery?

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Information from an article on examiner.com . How dumb must they have to be to think that they'd get away with such obvious trickery?

Dear me, the world IS turning upside-down if we're relying on the Examiner to set things straight!

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