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Credits are rolling, I already put "HND" on the leaderboard.

Cordelia doesn't need to run both offensive skills together; she has options, which is more than we can say for Sumia. We can also say that about Sumia's partners, which is probably not a coincidence. Cordelia = OPTIONS. Sumia = I HOPE NOBODY ELSE WANTED FREDERICK.

Their outfits are different. Look again, paying close attention to the sides, skirts and boobplates. Cordelia's is amazing shiny contrast, Sumia's is dull-looking poop.

What is better than Stahl|Severa?


Sumia has options as well. Actually, Sumia has a lot of options, as I've previously listed. You can mix-and-match those skills in several different ways... plus adding to the fact that she makes amazing use of the Bride class.

Frederick isn't Sumia's ONLY option you know. She also has Henry and Chrom for great feasible options, and all three make amazing fathers for the one and only Cynthia. The only option I wouldn't consider save for story/supports/favoritism reasons is Gaius. Being able to use 80% of her options isn't bad at all, where as a good number of Cordelia's options are better off placed on other children.

[/shrugs] To be honest, I never payed that much attention to the outfits. In the end, it didn't matter: I rarely get to see them anyway.

And actually, I can name one particular thing your Stahl!Severa doesn't have... or any Severa for that matter...


I think that was it...

That was a really good one. If I wasn't reading something already, I'd read it again right now...

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You know you guys if you don't want to pair up Sumia with Fredrick for some reason, just pair her up with Kellam, Vaike, or Stahl. I mean yeah, it's not as good as pairing with Fredrick since she's missing the support bonuses but she still gets a lot out of the pair up bonuses and it's not like Kellam or Vaikeare great at anything besides being pair up bitches.

Cordelia and Sumia are good to use on ghe same team anyway. Also the argument about Sumia being an exp hog is stupid. Who cares if she steals exp from idiots like Miriel or Vaike? I'm also pretty sure using Sumia does not preclude the use of other units either. Besides you can apply the same argument for Cordelia as well.

(Also since Interceptor is posting, I expect thinly veiled insults dressed up as colorful metaphors to be thrown around).

I think he's arguing that it steals exp from people like Sully and Stahl. Which is a stupid argument anyway since the Avatar exp hogs from them too, but he's still the best unit in the game! We don't penalize units for being an opportunity cost that way. It's mindless stupidity.

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"where as a good number of Sumia's options are better off placed on other children."


There is a good reason why Sumia is sandbagged in every maximization set up ever

... And why is that?

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Neither character really had a winning personality, though hate is a strong word. I prefer Sumia slightly more because she can automarry Chrom, has two perfect alternatives (Fred and Henry) and shows up 6 chapters earlier. Cordelia has more supports but you likely aren't going to use most of them. Being able to marry Stahl and Gregor is pretty much the only advantage. The stat difference and class set difference is negligible, because both sets are great. I don't see why you don't just use both, though. Using Sumia doesn't lock me out of Cordelia and I still have enough exp to train like five other units in hard mode.

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I think he's arguing that it steals exp from people like Sully and Stahl. Which is a stupid argument anyway since the Avatar exp hogs from them too, but he's still the best unit in the game! We don't penalize units for being an opportunity cost that way. It's mindless stupidity.

I saw Sully and Stahl but he also mentioned Vaike and Miriel, as if the latter two actually matter. In any case it's a stupid argument because I'm pretty sure you can train both Sumia and one or both of the cavs. In fact, I remember seeing playlogs that do both.

Regardless, seeing Interceptor fanboy over Cordelia is almost as amusing as seeing him fanboy over Mia. That's at least one interesting thing from this thread.

On another note, I'm pretty sure Sumia>Cordelia in postgame.

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I saw Sully and Stahl but he also mentioned Vaike and Miriel, as if the latter two actually matter. In any case it's a stupid argument because I'm pretty sure you can train both Sumia and one or both of the cavs. In fact, I remember seeing playlogs that do both.

Regardless, seeing Interceptor fanboy over Cordelia is almost as amusing as seeing him fanboy over Mia. That's at least one interesting thing from this thread.

On another note, I'm pretty sure Sumia>Cordelia in postgame.

I... I'll just ignore that before I rant.

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Silly Zeem

Sumia is total bitch

A whore

She sold her pride to make out with Chrom.

She treated everyone like trash

She is a devil

How can you like that bitch

We should worship our goddess Cordelia who is pure and lovely and look up for everything and gave up her happiness for the sake of people!

you're killing me XD

This topic is now about why Cynthia is awesome

let's go back to this plz

And now we're up to twelve people who don't read the story.

Don't assume I haven't read the story.

Cordelia's not really interesting at all.

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Why does defending Cordelia automatically make Interceptor or me blind Cordelia fanboys and the same isnt being said about Sumia?

Because conveniently ignoring Sumia's availability over Cordelia, her support advantage and stat averages which are identical is just illogical.

Edited by Celes
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Well I got the poll results!

Cordelia and Sumia tied for personality with 29 votes each, Cordelia won gameplay with 32 over Sumia's 26, and Cordelia also won overall with 31 over Sumia's 27.

Hmm. Oh, and I did slip mine in there while this was all going on.

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Why does defending Cordelia automatically make Interceptor or me blind Cordelia fanboys and the same isnt being said about Sumia?

Probably because you trash Sumia, one of the top early game units, in the process? Objectively speaking, Sumia has the easiest time ORKOing enemies short of Fred as soon as you get her, so long as you give her a str pair up. How convenient her starting position is within range of Frederick! Even if you don't use her for combat, Fred needs her to double.

Edited by Samias
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Hold up one more.

Except for MU!Severa

Ok I'm good now.

Don't be silly; Avatar is canonically female.

You know you guys if you don't want to pair up Sumia with Fredrick for some reason, just pair her up with Kellam, Vaike, or Stahl. I mean yeah, it's not as good as pairing with Fredrick since she's missing the support bonuses but she still gets a lot out of the pair up bonuses and it's not like Kellam or Vaikeare great at anything besides being pair up bitches.

Yeah, that's a good point; there are alternatives. For example, this morning I was going to compose a beautiful love song, but instead decided to repeatedly slam my fingers in a door.

(Also since Interceptor is posting, I expect thinly veiled insults dressed up as colorful metaphors to be thrown around).

Implying that I care enough about this subject to insult people, and aren't just trolling like JSND posting for funsies.

Sumia has options as well. Actually, Sumia has a lot of options, as I've previously listed. You can mix-and-match those skills in several different ways... plus adding to the fact that she makes amazing use of the Bride class.

Frederick isn't Sumia's ONLY option you know. She also has Henry and Chrom for great feasible options, and all three make amazing fathers for the one and only Cynthia. The only option I wouldn't consider save for story/supports/favoritism reasons is Gaius. Being able to use 80% of her options isn't bad at all, where as a good number of Cordelia's options are better off placed on other children.

[/shrugs] To be honest, I never payed that much attention to the outfits. In the end, it didn't matter: I rarely get to see them anyway.

And actually, I can name one particular thing your Stahl!Severa doesn't have... or any Severa for that matter...


I'm not arguing DLC, just facts. It's a shame about Aether, but not being perfect is what gives Severa all of her tsun-strength, so it evens out in the end. I am glad that you've now noticed the natural superiority of Cordelia's outfit: an under-rated victory here.

Why does defending Cordelia automatically make Interceptor or me blind Cordelia fanboys and the same isnt being said about Sumia?

Think of "blind fanboy" as shorthand for "I have nothing useful to say here, oh SHI-", and it makes more sense.

Edited by Interceptor
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Probably because you trash Sumia, one of the top early game units, in the process? Objectively speaking, Sumia has the easiest time ORKOing enemies short of Fred as soon as you get her, so long as you give her a str pair up. How convenient her starting position is within range of Frederick! Even if you don't use her for combat, Fred needs her to double.

To be fair most of the people here bashed the other character in the process. There were a few exceptions however.

Don't be silly; Avatar is canonically female.

I refuse to accept canon. Its a semi-self insert game so no two playthroughs will be the exact same.

My canon is different from yours because my Avatar isn't yours.

Edited by Sorin
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By the reaction people have against Sumia, you'd think she was as bad as Virion or Donnel. And the reaction against Cordelia as some queen of the whores is... Well, let's say I don't approve either even if she isn't my favourite either.

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\ And the reaction against Cordelia as some queen of the whores is... Well, let's say I don't approve either even if she isn't my favourite either.

Usually its Sumia who is called a whore, so why not

Eye for an Eye

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Cordelia would have cheated on her husband with Chrom if she could: even Severa knew she was obsessed with Chrom so she must've continued obsessing over her after marriage and even childbirth. She kinda is a whore.

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Wow the amount of childishness in this thread astounds me. Then again why should I be surprised this is the Awakening section after all.

There is no need for the word "whore" to be so casually thrown about.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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