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Sell me on who to marry Aversa vs Tharja


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On my upcoming file thats going to be my main file, Im torn on Aversa vs Tharja


-Get to feed the crazy

-Noire is the best character in the game. Period. So being able to soup her up would be nice


-Comparable to tharja from as a waifu

-Shadowgift is REALLY tempting. REEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAALYYYYYY. Shadowgrandmaster morgan sounds pretty cool

It really comes to SuperNoire vs Shadowgift Morgan (Which I might be overestimating but it just seems so cool)

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Aversa is pretty awful, TBQH, when compared to either a pairing in which you get two kids, or a 2nd-gen marriage.

As much as I despise Tharja, between the two, she is so much better. Shadowgift frankly sucks, and marrying Tharja means you get two awesome kids (although no godly 3rd-gen Morgan).

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Shadowgift Morgan isn't that good. With Tharja, you get two Morgans. For why Shadowgift isn't good, it's because you could just go sorcerer and use the extra skill slot.

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Shadowgift Morgan isn't that good. With Tharja, you get two Morgans. For why Shadowgift isn't good, it's because you could just go sorcerer and use the extra skill slot.

I would say that Shadowgift isn't that good because Dark Magic isn't that good, especially on Avatar's kids, who have better options than Nosfatanking. Since Nosfatanking and Mire are basically Dark Magic's only niches, why bother with Dark Magic?

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my two favorite characters? oh man...that's TOUGH...

...owait, you mean gameplay-wise?

Eh, why not both.

Its between the two of them anyway for the former, but since theyre both up there, may as well look at gameplay wise.

Also, thats the thing about shadowgift, I really like dark magic(WTB NECROMANCER SCROLL DLC THANKS - It could totally be canon with risen), and besides nosferatu tanking, Waste/Ruin are pretty cool, but I wonder if/what I would go in place of sorc (Sage or GM)

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For why Shadowgift isn't good, it's because you could just go sorcerer and use the extra skill slot.

Unless he wants Morgan to have Dark Magic and Staves...

Since Nosfatanking and Mire are basically Dark Magic's only niches, why bother with Dark Magic?

Ruin with its 55 crit at base isn't good enough for you or something?

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Eh, why not both.

Its between the two of them anyway for the former, but since theyre both up there, may as well look at gameplay wise.

Also, thats the thing about shadowgift, I really like dark magic(WTB NECROMANCER SCROLL DLC THANKS - It could totally be canon with risen), and besides nosferatu tanking, Waste/Ruin are pretty cool, but I wonder if/what I would go in place of sorc (Sage or GM)

The only Dark Magic worth using, IMO, is Waste (or Nosferatu/Aversa's Night when I'm feeling lazy). Shadowgift lets you use that on a Sage, so it's basically giving you much less Def, 2 more Mag, and Staves in exchange for a skill slot.

That seems like a pretty poor trade.

Dark Flier is a more interesting choice, since a DF with Shadowgift isn't just a slightly different Sorcerer.

Ruin with its 55 crit at base isn't good enough for you or something?

...no, no it's not.

I'd rather have Waste or Celica's Gale, so that I can always have twice the attacks, as opposed to sometimes have 3x the damage. And if I did want crits, a Forged Katarina's Bolt has way better Mt, better hit, and only 5 less crit, since Crit can't go above 50 (BTW, Ruin has 50 Crit, not 55).

Since Morgan (and Avatar!Noire) can do basically anything, I'd much rather run LB, AT, Vantage, Vengeance, and GF and use Celica's Gale/Katarina's Bolt than use up a skillslot on Shadowgift.

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Shadowgift is pretty overrated. The best class to abuse dark magic is already sorcerer so why bother? A Dark Knight with a Sage pairup might make good use of it but the extra benefits aren't worth it imo.

Flying NosTanking > NosTanking

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The only Dark Magic worth using, IMO, is Waste (or Nosferatu/Aversa's Night when I'm feeling lazy). Shadowgift lets you use that on a Sage, so it's basically giving you much less Def, 2 more Mag, and Staves in exchange for a skill slot.

That seems like a pretty poor trade.

You forget about Goetia, the second strongest tome in the game.

That's all I have to say about this

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You forget about Goetia, the second strongest tome in the game.

That's all I have to say about this

If you're going for power, why would you ever run Goetia over Valflame? Neither of them deal effective damage, IIRC...?

They're both still worse than Celica's Gale/Waste, regardless.

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So we are comparing beetwen:

1 Morgan with exclusive access to a shitty skill


2 Morgan with solid mods

Unless you have sexual preferences or sexual preferences to shitty skill, the answer is obvious

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