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Why do people like Cordelia?


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But Fiora is hot

LOL I wont argue that, but her design is more basic than Cordelia's. Fiora's design gives us the impression that she is more mature and stoic than her sister(s), but its not nearly as detailed as Cordelia's. Nor really as striking.

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I was commenting on the "Cordelia is based on Catria" which I always perceived as a total bullshit

Mostly because I saw a lot of players who goes "Is she the Fiora* of this game?" the exact moment she shows up

*who'se Survivor Stuff is much better developed

All of the childrens can be useful. Its the problem that Severa has no business being the best when Lucina exist.

In Frederick's voice: Explain.

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Alright. I think I need to voice my blind love of Cordelia now sooo expect bias.....

Cordelia's beautiful design is obviously the first thing you will notice so let's start there. She is simply put beautiful. She is a Cardinal beauty and for some reason I love those(Not a fetish...I hope). But unlike somebody like Anna (No offense) her hair is a bright and bold red that makes me want stare at it. Her face is flawless. Not too pale but a perfect complextion. She may also say her "ladies" are insufficient but you can't really say so because she is not a real live person. She is a dream for lack of a better term.

Now I won't say that her unrequited love of Chrom didn't get irritating after I married her on my first file and saw the Henry C rank( :sob:) but I realized that was probably IS didn't feel like editing her supports for when she was married so that got a pass(After my last Hard-Classic run). But she is a smart woman who works hard and wants to be loved(The kind of thing I want from somebody eventually I life ) She is a survivor(Hate me. I dare you) and she feels sadness and remorse for things she can't help. She did her job and got her message to the Exalt and fulfilled the other pegasus knight's dying wishes. Then she was there when her captain was murdered(For me it was a bit more emotional because I tend to have her and Sumia right by where to entrance to the castle is before the boss.). The high standard from being perfect(Or close to it) is something I can relate to. It kinda sucks. So that also drew me to her.

She is an amazing mother. Aside from the whole leaving Severa to think she died for Chrom, she raised angels(The thoughts of a father huh?). Not to mention Morgan's best hair is from her. I can relate to Severa but that's a story for another time.

To wrap up, she is my waifu and I wouldn't trade her for any other FE character.

Edited by Sorin
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In Frederick's voice: Explain.

Cordelia: We get 2 - 3 sentences from MU support

Fiora: We get an entire support chains with the guy who employed her team before their death

Its pretty clear that the latter wins in this one

Edited by JSND
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I think she's interesting and somewhat relatable. Broadening it a bit, she goes out of her way perfect herself to get something she wants in the form of love. I guess you could say they hit her shtick home a mallet but that's a problem with Awakening's cast in general.

It's kind of painful how missed of an opportunity story-wise there was for being the only survivor of a slaughtered team.

Edited by WyvernSurfer
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Cordelia: We get 2 - 3 sentences from MU support

Fiora: We get an entire support chains with the guy who employed her team before their death

Its pretty clear that the latter wins in this one

Yeah but Fiora's support never happens :smug:

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