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Tharja is a goddess


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kinda depressing really, it was either a) legitimately being a elitist "helper" who thinks they know me personally well through my internet posts, or b) maintaining a straight face through a gimmick that got old real quick

either way, the followup posts fulfilled my laughs of the day


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always choose frost walrus first what a fucking scrub

also that guy isn't actually me, I'm the goddamn constable, I have a whistle

that's mega man x5 not 4

besides, all the 8 bosses are easy. might as well go for a boss that gives you better items =p

... ... I still have no idea what happened here. [/gloom]

vashii how are you here so early? O_o

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that's mega man x5 not 4

besides, all the 8 bosses are easy. might as well go for a boss that gives you better items =p

vashii how are you here so early? O_o

Dreamscape got a little too disturbing for my tastes, so I'm here. \'o'/

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Holy shit you actually accused someone that just plain doesn't like you of being mentally unsound.

I'm fuckin dying over here reading this why did I have work today I COULD HAVE BEEN HERE WHEN IT HAPPENED

No, genius. At least read the posts before posting. Reggie harms himself when he gets angry. That has nothing to do with me whatsoever.

Regardless, I know more about Reggie than you do. Let's just say he has a history of anger that involves self harm. It explains why he cusses half of the time he posts and makes such angry threads.

I'm not trying to tease him about it. That would be wrong. I'm telling him to get help.

I always knew you weren't the sharpest pencil in the pencil box. This just proves it: you can't even read.

Edited by Celes
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again, i missed the whole event thanks to the field trip today.. x__x

Reggie's not mad, he's just too happy

but he can't express his feelings well, so..

Edited by Pukuriripo
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No, genius. At least read the posts before posting. Reggie harms himself when he gets angry. That has nothing to do with me whatsoever.

I always knew you weren't the sharpest pencil in the pencil box. This just proves it: you can't even read.




because when you're cornered, just charge at whoever is nearest

but he can't express his feelings well, so..

feelings are for the weak

like chiki

Edited by Constable Reggie
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No, genius. At least read the posts before posting. Reggie harms himself when he gets angry. That has nothing to do with me whatsoever.

I always knew you weren't the sharpest pencil in the pencil box. This just proves it: you can't even read.

Don't be rude to others. Reggie is one thing since he has been a....butthead (I will not swear :<) to you for months, but nobody else fully deserves that you big bully. :<<


One more strike and you'll have to spend your day in the corner bound by fuzzy handcuffs watching Twilight over and over and over for 24 hours straight.

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uh sumia, Olwen has a logic degree

do you have a logic degre?

then shut the fuck up he's always correct and can never be wrong on anything

Espinosa said I wasn't certified in logic, I told him I was. There is nothing wrong with that.

On the other hand, claiming you majored in philosophy and took classes in philosophy in college when you haven't even gone to college yet is pathetic. You're just a little liar. :lol:

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whenever i wake up from a bad dream i think "ahh, thank goodness that's not reality"...but then it stinks when i wake up from good dreams :<

I have nightmares often, but I've only ever woken up sitting up and shouting in fright a few times. Afterwards I always think "Damn, that was pretty cool. I wish I could have had a camera, that was some movie material right thar."

No, genius. At least read the posts before posting. Reggie harms himself when he gets angry. That has nothing to do with me whatsoever.

Kinda Getting Pathetic Now Town population Olwen

One more strike and you'll have to spend your day in the corner bound by fuzzy handcuffs watching Twilight over and over and over for 24 hours straight.


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The Bomb Boss is optimal because it gives FALCON!

what the heck are you talkin about

I have nightmares often, but I've only ever woken up sitting up and shouting in fright a few times. Afterwards I always think "Damn, that was pretty cool. I wish I could have had a camera, that was some movie material right thar."

oh god yes, but especially with those dreams that feel like they would have been an epic story to tell...

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Haha, oh man. And one of those times I woke up like that my brother had thought I'd hurt myself or something, so he walked in and asked what was going on. I told him I had a bad dream, but later was kicking myself that I hadn't yelled something like, "DID I MAKE IT BACK?"

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