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I want to make an FE hack again


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There were many times I've had the notion of making my own FE hack, but as fickle as I tend to be, it would get shot down in a very short time...but probably for the lack of resources and the right inspiration.

My idea, at base, would be a hack that is based on a good difficulty, that can give an actual challenge, and not just throw in a bunch of overpowered enemies and a nerfed Jeigan unit, earlygame. I think I could cover this part up, since I have a moderately decent knowledge in the use of Nightmare editing. Nothing too fancy or greedy.

Now, I do want to make one of those funny cross-overs, but once again, nothing too greedy. I don't exactly wish to make it fully customized plot and all, so most of the characters will likely be FE characters from different games and some from other media (which will require spriting).

Um...I don't exactly know how these things start. I suppose I have to give others a better conviction for possible recruitment? Ask away.

Also, question:

What is a good difficulty? I feel like basing this on FE5's maps.

Edited by bearclaw95
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If you know the jist of Nightmare, you need to move on to events and mapping. Nightmare's useful to understand, but you're not going to doing much with it alone, and nobody's going to do the rest for you. Figure them out, then start planning a project, nobody wants to make a hack for a guy who can only change growths.

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I'll eventually have to be able to do mapping, at least, given the difficulty design. As for events? What is that, exactly? Does it require another program besides Nightmare?

Once I'm able to get that done, is it possible to be able to recruit someone to sprite for the hack?

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Read Arch's tutorials, they explain everything you need to know. Worry about sprites later, make sure you actually can produce something worth spriting for.

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Good point.

IIRC, I was once experimenting with faceless characters with a base for the map.

But are events necessary for a base?

Edited by bearclaw95
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You at least need a very basic event structure for the map to load and stuff. Events are also the center of gameplay in general so they're kinda important. Cutscenes and such aren't as important if you're going for a gameplay-oriented hack but it's usually nice for the player to have some plot to follow and be rewarded with cutscenes and I know some people straight-up won't play gameplay only maps so it's really up to you how important events are. You'll need the Event Assembler and probably FEditor Adv, those programs along with Nightmare are your main ones with plenty of side programs like GBAGE, ZSE, NUPS, HxD, etc. helping along the way.

And -usually- people will only put in 10-50% as much effort as the leader and that might be stretching it, so in other words unless you already have some bud you're working on this with, don't expect too much to start with. Personally my philosophy is "be able to do everything yourself, even if you can't do a good job". I know I can't sprite for crap but I managed to get some filler sprites and such and people tend to see potential in hacks once you have everything else, kinda making sprites a later thing. Again there are exceptions such as when people are already friends or you're Arch and have spriter buddies that will help you even at the beginning of a project because they trust in the hacker's ability, but generally speaking such things don't come together until you build the framework for it.

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I would like to make a custom class that would have the ability to use one physical and magical weapon type (staves), would that require that complex coding hacking (I forgot it's name, was it ASM?)

EDIT: Thanks for the heads up, Shin and Blazer. That actually doesn't sound so hard...and it's only logical people wouldn't go on wasting their time so someone (the hack leader) could call it quits if he's feeling lazy, or doesn't do much work on the hack. So I'll try to see if I'm able to make those things, and if I can, I'll come back and try to recruit people for the icing on the cake.

Edited by bearclaw95
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Now, I do want to make one of those funny cross-overs, but once again, nothing too greedy. I don't exactly wish to make it fully customized plot and all, so most of the characters will likely be FE characters from different games and some from other media (which will require spriting).


Include Sam and Dean and I'll hug you

And follow this topic

And add you as a friend

And do everything I can to express happiness over the internet

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I take it they're those characters in your signature...?

But lol, they're modern-people characters. xd

The people in my sig are the Heavy and the Scout from TF2. (Which I would also love you for if you included)

Sam and Dean are the main characters of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernatural_%28U.S._TV_series%29

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