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Dumbest things you've seen in any FE Game


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Manfroy not killing Julia. Come on, dude, you were so close. So close.

Eldigan. So stupid that he deserved it.


Retconning everything from FE4. Like Linoan the SEKRIT decendent of Heim. Also, Thara doesn't even exist in FE4's map.

Leif. So dumb. The game pretends that there's character development for him but he hasn't changed a bit in the events that take place after FE5.


Fae secretly following you and yet managed to miss you completely and go way ahead.


Lyn's existence. So meaningless.


Seth not telling Eirika the importance of the bracelets. You would think that the death of the king would be good a time to tell her everything.


Ike and Soren's first encounter with Lethe and Mordecai


The game making a big deal of Ike and Black Knight fighting each other with their respective weapons and then defeating BK with a hammer.


The Pyrathis Islands. What was the fucking point?


Promoting Fresh recruits to Royal Guard status. No wonder Altea falls so easily two times. It's military sucks.


Anything and everything concerning the 'plot' that happens after chatper 5.

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There are many things, but FE2's Rudolf plot twist takes the cake for me.

"Valencia is sh*t, so instead of using my immense influence and power as King to help people everywhere, I'll act like an evil asshole, causing even more despair, to get "real heroes" to fix sh*t, eventually forcing my own son to kill me. Yeah, that's a great plan."

This is the only answer.

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The game making a big deal of Ike and Black Knight fighting each other with their respective weapons and then defeating BK with a hammer.

This still makes me facepalm. He even gets one rounded with Soren close enough to trigger their support. Total joke compared to FE9's BK fight.

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GBA: Bandits having a higher Defense base than Fighters.

Zealot and Treck starting as NPCs while Dieck and Barth's parties start as PCs.

Player HM bonuses in FE6 in general, they were poorly distributed.

Mounted units can rescue one another.

Fighters receiving a higher movement penalty from desert terrain for no real reason.

Any games: Units joining at single-digit levels after the first third of the game with no way to catch up, and even then some.

Double attacking with ranged lances/axes at 2 range.

Thrones and gates turning their occupants into dodge-whores.

Edited by X-Naut
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This one?

LOL at Dozla. "I couldn't have asked for a better ending", while being killed by a wall!

Nevermind about the devil axe... For some reason, I thought it worked like the pokemon moves where you always lose some HP, like take down or double edge.

Yep, that's it! I think Geitz pretty much summed it up perfectly XD

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Seliph: Everything you knew about your whole life is wrong.

Ares: Okay, I'll join you now.

Nanna: I'm not making the same mistake my mother did.

Ares: She fell in love with her brother, right?

Nanna: Yeah.

Ares: Hey, aren't we cousins?

Nanna: Yeah...I guess we are...hehe...

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The Black Knight revealing that he got himself be stabbed and let a castle drop on his head on purpose.

Which was apparently a better way to avoid a fight then just teleporting away.

Apparently the Japanese text of that game implies that it was the warp powder malfunctioning or draining BK's strength in some way. I actually prefer the localization to be honest.

Ill list the ones ive played:

FE7: Eliwood not realizing something was off about that ice dragon that came for him. It was made clear earlier on in the game that the dragons that Nergal was trying to bring through the Gate were fire dragons. Even Athos realized something was amiss. Durandal having "a mind of its own" felt really freaking cheap. Just so Eliwood would have a heroic BSOD. :/

Also the process of getting Chapter 19xx is just plain wtf.

FE8: Lyon getting his paws on the stone of Renais just doesnt make sense. It never did to me. While i did love the L'Arachel or Tana/Eirika and/or Ephraim scenes that followed that event, the reasoning behind the stone getting taken just is really sloppily written. Eirika's case is even worse because it depicts her as still very naive despite her entire plotline prior to that event being all about her overcoming her naivety and seeing the true faces of war.

Reiv's existence is pretty dumb.

All those Frelian dudes in the Tower of Valni being so easily dispatched when Caellach nabs that stone is just wat.

See also Syrene's forces continuing to be creamed in that one chapter. D:<

The nerfing of Luna. D:<

FE9: Sanaki sending Ike to "dispatch" the Laguz Resistance seeing how she actually knew about it and allowed for the loss of innocent Laguz life. That wasnt cool, Sanaki, not cool at all. Tormod and Muarim may have made it, but their friends....well...

FE10: What they did to the mages. Ill never forgive that nerf.

Everyone simply forgiving Micaiah at the drop of a hat after Yune is awakened was poor writing. But the dumbest thing is the whole true Apostle reveal. So Micaiah after seeing some fractured memories in the Tower of Guidance, all the sudden just knew? Give me a break.

FE13: Chapter 14. Just...Chapter 14. That and the supposed Batman Gambit the Avatar had regarding Chrom's survival and Basilio was just..wtf!!!! This could have been handled better if we had received some sort of hint that Avatar was planning something regarding that in the first place.

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GBA games : The support taking place in the middle of battles. This may lead to incredibly stupid situations.

- Amelia and Neimi discussing about their loves of michew berries, on a ship surrounded by ennemies hiding on the fog. Why do I even care about your survival ?

- Ewan trying to pick at Amelia's Panties in the final battle against the Demon King. This guy sure get his priorities straight.

- Dorcas X Vaida. Do I have to explain why this is the stupidest support even written. "Why should I stay near him/her. We'rehere like forever but we haven't says anything to each other. But somehow I feel stronger near him/her. *sigh* When will the person I have to meet will come". It requires such an amount of stupidity to works, it's a miracle, they didn't die each time they makes a step :facepalm:

Edited by TendaSlimeKnight Ikkar
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Its not exactly stupid, but it always bothered me how one sided the Beorc and Laguz conflict was portrayed. Aside from 2 very minor bosses I can't remember a single evil Laguz. Even weasels like Neasalla and dumbasses like Skrimir are showed as sympathetic, while the Beorc side is flooded with pointlessly evil nobles and senators and every single act of cruelty or aggression is coming from the Beorc side.

I believe there was a scene in fe9 where Nasir mentioned how the situation used to be reverted, but I don't see how considering Galia was formed by former slaves and Goldoa stayed neutral during its entire history.

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I've realize something about the character's situation of being disarmed. But the most stupid ass thing that happen is from Radiant Dawn in 3-10 where Elincia dropped her sword to show that Crimea doesn't want to be involve in any battle. But half of Begnions army decided to leave and the other half attacked. And all this time during the chapter Elincia was unarmed with no sword or staff.


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Its not exactly stupid, but it always bothered me how one sided the Beorc and Laguz conflict was portrayed. Aside from 2 very minor bosses I can't remember a single evil Laguz. Even weasels like Neasalla and dumbasses like Skrimir are showed as sympathetic, while the Beorc side is flooded with pointlessly evil nobles and senators and every single act of cruelty or aggression is coming from the Beorc side.

I believe there was a scene in fe9 where Nasir mentioned how the situation used to be reverted, but I don't see how considering Galia was formed by former slaves and Goldoa stayed neutral during its entire history.

[spoiler=Tellius spoilers galore]Gallia doesn't "do anything" but Gallians were definitely not fond of humans, and it's pretty explictly stated that the relationship that Crimea and Gallia had was pretty much both royal families only. Gallia doesn't really do anything to help or oppose in FE9 until the late portion of the game anyway, so how exactly are you proposing that laguz there get portrayed any more badly than the usual prejudiced character like Lethe? They're avoiding a conflict that isn't theirs for the most part, and they avoid contact with Beorc.

The hawks and ravens are basically pirates and take a big shit all over Begnion trade all the time. They tried to fuck up Ike and crew and the only reason they help him out later is because he saved Leanne and Reyson. Tibarn is just blatantly racist all the time. They're the only tribes that actually repeatedly interact with humans, and I'm pretty sure what they do was clearly established. I don't really know how you expect any more of the Laguz to get portrayed badly when two countries try not to get involved, and the other two are pirates. The mad king's war was primarily a Beorc conflict, most of the Laguz stuff was far more to do with Ike unifying the land under one banner to take back Crimea. Daein had its fair share of assholes and people just following orders, Begnion's senators didn't really become "bad" until RD. I don't legitimately believe anyone in PoR was portrayed to be just actually "evil" beyond Ashnard being completely power mad and Izuka who is pretty much deranged.

In RD, Laguz start razing through Begnion due to a bunch of hotheads, getting a lot of Beorc civies and soldiers dragged into a pointless conflict. The senators are also pretty much there to be over the top assholes, and the whole conflict just feels really stupid and inconsistent with what we knew of Begnion before (in terms of them actually adhering to Sephiran and Sanaki, who jump through hoops because lol conservative values). The Crimea chapters are fine, nobody there really feels "off" or bad, but the whole blood pact thing with Daein feels like something out a bad fanfic, like they had no better excuse to force Miccy to fight other than EVERYONE WILL DIIIIIE. Then Lehran comes out and is like MASTERPLAN to litearlly everything in the plot, which puts a Laguz at the head of everything. Fuck RD's story.

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If I might add, there is also the issue with the Laguz being shown to be a bunch hypocrites, given how they treat the Branded like crap.

Stefan flat out called their treatment of the Branded to be worse then that of the Beorc.

And given how Soren reacted when Lethe tried to play the victim card, I am pretty sure he would agree.

The boy almost died because the Laguz were just ignoring a starving child just because it was branded.

He shouldn't exist, so they treated him as if he didn't exist. As if his hunger didn't exist. As if his pain didn't exist. As if his fear didn't exist.

The only thing that saved his life was that he meet the only Beorc in Gallia.

Nasir also said that the situation between Laguz and Beorc used to be reversed. The Laguz are just the one being persecuted right now.

I think the script did a good job getting the point across that the Laguz weren't fundamentally better then the Beorc.

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Lyn's story, and also Merlinus.

Cat Laguz are also pretty dumb. We have LIONS! We have TIGERS! We have... large housecats.

Also Awakening simultaneously saying the outer realms and other worlds were where other games took place, while still implying Chrom is more familiar with all of their lore without being hugely familiar with the outer realms.

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