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Well, this was a fun read. With the exception of some incredibly childish posts, which I won't name. And my popcorn's all gone too.

Well, I guess I'll give my opinion even though there's no poll now.

I like them both, I use them both, and I'm confused as to why there's something wrong with it. Sumia has availability and, once I get her to Dark Flier, everything is good to go (I will admit to finding her frustrating as even with a Fred-Support, if she's screwed over in strength, she's not doing much, and I've had quite a few playthroughs where she was like 9 at level 20 pegusus knight.) Cordelia has a later joining time, but with good stats and it's rather easy to level her up, even without pairing her up. I typically make Cordelia a Falcon Knight.

I like both their personalities. They have good points and bad points and that's about all there is to them.

Seriously, though, they're pixels in a damn video game. I'm not sure you should get that worked up over something like that.

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HOLY PIES, PEOPLE! 11 pages in 9 hours?! What did I miss?!

Eh, if I had to choose, probably Cordelia gameplay-wise; she always seems to turn out better with her skill pool. Story-wise its a tie, since I like both well enough.

I'm curious to read through this whole topic now...........any popcorn left???

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You're so late to the party it's not even funny.


Like 100 replies came in two hours.

You came way too late, Duck.

HOLY PIES, PEOPLE! 11 pages in 9 hours?! What did I miss?!

Eh, if I had to choose, probably Cordelia gameplay-wise; she always seems to turn out better with her skill pool. Story-wise its a tie, since I like both well enough.

I'm curious to read through this whole topic now...........any popcorn left???

You missed two intense hours of everyone yelling about how Cordelia/Sumia is better than her best friend.

Edited by Carter
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Hmmmmmm......looks to me like the battle storm of rabid fans has perhaps passed......time to sort through the wreckage and maybe glean something from this battlefield... :ph34r:

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Hmmmmmm......looks to me like the battle storm of rabid fans has perhaps passed......time to sort through the wreckage and maybe glean something from this battlefield... :ph34r:

I'm with you. I don't think any other character vs. character thread got this heated. The last time I saw a thread get this bad was my overrated pairings thread.

Edited by Duck
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I'm with you. I don't think any other character vs. character thread got this heated. The last time I saw a thread get this bad was my overrated pairings thread.

You missed Cordelia vs. Tharja then.

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You missed Cordelia vs. Tharja then.

I was surprised that Cordelia vs. Tharja wasn't completely one-sided.

Anyways, what I'm really hearing is that we need Sumia vs. Tharja, just to be fair and balanced.

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I was surprised that Cordelia vs. Tharja wasn't completely one-sided.

Anyways, what I'm really hearing is that we need Sumia vs. Tharja, just to be fair and balanced.

Don't tempt me.

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I missed it!

The conversation must have been crazy.

It's worth it, going through all 11 pages.

Make sure you get some popcorn because you might be here a while.

Oh and don't miss the eventual Sumia v.s. Tharja battle wait I was told not to do that.

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I think that Cordelia>Sumia

While Cordelia will usually have Less Speed and Skill in comparison to sumia, Cordelia usually does better with Strength and Defense and her Skill and Speed end up good to work with anyways. Hell, Sumia's strength didn't pass 20 for the longest time in my Lunatic mode playthrough (She was actually better off using tomes to kill most of the enemies).

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I'm still here to bayonet the wounded, if there are any left. Just saying.

I would assist but I believe you have it covered.

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cordelia because it rustles reggie's jimmies.

on a serious note, gameplay-wise cordelia because of what interceptor said on the first page. with personality in mind it's more of a fight between a rock and some dirt. i like rocks more than dirt, i guess? (rock = sumia)

They're MINERALS, Marie!

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cordelia because it rustles reggie's jimmies.

on a serious note, gameplay-wise cordelia because of what interceptor said on the first page. with personality in mind it's more of a fight between a rock and some dirt. i like rocks more than dirt, i guess? (rock = sumia)

They're MINERALS, Marie!

honestly, this is probably the reason for half the Cordelia supporters in this thread

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