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Which unit is worse? Gilliam or Neimi?


60 members have voted

  1. 1. Which unit is worse?

    • Gilliam.
    • Neimi.
    • Both are awful/don't care.

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Gilliam promotes to get axes (namely, Garm).

Gilliam can be among the first promoted unit in the game (or Franz).

Gilliam has passable stats and is far more effective with 1~2 range weaponry for his entire life.

Gilliam shows up first.

Yea Gilliam is better

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Neimi. Gilliam may be slow, but at least he can use Javelins for damage on both phases, and he can go Great Knight to patch his movement issues. Neimi is usually helpless on EP in a game where enemies value quantity over quality, and her offense is nowhere near good enough to compensate for that.

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Gilliam is useful earlygame (helps rout chapter 4 to name one case of unique utility), has an enemy phase and access to good weapons. In a full party run, Gilliam's contributions are few but do exist, while Neimi is mostly useless (Lute/Artur could chip in, but chipping in is hardly useful in this game). In a run without Seth or Franz, Gilliam can turn into a powerhouse with 6 move pretty early, a mini-Seth of sorts. Neimi really hinders enemy phases and by the time you need her help (for Longbow), she's spent too many chapters being a hindrance to have sufficient base stats to function well (if Innes is used you have absolutely no reason to invest into Neimi).

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most enemies don't have attacks above 28 at endgames (except those stupid cyclops) so Gilliam is probably invincible except to the mogalls and Dracozombies, so he had hard time surviving those~

Neimi on the other hand was more balanced, and much faster, and good nidhogg users...and she's more colorful, so it's her~

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You guys are retarded. Neimi is clearly the best unit in the game, even if Gilliam is my super kawaii desu love interest.

Look at dem stats man. She's clearly the greatest unit in the history of anything, ever. It's worth noting that in my FE8MR run, her growths and stats are unaltered, the only changes are slight modifications to her base stats as a result of her class switch. Even then, since she's an enemy-only monster class, her base stats actually decrease in comparison to the Archer class.

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She's clearly the greatest unit in the history of anything, ever.



...Hah..ha hah.

[spoiler=Best unit in all FEs!]


She is all what I need in my reclass run.

Gilliam promotes to get axes (namely, Garm).


1~2 range weaponry

Well, I forget about that.

But still Neimi (10/1 ranger) is a little bit more useful in midgame.

And Gilliam joins one chapter previous, so that's isn't important.

Edited by Nicolas
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I use everyone at some point, but I tend to use Neimi more since her A-Support is Colm and he's my Assassin that I always use. Plus, she's a ranger, and rangers are awesome! So yeah, I'm biased. :P

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I use everyone at some point, but I tend to use Neimi more since her A-Support is Colm and he's my Assassin that I always use. Plus, she's a ranger, and rangers are awesome! So yeah, I'm biased. :P

I use both plenty, then again I'm one of the few people who rarely cares about stats or LTC much on this site :P [but I do know how to discuss both if I need to]

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Did your Neimi in your reclass take all hard chapters alone?

I guess not. And my Vanessa is not effect of level up abuse.

And probably tomorrow I will update my Vanessa Emblem run.

Edited by Nicolas
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Definitely Gilliam for me. I mean, he's at least somewhat useful in a couple maps, but Neimi really wasn't worth working on in the runs that I've used her. If you don't mind prepromotes, you can just use Innes when you get him.

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The two units have a completely diffeent role, so this compatison seems pretty strange (Like comaring Lute to Joshua for example). Gilliam VS Garcia may be a better comparison)

Let's see

Avoid > Def. (This is a GBA Game after all, were Dancers are better at tanking than General).

BTW Neimi have better res at average, which means she will tank mages far better.

Neimi can actually double things, but she have no ennemy phase before promotion, then she get horse and sword, which is great (Because Neimi as a Sniper is just useless)

Gilliam is somewhat strong, and have weapons advantageand can takes hit, but he's slow as hell, which makes him a pain to train. Even if I tend to turtle quite a lot, I never used him actually.

Franz is better, in average. Gilliam is better at Def and HP, but is beaten everywhere else (Franz have lower STR compensed by his largely better SPD, and the RES will be bad anyway...). Kyle is also far better

So... Gilliam is better early game, but Neimi surpasses him completely late game. Advantage : Neimi.

average level 13 neimi as just caught up to base gilliam in strength

she takes till 20/2 ranger to match his base def

gilliam isn't bowlocked

yeah i think gilliam's a bit better

OK, let's play this game !

Average level 14 Gilliam have just caught base speed Neimi, and at level 20, he will have the exact same average speed of a level 4 Neimi.

Less, important, but, in average, he surpass base Luck Neim at level 8...

and at level 13, she have the same speed of level 20/12 Gilliam.

At this level, with an Iron Weapon, she doubles with 15 ATK, while Gillam attack once at 21.

No matter, how you look at it, Gilliam's offensive power, is either inferior or equal at the end. It's only slightlyy better at the beginning. (and I consider here he obtained a maxed rank in axe, which isn't a given).

Edited by TendaSlimeKnight Ikkar
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I've never really used Gilliam..

I didn't like him due to low movement.. and I loved Archers/Snipers in the GBA games.

Same here, on both accounts.

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Eh, I like Gilliam more than Neimi because it's easier to raise him.

that and when is neimi ever going to be viable in fast playstyle.

Gilliam in fast playstyle....

That's pretty ironic, I guess...

But Neimi's starting chapter is actually perfect for her. She can shoot at ennemies from afar, and have almost immediately a C support with Colm.

WHo you choose depends in fact of what you consider the most important : The early game, or the end game. In the early game, Gilliam is quite usefull, but he drops more and more as the game advance, while Neimi starts weaker, and needs a little babying, but become a good unit at the end.

The only advantage Gilliam have is more HP and Def...

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Gilliam in fast playstyle....

That's pretty ironic, I guess...

But Neimi's starting chapter is actually perfect for her. She can shoot at ennemies from afar, and have almost immediately a C support with Colm.

WHo you choose depends in fact of what you consider the most important : The early game, or the end game. In the early game, Gilliam is quite usefull, but he drops more and more as the game advance, while Neimi starts weaker, and needs a little babying, but become a good unit at the end.

The only advantage Gilliam have is more HP and Def...

it's an opinion based upon my personal experience in drafting and in efficient runs.

Neimi is a detriment because she doesn't get exp fast enough and has no 1 range for 10 lvls.

Gilliam can take the crest and function while building axe rank.

I mean shit, you only need 14 spd to double 85% of fe8, and 10-12 spd doubles like 50-60% anyways.

I don't want to put up with Neimi who has the issue of being locked to range, shitty bases, and having an "average" growth spread. The cost of training her over Gilliam isn't worth it.

Hell, training her over Ross/Garcia isn't even worth thinking about considering Ross has trainee exp gain and solid combat; while Garcia is one of the most solid units in-game.

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