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What are your goals in life?

HK Motendra

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I start my second year in college tomorrow, yet I have some mixed feelings towards it all. I mean by what it is, that I should actually be doing and striving for. I understand that no man can just tell me what my destiny is, for it's something that I have to figure out for myself. I know that I'm far from perfect, but I cannot deny the many mistakes I have done. I want to make amends and shoot for the things that I really care about in life, such as what it is I want myself to be and what kind of job I want to have. I don't have an actual plan, but all I know is that I want to figure out my calling by myself to eliminate the thoughts in the back of my head that say I'm just a tool for other people's ambitions, a guy with no self motivation, and one who will never amount to anything .

I'm still figuring myself out day by day, and getting an idea of what kind of person I want to be, but have been troubled by the struggles my parents go through, just for me to get an education. Yes, both my parents wen't to college and got their degrees. They had pre meditated hopes and dreams like I did, but somehow just didn't get the job for reasons unknown and had to switch to other occupations just to make ends meet. Hearing their stories really made me feel idiotic and slightly spoiled for being selfish by tossing aside their lectures of the way I go about things and what career path I should be on. I always knew they meant well, but didn't want to do things their way, because I thought I would be abandoning what made me who I am, but in reality, they just wanted me to have a good financial standing and a steady source of income, so that I could venture into whatever it is I wanted to and even if I didn't make it, I wouldn't be doomed to being a failed cause because I'd always have a foundation to catch me, should I fall.

Through this past school year, I've done a lot of maturing and I've started to see the reality of the world around me. Even though everyone will tell me to just follow what's in my heart, not everyone really means it and only allow such words to pass through their lips to avoid hurting my feelings. Some are even openly against me and would be delighted to see me fail. After all, I'm merely an African American minority who many don't expect to prevail, not that any of their hate phases me. Right now, my motives are to just finish my education, while in the process discovering myself and taking action to my goals to see if they were really meant to be, and get a good standing so that my parents don't have to struggle anymore. To those ends, I will sacrifice if I have to

I also understand that I still have the rest of my life to figure out what it is I believe is my calling. But even so, not every goal is realistically obtainable for everyone. Sometimes you have to know when to just let it go and even that can be painful. So now that I have invited you within my psyche, I ask all of you reading this: what are your goals in life? How far are you willing to go to achieve them? How will you go about realizing your dreams? Is your dream even possible to become reality? When do you draw the line for when you should just let it go?

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I don't think I have any goal in my life. I just do what I'm supposed to do, and that's it. It's kind of sad when put in that way, but to be honest I hate studying (and working, in the future) but I have to do it because I don't want to be a homeless person nor to have to rely on my parents for all my life.

I'm not someone who thinks about the future a lot.

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After being in school for neigh seventeen years, it's slowly occurring to me that my goal in life is beyond what academia gives me in terms of career opportunity (grade 7 teacher). By this point, I feel that my goal involves what I want to do with my life with the money I get from my future career. With my money I've gotten from my current job hitherto, I have started travelling across Canada, discovering new, exciting scenery, people and myself. Along my journeys, which are mainly on the train, I have also taken an interest in reading books and learning many lessons and stories in all sorts of ways.

Every summer since three years ago, I starting booking three weeks off of work, buying a train ticket to somewhere where I have never been, and just go there and live for two weeks. My first experience was in Vancouver, where I stayed with a friend who moved there, and loved everything about it. It was the first time I have ever seen the ocean, and I was stunned by the profound boundlessness of it. The next year, I went up north and experienced life without luxury, but endless hiking, nature and fun. This year, I just came back from Niagara Falls, in which I stayed in a youth hostel and hung around with all sorts of people who all had different interpretations of 'fun', which was like a new adventure for me everyday, and this Winter, a friend wants me to take her to Jasper to ski, but the problem is we both don't know how to ski, so we'll learn when we get there!

What I like about my life goal is that freedom is the central hub of it, meaning I do not want to live in a big house, have a $25/h, 47 hour a week job, I just want to live, explore and learn as much as I can. So while I may not ever be someone who will have his face posted all over star magazines, have a scientific term named after my last name, or anything like that, I hope someday I will be able to tell people exciting stories of my travels, be forever free, and learn as much as I can before I pass on. In fact, I think I will like my job as a teacher, as ever since I was young, I loved teaching people stuff, and telling them stories about my experiences in places and whatnot.

Of course, I've come to grasps that it is impossible for me to explore, see and learn everything that this world has, I hope that I can inspire at least one person in my life to do the same, as there is so much more to living than having a full time job, living in a big mansion in a nice city and marrying Prince Charming.

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I don't think I have any goal in my life. I just do what I'm supposed to do, and that's it. It's kind of sad when put in that way, but to be honest I hate studying (and working, in the future) but I have to do it because I don't want to be a homeless person nor to have to rely on my parents for all my life.

I'm not someone who thinks about the future a lot.

Hmmm, that's a simple way to put it. And less stressful too, but surely you'll have to choose something eventually

Fulfilling my Life Purpose, that's all.

Very well. But do you know what that purpose is

Be somewhere in the space field. I prefer to be a scientist. I like math, but I love science so...

I see. I once had the same dream as a child. Where it went, I'm not sure but I could have made my life more easier, had I not forgotten about it

I don't have one. My wishes are fictional.

Surely you jest. Everyone does. The only question is whether or not it's possible to fulfill

@ Maji: That is actually a rather interesting goal you have there. One that you don't see very often either. To live a life of freedom would indeed be blissful. It's unfortunate that you find it such a dream to be impossible., but I can understand why.

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To have a loving wife and family, preferably with a son and daughter or two daughters.

To raise a kind and loving child who is a positive influence upon everyone they meet.

To show love to someone whom has been abandoned, preferably in the form of adopting a child into my family.

To fight for the freedom of America and make it truly a land where all men are created equal.

To move the worlds forwards, even if by only a small bit, revolutionizing the world so a new, better, tomorrow can be made.

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Hmmm, that's a simple way to put it. And less stressful too, but surely you'll have to choose something eventually

Well, I've already done that. I'm studying to be an engineer. I'm good at maths (it's the only thing that I don't absolutely hate studying), so I always considered studying something with focus on it.

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I see. I once had the same dream as a child. Where it went, I'm not sure but I could have made my life more easier, had I not forgotten about it

Surely you jest. Everyone does. The only question is whether or not it's possible to fulfill

You speak like it's too late. It's not.

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@ Maji: That is actually a rather interesting goal you have there. One that you don't see very often either. To live a life of freedom would indeed be blissful. It's unfortunate that you find it such a dream to be impossible., but I can understand why.

So long as I am free, having fun, learning, and am not killed in the process, I think it's okay if I don't learn and see everything in this world, or even universe for that matter. I used to have a friend who always reminded me that we were young, and are changing, so maybe I'll change as I grow up and want to settle down. If so, then at least I will have the rights to say I had an amazing childhood, full of adventure. If such is the case, I will do everything in my power to make sure my child will also have an adventurous childhood, as it is what currently keeps me alive and human.

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To have a loving wife and family, preferably with a son and daughter or two daughters.

To raise a kind and loving child who is a positive influence upon everyone they meet.

To show love to someone whom has been abandoned, preferably in the form of adopting a child into my family.

To fight for the freedom of America and make it truly a land where all men are created equal.

To move the worlds forwards, even if by only a small bit, revolutionizing the world so a new, better, tomorrow can be made.

All of these are rather beautiful things to aspire to, but require a lot of individual attention. I don't want to sound negative, but if you were put in a position where you could only achieve one of them, but at the price of another, which would it be?

You speak like it's too late. It's not.

I understand that it's not, but I have already decided on what I 'd officially be studying, which is accounting. Not to mention the fact that anything space related requires an excess of training before you actually do the job. It's an interesting career choice, but I just don't have the same enthusiasm over it like I did in my childhood

So long as I am free, having fun, learning, and am not killed in the process, I think it's okay if I don't learn and see everything in this world, or even universe for that matter. I used to have a friend who always reminded me that we were young, and are changing, so maybe I'll change as I grow up and want to settle down. If so, then at least I will have the rights to say I had an amazing childhood, full of adventure. If such is the case, I will do everything in my power to make sure my child will also have an adventurous childhood, as it is what currently keeps me alive and human.

You seem to have a pre meditated plan of your life already, and are rather accepting of things beyond your control. That is very admirable of you to be able to do such a thing and I can't help but feel envious

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Surely you jest. Everyone does. The only question is whether or not it's possible to fulfill

Like I said, they aren't possible. Just...fantasies. Literally "dreams".

I don't have an real realistic wish.

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Obtain a PhD in a field of science I enjoy, which at the moment is biology. Become a scientist and conduct scientist, discovering things no one else ever has before, no matter how minute they may be.

If I somehow did stand up that'd be cool, too.

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This is going to sound extremely sappy

To get to the point of being able to support myself and my future family, to get married to a loving woman and become a father. Live happily from then on.

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This is going to sound extremely sappy

To get to the point of being able to support myself and my future family, to get married to a loving woman and become a father. Live happily from then on.

That is nothing to be ashamed of because eventually we all want to settle down. I agee with you completely

Obtain a PhD in a field of science I enjoy, which at the moment is biology. Become a scientist and conduct scientist, discovering things no one else ever has before, no matter how minute they may be.

If I somehow did stand up that'd be cool, too.

Very well. And from where you are currently in your life, do you see your goal coming to fruition?

My goal in life is to find a goal in life.

Ah, so you are just like me. Do you ever sometimes feel pressured into other directions by the people around you?

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