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I'll bet you the balance of Sumia's value as a human being -- AKA, nothing -- that you can't.

Because the kills you fed to the Black Hole of Pies and Idiocy could have gone to someone else. Ergo, you can choose Cordelia as initially 80% of Sumia's prowess, but with 100% of an extra growth unit (Miriel, Stahl, Sully, Vaike, Chrom, whoever you want) that didn't have to fight with dumbshit Sumia for EXP at the trough. And then Cordelia ends up being better in the long run, with more marriage options, and a better daughter.

It's called OPPORTUNITY COST comma son.

And now we're up to twelve people who don't read the story.

Hello other best friend.

Why do people not understand that this is all opinionated and people will NEVER fully agree with one another. Hence the growing speed of the topic. But it is possible to disagree without completely bashing character's. I won't say I'm not biased but damn.

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Hello other best friend.

Why do people not understand that this is all opinionated and people will NEVER fully agree with one another. Hence the growing speed of the topic. But it is possible to disagree without completely bashing character's. I won't say I'm not biased but damn.


They just wanna prove that they're right. Like they ever will be.

Edited by Carter
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My Sumia ALWAYS gets RNG blessed, without a single exception, and I've played this game over 30 times lol. Supported with Fred she one rounds almost every thing even at base level. I don't think I should fear her being RNG screwed. Also, I don't think two pegasus knights is overkill. I mean, both Sumia and Cordelia turn out great for me, so there's no reason to not use both.

PEMN. Although it's true you could use both. Sumia + Cordelia equals effectively one Pegasus Knight's worth of personality.

Although... Mind if I take you on in terms of gameplay for Sumia, Interceptor?

You don't need anyone's permission to rock and roll. Break out your electric guitar and start shredding.

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I'll bet you the balance of Sumia's value as a human being -- AKA, nothing -- that you can't.

I already proved it bitch, cough up the dough

How could you consider Sumia less shallow and awful then Cordelia? Comparatively, I mean.

Because while Sumia's character flaws are baffling anime-stereotype character flaws, they're still character flaws, mainly her inexperience as a fighter, among some other things.

Cordelia's supposed "flaws" (ie perfection guilt and chrom swooning) lead to nothing short of the portrayal of a perfect person with unrealistic and downright laughable "flaws". Her survivor guilt is touched on for about 2 seconds then trashed forever, her perfection trait is massively pandered to and praised by several characters, and the chrom thing is a) not only a laughable portrayal of the woman's "reliance" on a strong man, but b) actively makes her look even worse when many of her marriages are basically "eh you're not chrom but whatever". We're not shown that Cordelia is a human being, we have to be told it. Sumia acts like a human being (albeit a stereotypical one)

Edited by Constable Reggie
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Because the kills you fed to the Black Hole of Pies and Idiocy could have gone to someone else. Ergo, you can choose Cordelia as initially 80% of Sumia's prowess, but with 100% of an extra growth unit (Miriel, Stahl, Sully, Vaike, Chrom, whoever you want) that didn't have to fight with dumbshit Sumia for EXP at the trough. And then Cordelia ends up being better in the long run, with more marriage options, and a better daughter.

It's called OPPORTUNITY COST comma son.

...So I go through the effort to cripple myself through 5 chapters and waste tons of resources to dig out an underleveled scrub...

And in exchange I merely get a unit who might be a slightly better version of that other unit, should they be on the same level (which they wouldn't be) and get another useless, undereleveled scrub thrown in for free.


I do agree with the "Black Hole of Pies and Idiocy" though. But that doesn't affect stats.

Edited by BrightBow
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And now we're up to twelve people who don't read the story.

I read the story. Cordy's survivor's guilt was a good hook but nothing ever came of it. In terms of what is actually discussed in supports Sumia edges Cordy out a bit. She's clumsy and she bakes and she doesn't feel that she's as good as Cordelia, or anybody else for that matter. Also, she gets confused and punches Chrom in the face instead of slapping him (not a support, but bear with me). For the most part, all Cordelia does is wish she could be with Chrom and she discusses why she hates being called a genius with the Avatar. Part of me is more intrigued with the backstory for Cordelia and that fuels a lot of headcanon that makes her a lot more likeable in my mind. I really like her, but not so much certain big aspects of her personality.

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I already proved it bitch, cough up the dough

Because while Sumia's character flaws are baffling anime-stereotype character flaws, they're still character flaws, mainly her inexperience as a fighter.

Cordelia's supposed "flaws" (ie perfection guilt and chrom swooning) lead to nothing short of the portrayal of a perfect person. Her survivor guilt is touched on for about 2 seconds then trashed forever, her perfection trait is massively pandered to and praised by several characters, and the chrom thing is a) not only a laughable portrayal of the woman's "reliance" on a strong man, but b) actively makes her look even worse when many of her marriages are basically "eh you're not chrom but whatever". We're not shown that Cordelia is a human being, we have to be told it. Sumia acts like a human being (albeit a stereotypical one)

So I take it you wanted Cordelia to end up a Final Fantasy character like Cloud. ?

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hey now, Cloud wasn't actually that bad

Your right but ask somebody that hates FFVII why they hate it. More than likely they will say Cloud's character was irritating.

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Isn't It sad that a game that is almost 10+ years older that is NOTORIOUS FOR NOT HAVING DEEP CHARACTERS manage to have a character with a MUCH deeper characterization?

Yes, yes it is

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It was just after Final Fantasy VII, that Cloud ended as such an angsting caricature. I mean, the original Cloud used "let's mosey" as a battle cry for the big showdown. The guy was cool.

Besides, what we do see of Cordelia's survivor guilt is just as overplayed as post-FFVII Cloud.You know, the supposed ace openly crying and whining in front of her superiors.

They didn't even use the scene in order for the supposed kindhearted Emmeryn to show some open empathy and compassion. She would have needed that.

(Lower herself by personally comforting the improper behaving commoner... that kind of stuff would be befitting for someon of her reputation. But her saint-ness just stays an informed attribute. She is a good person because we were told that she is a good person. *urgh*) It's such a waste. A stupid scene for no reason.

Edited by BrightBow
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Isn't It sad that a game that is almost 10+ years older that is NOTORIOUS FOR NOT HAVING DEEP CHARACTERS manage to have a character with a MUCH deeper characterization?

Yes, yes it is

I love binding blade's cast. But that's just me.

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...So I go through the effort to cripple myself through 5 chapters and waste tons of resources to dig out an underleveled scrub...

And in exchange I merely get a unit who might be a slightly better version of that other unit, should they be on the same level (which they wouldn't be) and get another useless, undereleveled scrub thrown in for free.


The only thing awesome here, is the cornfield full of straw-men that you just lit up with a flamethrower.

Cordelia is perfectly serviceable at base stats, and she levels up quickly. The replacement unit, which ate the EXP that Sumia normally gets, is probably going to be kind of a badass. If it's Stahl, for instance, you even get a natural support partner for Cordelia.

I read the story. Cordy's survivor's guilt was a good hook but nothing ever came of it.

Sort of like Sumia's character development, except the entire thing. This is a game with a lot of characters, and not a lot of time to spend on them. Cordelia is not up against Sir Patrick Stewart, here. She's up against Pie-face. Her survivor's guilt in Ch7 by itself makes her a more interesting character than Sumia.

In terms of what is actually discussed in supports Sumia edges Cordy out a bit. She's clumsy and she bakes and she doesn't feel that she's as good as Cordelia, or anybody else for that matter. Also, she gets confused and punches Chrom in the face instead of slapping him (not a support, but bear with me). For the most part, all Cordelia does is wish she could be with Chrom and she discusses why she hates being called a genius with the Avatar. Part of me is more intrigued with the backstory for Cordelia and that fuels a lot of headcanon that makes her a lot more likeable in my mind. I really like her, but not so much certain big aspects of her personality.

It's worth noting that Cordelia notches a quantity win, here. Sumia has all of six partners with which to showcase her vapid gaze, only four of which even care enough to tie the knot with her. Cordelia has fourteen pairs, twelve of which are husbands.

This is a win for everyone involved, since it cuts down on the Sumia bullshit considerably.

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Most of FE11's cast is far better than Cordelia. Yes, this includes chumps like Tomas, the guy who doesn't have even a single line. Even the most boring characters are better than the ones with terrible personalities.

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The only thing awesome here, is the cornfield full of straw-men that you just lit up with a flamethrower.

Cordelia is perfectly serviceable at base stats, and she levels up quickly. The replacement unit, which ate the EXP that Sumia normally gets, is probably going to be kind of a badass. If it's Stahl, for instance, you even get a natural support partner for Cordelia.

SO we should give Stahl EXP that Sumia can use better so that Cordelia can be better than Sumia?

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Sort of like Sumia's character development, except the entire thing. This is a game with a lot of characters, and not a lot of time to spend on them. Cordelia is not up against Sir Patrick Stewart, here. She's up against Pie-face. Her survivor's guilt in Ch7 by itself makes her a more interesting character than Sumia.

Any sense of interestingness is instantly shriveled up when someone in Cordelia's supports opens their fat fucking face and subjects us to the horror that is any of Cordelia's support conversations.

This is a win for everyone involved, since it cuts down on the Sumia bullshit considerably.

Alternatiely, we lose since we get to subject to ourself to three times as much extra-strength bullshit in the form of anything Cordelia. The developers win because look at all the Cordelia action figures and trading cards they're selling!

Edited by Constable Reggie
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