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Missing Supports


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Awakening probably has the biggest number of supports we've seen in a Fire Emblem game. Possibly the biggest we;ll ever see. Yet still, in some regards, due to the system they had in place of only intersupporting within one generation, there are some very obvious characters that should support but don't. The entire spot pass group really could have supported with more than just the Avatar, and likewise many of the characters who don't marry anyone but the avatar have very limited supports.Interactions between the two generation beyond generic parent supports could have been nice too. I'm not complaining about Awakening's content, I just want to know if any of you think there are characters that really should have had full support convos but didn't.

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Nowi should have a support with Tiki, given their wallpaper.


I thought all children should be able to support each other.

I wish Severa could support Lucina. Then again,

I wish Cordelia could support Chrom. It's too bad the families barely interact.

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I wish Cherche and Sully got friendship supports due to their connections with Virion. Their Summer Scramble convos were cool but still.

Stahl and Frederick should've supported because then we'd have a training trio (Sully, Stahl, and Frederick).

With how Ricken looks up to Chrom I wish they could've supported as well.

Also, Sumia should've gotten a full support pool like everyone else. While Chrom has a reason for his limited wife selection, there's no reason for Sumia's small husband pool. :|

Lissa should've gotten more friendship supports since she only has Maribelle and FeAvatar. I would've liked to see a support with her and another one of Chrom's wife choices, considering they could be her sister and law and all. :P

Lon'qu and Virion. The gynophobe and Casanova. Comedy gold, people.

Speaking of Lon'qu, Lon'qu and Libra. Oh, how I'd love to see how that would go down...

Edited by PiplupPeanut
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Hm... I'd like to see some more for the Spotpass characters, even between each other. Someone's gonna say it, so might as well be me: Gangrel with Chrom/Lissa/Emmeryn or Aversa, Yen'fay and Say'ri... Basilio and Walhart, Walhart and Yen'fay... Those kinda characters.

Yen'fay and Say'ri not having one is kind of ridiculous considering you need her to recruitment him (and Say'ri's support pool is already pathetically small as it is). I have no idea why they decided to have no supports on the Spot Pass characters. I mean they showed they had the tecnology to do it with the avatar. Why didn't they just make the obvious supports? Emmeryn never talking to her siblings again is also baffling though personally I like to consider playable Emmeryn non canon.

Edited by Jotari
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Yen'fay and Say'ri not having one is kind of ridiculous considering you need her to recruitment him (and Say'ri's support pool is already pathetically small as it is).

I actually didn't find it ridiculous, as it seemed almost like they were avoiding each other, due to their survivor guilts.

That being said, I felt like those two were the only ones that made sense. Emm without her siblings? Gangrel without Chrom? Hell, what about just more for Priam, for more character building/development?

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I actually didn't find it ridiculous, as it seemed almost like they were avoiding each other, due to their survivor guilts.

That being said, I felt like those two were the only ones that made sense. Emm without her siblings? Gangrel without Chrom? Hell, what about just more for Priam, for more character building/development?

I'm pretty sure I've read a few supports that initially involve at least one member avoiding the other.

I also would like to add at this part, Walhart and anyone else would be awesome. Though I partially say that because I like imagining Xehanort interacting with the Fire Emblem cast.

Edited by Jotari
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In a way, I feel like the spotpass character's Hot Spring Scramble conversations were their partial making-up for lack of supports. it would have been nice if those characters involved actually did support, that is:

Gangrel x Emmeryn

Gangrel x Aversa

Walhart x Basilio

Walhart x Priam

Emmeryn x Lissa

Emmeryn x Chrom

Yen'fay x Sai'ri

Yen'fay x Priam

Aversa x Tiki

That's at least another 2 supports each, and that's something. Other than that, a few possible cross-generational friendship supports wouldn't go amiss. Lon'qu x Inigo, or Henry x Yarne pretty much write themselves.

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The nature of how generic that convo was makes me need to satisfy my fix for philandering hilarity.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I would have loved to see Chrom support with Gangrel, Walhart, Priam, Stahl and Ricken. And Cherche.

And Sumia needs her support pool expanded by a good ten people. Namely all the husbands she missed out on, plus some more friendship supports like Lissa, Cherche and Nowi.

Cross-generation non-parent supports would have been amazing. Lon'qu/Virion and Inigo is one, yes, but I would have loved to see Lon'qu and Lucina, or Frederick and Brady, or Henry and Yarne, or Ricken and Kjelle. The possibilities are endless!

And even though they avoid each other, I still would have liked to see Say'ri and Yen'fay TRY to talk to each other.

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I would pay to see the support of Gangrel with Emmeryn.
"Hey. Sorry I made you commit suicide."

"You did what!?"

I always like people of the same class to have supports, so I would have liked Lon'qu and Say'ri. Vaike and Basilio. Anna and Gaius. Flavia and Gregor. Tiki and Nowi and Nah. Lon'qu and Lucina would have been fun considering she beat him in the Arena. It would also be a chance to confirm the fridge brilliance theory that Lon'qu lost to her because he found out she was a woman (I heard about the scene in the manga preview).

The villain spot pass adds should have had supports with each other. Gangrel and Aversa, to contrast their personalities after no longer being villains. Walhart and Yen'fay, so Yen'fay could talk about his regrets and Walhart could talk about not having regrets. Priam should have had a support with Chrom, Lissa, and Lucina, so we could find out more about him.

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Supports that should be in the game? o.o Hmmm....aside from the obvious like Chrom/Lissa and Emmeryn or Say'ri and Yen'fay...

Priam and Owain: WHY IS THIS NOT A THING?!?! It would be hilarious! XD

Chrom and Cordelia: I know this is wishful thinking but I think it'd be cool to see how things would play out if Chrom and Cordelia could support and even get married. Imagine Lucina and Severa as siblings. I think it'd be cute :D

Libra and Emmeryn: For some reason I think these would lend themselves to some interesting conversations with Libra being an Ylissean priest and all o.o

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Would it really have been too much trouble to let Basilio and Flavia marry but not have a kid from the future?

Flavia having a kid from the future and able to marry Basilio? I approve o.o

Could you imagine aether-spamming, blue-haired Severa?

Yes, it would be GLORIOUS! XD

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Flavia having a kid from the future and able to marry Basilio? I approve o.o

Yes, it would be GLORIOUS! XD

Well actually having a kid with him would contradict canon since Basilio died in the original timeline. Then again that did happen a lot later on in her timeline so I guess it would be possible.

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Sumia X any Gen 1 guy that isn't in her support list. (I am leaning toward Stahl, Gregor, and Vaike in this case. Not particularly in that order.)

Lucina X Priam (Only up to A support.)

Emmeryn X All of her family members (Save for Lucina's sibling and Morgan as Chrom's grandchild. Because I don't know how those would turn out.)

Emmeryn X Priam

Chrom X Gangrel

Aversa X Gangrel

Chrom X Whalhart

That's basically all I can think of right now. Apart from what else was posted, though I'm too lazy to name specifics right now.

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Supports that should be in the game? o.o Hmmm....aside from the obvious like Chrom/Lissa and Emmeryn or Say'ri and Yen'fay...

Priam and Owain: WHY IS THIS NOT A THING?!?! It would be hilarious! XD

Chrom and Cordelia: I know this is wishful thinking but I think it'd be cool to see how things would play out if Chrom and Cordelia could support and even get married. Imagine Lucina and Severa as siblings. I think it'd be cute :D

Libra and Emmeryn: For some reason I think these would lend themselves to some interesting conversations with Libra being an Ylissean priest and all o.o

Ohmygosh, that last one. <3

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The biggest thing about supports that bug me is the lack of cross-generational supports. The children should've been able to support more than just their parents. Like, Lucina with Lissa or Owain with Chrom (hell, these four are always related in any scenario). I also wish Sumia and Chrom had more supports, particularly Chrom. I think he's the only lord in a game with actual support conversations who has LESS supports than his army.

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