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How would the game change if weapons didn't break?


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A big part of how we play Fire Emblem is probably influenced by the fact that the sharp stick you are currently swinging will probably break sooner or later. I feel the game would change a lot if weapons didn't break.

  • Weapons wouldn't be as big of a part in the game, as getting everyone outfitted with Silver Swords or Legendary weapons is much easier now.
  • Glass weapons wouldn't exist, because they would be too good.
  • Legendary Weapons would be more important, as they would give yourself a permanent edge over the enemy or other choices.
  • Steel weapons would be overlooked in favor of killer weapons and nicer options.
  • Brave weapons would dominate the metagame.
  • Bronze wouldn't be used nearly as much, if at all.

Any other ideas on how unbreaking stuff would change the game? Vulenaries and Elixirs would make staves almost obsolete.

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I think it'd make the game a WHOLE lot easier, not always spending gold..

But without Weapons uses, what would be the point of Gold?

I'd like to remove weapon uses, but I'd wanna keep it at the same time.

It's like armsthrift. I'd only give a unit Legendary/Timeless weapons if they're luck was 50+.

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A system like this would probably work like FE4's weapon system, where you only have a finite number of weapons. Weight might also need to be brought back in order to discourage abuse of things like Brave weapons or Nosferatu, and siege tomes and status staves would probably have to be made enemy-only. Forging would also have to be removed or the forged status would have a durability limit.

Regardless, I don't have much faith in a system like this. Limited uses is what stops certain weapons from being spammed to high hell and back, even if it does enforce a hoarding mentality in many cases.

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Vulneraries and Elixirs wouldn't be infinite use anyway. Even in other RPGs with unbreakable weapons like FFTA, you still have limited uses of healing items. And even if they were infinite use, they wouldn't render staff users obsolete: after all, healing items in FE10 were practically infinite, but staff users were still useful.

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I'm imagining a system like fe4's, except instead of just flat-out repairing used weapons back to full power and durability each time, they could slowly degrade in certain stats over time, after a given number of uses or repairs.

Maybe legendary weapons could be an exception, but the number of places one's allowed to have them repaired at could be limited to just a few, spread-out places that charge a fortune, even by the standards of a money-grubbing player, so it'd still be best to have at least a little bit of caution when using them. Maybe these legendary-repairing blacksmiths could also repair non-legendary weapons to full capabilities, or even buff them a la forges, but would again charge a fortune for it. And/Or maybe non-legendary blacksmiths could also buff non-legendary weapons, but the effects could be more limited and fleeting, in their cases. And maybe repair guys could be separate from the people you actually buy most weapons from.

I think it makes more sense than having shit like Iron Swords available in bulk everywhere, but having there apparently be nobody in the world who knows how to repair the ones you've been using, anyway

Edited by Rehab
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It would simplify the planning needed for a run. A unique item that prevents weapon uses from being reduced is neat, though, and complicates the process of planning instead.

The Star Orb did that back in FE1 and 3. In the latter it also increased growths across the board by 30% which, combined with either the Miracle, the Parthia or the Gradius, could pump up the stats of quite a few units.

Edited by Woodshooter
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I'd imagine weapons would be more limited, ala FEGaiden, where you got very few weapons, and Silvers didn't appear for like forever.

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Man don't be boring you guys, it's not like other mechanics can't change alongside weapons no longer breaking so that the change can be accommodated, there's room to spice things up a bit

*puts on dueling glove suggestively*

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Sure it'd be nice for the mechanics to be more interesting but I just don't see is doing that when they could just have similar mechanics to every other rpg ever, most of which don't have breakable weapons.

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Man don't be boring you guys, it's not like other mechanics can't change alongside weapons no longer breaking so that the change can be accommodated, there's room to spice things up a bit

*puts on dueling glove suggestively*

As it is, the best weapons in most FEs are infinite use anyways... and breaking weapons is fun.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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