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Severa is the worst FE girl ever


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Severa's great, I like when she complains about her pair-up partner stealing her kill

"That was MINE!"

I love that line so, so much. Forget her critical quotes: her dual-support ones are just golden.

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Althoguh she's annoying, I don't think Severa can be considered a bad person; in her A support with her father, Severa takes responsibility for her transgressions that take place in the C support, while in her A support with Brady, she shows that she has been putting in her fair share wrt the S&B society. Also keep in mind that she's voluntarily risking her life to fight for the good guys.

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Severa is popular because Tsunderes are. However, Tsunderes suck. They are all awful and Severa is no different or unique.

As for ugly? Her attitude and mugshot definitely support that.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Meh she is basically a failed version of olfer fe character

Just like how Frederick is a failed version of Marcus, or how Sumia is a failed version of Florina

But the same can be said for almost everyone in this game so eh

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Shelie, you deserve a medal for your efforts. Everything you've said, I completely agree with and couldn't have said better myself. I only wish there were more of us


Sadly though, I've mostly just given up trying to be a peacemaker. If there's a chance my voice will be heard, I'll speak, but for the most part these threads are started by trolls looking to get a rise out of people with volatile topics; its useless to reason with people who aren't inclined to listen to reason....

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Meh she is basically a failed version of olfer fe character

Just like how Frederick is a failed version of Marcus, or how Sumia is a failed version of Florina

But the same can be said for almost everyone in this game so eh

Is this a serious post? Because it doesn't look like one to me. I don't see how Frederick is anything like Marcus or Sumia is anything like Florina besides their archtypes.

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I don't know why people have to complain about Severa.

"Overdone stereotype"

What stereotype hasn't been overdone? Chrom? Overdone JRPG protagonist. Lon'qu? Overdone swordsman with brooding past. Nowi? Overdone young person that's over 1000 years old. I could probably name all the stereotypes all Awakening characters follow.


She's definitely mean on par with how society acts, but it's actually realistic as far as children characters go. In fact, her mean nature actually gives her charm before she warms up to people.

"Never changes"

Going past C support actually helps. It's not like she'll suddenly change or turn out to have good development like all characters typically do.

I don't care if this is just a joke post. People really need to learn everything about a character before jumping to conclusions and forming an opinion of them.

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I don't know why people have to complain about Severa.

"Overdone stereotype"

What stereotype hasn't been overdone? Chrom? Overdone JRPG protagonist. Lon'qu? Overdone swordsman with brooding past. Nowi? Overdone young person that's over 1000 years old. I could probably name all the stereotypes all Awakening characters follow.


She's definitely mean on par with how society acts, but it's actually realistic as far as children characters go. In fact, her mean nature actually gives her charm before she warms up to people.

"Never changes"

Going past C support actually helps. It's not like she'll suddenly change or turn out to have good development like all characters typically do.

I don't care if this is just a joke post. People really need to learn everything about a character before jumping to conclusions and forming an opinion of them.

Severa is a tsundere with mommy issues. Compared to someone like Owain, it's easy to see why she'd be disdained.

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Overdone stereotype?
Have you ever heard of TV Tropes.com? Every trope is overdone at this point.

Every member of the children generation is about reacting to the apocalypse differently, and how they act without the calming presence of their parents.
Lucina takes the world too seriously and is even willing to kill her friends or family to prevent the future.
Nah does not act her look and does not like her mom's childish attitude.
Brady rejects the trappings of nobility.

Yarne is a coward who fears extinction.

Kjelle has no knowledge of feminine activities.

In contrast to her mother, Cynthia is bold and loud.
Owain emphasizes style and naming his sword rather than Lissa's coming presence.

Gerome hides his personality and emotions behind a mask.

Noire has developed a split personality of timidity and righteous fury.
Inigo is flirtatious and constantly woos women.
Laurent retains his mom's scientific nature, but is filled with loneliness and pushes away his father.

And Severa's is both happy about her mother's presence and fearful of losing her. So she pushed her away. But in the end, she loses her fake ambivalence and promises to stay close to her mother. Severa's story is about systematic rejection of the values and way of life of a lost parent. She does not have her mother's kindness. Nor does she choose to follow in her mother's footsteps. She instead chooses to take up the lonely life a mercernary. Only by embracing her fears and her mother is she able to reach her full potential.

I usually turn her into a dark flier to symbolize her acceptance of her mother and letting go of her fears.

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these fire emblem awakening threads are ridiculous...do mods still watch over these topics or did they just give up? O_o

You are entitled to your own opinion, and I respectfully disagree with it. However is it really worth getting this worked up over a fictional character?

>quotes a whole essay just to say something already mentioned in the thread multiple times, in two sentences.

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Being a good character does not have to do with being likable, or someone you'd want to hang out with, but having complexity and a unique role. There's a bunch bad guys that are great characters for how fun it is to hate them. I'm not saying Severa is good because you hate her, but she doesn't need to be a saint either.

My personal favorite character is Inigo, and it's partially because of his flaws. He's a complex character Who's fun to see interact with others and is very memorable.

Now, I won't out right defend Severa, she's far from my favorite character and I don't pay to much attention to her supports, but I will say that hating just because she's kind of a bitch isn't vary valid since she's a fictional character.

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I'll keep this short, because every third person has said it already; some characters, although not the most appealing, are made to be that way. People like Mido, The rival from pokemon Red and Green, and maybe even Groose are made to start off as less likable individuals. For some, you just have to dig a little deeper, I myself have read MOST (don't crucify me) of Severa's supports, if that makes me a hypocrite, then scroll on down. Severa does get better, I'm fairly sure that that is part of the whole tsun-thing but I can never be sure (not weeb enough), her support with Owain honestly surprised me in the end, so much so that I married the two and called it an afternoon. As for ugly, I'm not one to judge with my eyes, and I'm not saying she's "hot" per-say, she's more of that cute, pouty girl, sort of like Angelicka (spelling?) from rugrats, only less creepy. I won't argue about her personality, but it is supposed to be as it is. Anyways, I like severa, so, bias I guess.

Although, I'm curious, if you think Severa is a slut, what does that make Inigo, a pimp? Or cordelia, with her Chrom obsession? I had always assumed that the whole "how many suitors" deal was just a familial jab at cordelia only ever wanting Chrom in the big sea of men they lived in. Wow, that was a really weird second half of a sentence.

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Get over it. You don't like her? Don't marry Cordelia. Don't use her. Go into classic mode and get her killed. Don't bother us about it.

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Severa is a tsundere with mommy issues. Compared to someone like Owain, it's easy to see why she'd be disdained.

A lot of children have parent issues, but it really depends on how they cope with it.

People really only like characters like Owain because they relate to him and like his yelling habits more than trying to understand him.

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Risen don't have the stats to kill her.

Lunatic+ her recruitment paralogue says hi.


Don't mind me. Just enjoying the popcorn.


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