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Let's Rate The Parent FINALE: Olivia and Cherche


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Fred Fred Fred Freeed...

Okay. Frederick - President of the Fire/Chrom FC. Personality wise, in the story, he is very fitting, support wise, not so much.

I can find him a bit pushy and over attached sometimes. (-0.5)

Stat wise: Promo, useful for early chapter like always, but later on, he is lacking.

Low on base stat, compare his stat to base class characters, the base class is far more superior.

There is also his disadvantage in being a promo, low on exp. Making Fred hard to catch up to the party. Really hard for me to actually work on Lunatic. (-1.5)

Luna and Dual Guard is nice to pass down the kids.

But with Cynthia, minus spd to gain a def hurts me. I'd rather have double hit to kill and then Gale more than one hit with less damage taken. (- 0.5)

When pair up, giving def is nice.

But later on, I can find better character to give plus stat. Since reason number 2. (-0.5)

I drop Fred very early in game. Just around chapter 10. Or when my party is stable enough to hold on.

To me, he's a substitute for the battle party if I'm short on members, and pretty much just to remind me to train others.

Other reason would be to be a filter for a father if I'm doing a support run and changing the pairs around. (Like atm, he's married to Mirriel)

Overall 7/10

Edited by Amelia
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Great Knight

Pavise/Aegis access


High strength/skill/defense modifiers.


-2 Speed modifier, making him one of the slowest dads along with Kellam. Also hurts magic significantly.

Overlap for Knight/Cav means that Great Knight is pretty much his main contribution in the long run.


-Wyvern Rider is really just filler, but Deliverer is alright.

The Kids

Inigo: Well, he starts with Galeforce/Vantage/Sol right off the bat, and he inherits Luna so he can do whatever he feels like. Ricken/Kellam might be better for Sage, but it still works.

Severa: Inigo minus Vantage and Aggressor and who can be a Sorcerer for some reason, pretty much.

Owain: Alright if only for Luna. Everything else is just gravy.

Gerome: Decent for tanking thanks to Pavise/Aegis/Sol, but in the harder stuff he'll want to be a Paladin or Hero or something rather than a General. Gets Dual Guard to be a Dual Guard bot. Lack of physical faires also hurts this compared to say, Stahl or Ricken.

Yarne: Generic Dual Guard filler dad. Stahl and Ricken beat this cleanly, imo.

Laurent/Noire: Pavise/Aegis on a Sorcerer pretty much. Not the greatest, and in Noire's case it's flat-out beaten by Stahl and Ricken, but it works. I've used this a few times.

Nah: Frederick!Nah is making a resurgence, and I can't really understand why. It's just as slow as Kellam!Nah, with less bulk and fewer options for... for what? Aegis? Paladin? Overlap isn't the only thing, but it's ridiculous.

Cynthia: Probably the worst Cynthia overall, but there's no such thing as a bad Cynthia. Only good ones and nonexistent ones.

Brady: Gets his magic killed in exchange for Pavise and Deliverer. And chances are with his strategy, he only really likes the latter.

Kjelle: Hahahahahaha. No.

Overall, Pavise/Aegis + Great Knight is good in theory, but the former's falling out of favour, and Wyvern isn't anything worth writing home about. However, he does have enough for his kids to work with, some better than others. That and Great Knight means that he's still pretty up there as far as dads go.


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^ Filler is exactly the word I was looking for regarding his wyvern tree, and it's also applicable to the man himself. Wyvern + GK is nice and all, but they're typically used by two different roles, and the -2 spd mod and heavily leaning physical mods mean he's not very sought after by many of the kids.

Even with Sumia access, I can't give him more than 3/10. The majority of fathers have more to offer.

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The only way Severa can gain Tomefaire is through Ricken


Nah: Frederick!Nah is making a resurgence, and I can't really understand why. It's just as slow as Kellam!Nah, with less bulk and fewer options for... for what? Aegis? Paladin? Overlap isn't the only thing, but it's ridiculous.

I think it's probably for Aegis. The difference in defense is pretty negligible, and it's not like there's a real point in Renewal if you've got staffbots.

So yeah, my thoughts.

Frederick!Inigo/Owain/Severa have some speed issues, but in general is a good choice for Luna alone.

Frederick!Gerome would really like some faires since Gerome's hard support. Yarne already gets Axefaire so it's not really a problem for him.

Frederick!Laurent/Noire would prefer someone with Vantage for a Sorc build.

Kjelle, Brady, Cynthia, quite simply, do not want him. Kjelle has complete overlap. Brady and Cynthia cannot be screwed, but that doesn't mean they enjoy taking this shit. Brady already gets Paladin, and does not give a damn about Knight or Wyvern Rider. Frederick should *only* father Cynthia if the alternative is Cynthia's non-existence... or Gaius. Chrom!Cynthia gets Paladin too, without screwing with her speed. At least she gets Lancebreaker...?

Sumia, why do you have to have such bad taste?

That being said, I'm giving him 7/10. Worse than Kellam, but considering he's relatively versatile (compared to, say, Donnel or Vaike) I think he deserves to at least be in the upper half.

Edited by Canto
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Just gonna sum it up. Luna is delicious, Aegis and Pavise are decent, and the Spd modifier is awful.

All around, he is a decent father. Since I like keeping people in their original class lines, Swordmaster Owain enjoys having Frederick as a father due to skills and class stat caps offsetting the bad Spd modifier.

Oh, right. I need to give him a score. 7/10.

Edited by Cor Leonis
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Frederick is done, time for Virion, the man who's name literally means virus particle.


IS never fails to surprise me when it comes to making their archers so mediocre. Not only is Virion a mediocre unit, his skill pool is lousy. Bowfaire, Lifetaker and Deliverer are the only skills worth noting. Sniper builds are interesting for postgame, but literally every other Archer father is better (yes even Ricken).

Modwise, Virion is pretty much Lon'qu-1.

2/10 for at least being somewhat useful if not still outclassed for Warrior/Assassin support children.

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-Modifiers are actually pretty good. Solid skill/speed and doesn't hurt strength or magic.


-No offensive proc, or even any procs in general. This is kind of a big deal.

-Lacks a really awesome class that a lot of kids would really like to have. (Cavalier/Knight, Pegasus access, Myrmidon, Mercenary) Best he can do is probably Sage and even then a lot of kids get it on their own. That and Priest outclasses Mage handily.


-Has a decent selection of support abilities, such as faires unaffected by weapon triangle, Deliverer, breakers/Quick Burn/Prescience, Strength+2 and Magic+2. It's not the best, but it'll do in a pinch.

List of Children:

Brady: Brady don't care. He gets speed and Deliverer and that's pretty much enough for him.

Inigo: Kind of fallen off in favour recently due to aforementioned lack of proc, but it's still alright. The mods are nice and he has enough tools to use Virion's contributions nicely.

Severa: Makes a decent Wyvern Rider and Sniper, could make an alright Dark Flier. Also, all breakers. Not that good due to lacking offensive procs or Myrmidon, but it's usable.

Gerome/Yarne: Bowfaire Warrior(or Assassin for Yarne) pair-up buddy. Or Tomefaire Sage. Not great, but it's something.

Owain: Kinda sorta OKish but not really. No Luna/Dark Mage frankly sucks, though.

Kjelle: One of the better worst 6-7 Kjelles because she'll get more than just 1 class this way, though admittedly it's not anything to be proud of.

Noire: Tomefaire and nothing else.

Laurent: No thank you.

Nah: Terrible.

Probably in the running for one of the worst fathers, but he still has his niches. Admittedly he functions better for children who don't need as much help or who are just throwaway support buddies, but that's a given. He'd theoretically be a fantastic father for Cynthia, but alas, it is not meant to be.


EDIT: Gonna knock it down a point since it's kind of meaningless to keep it at 3 if he's the worst of the fathers.

Edited by HeoandReo
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Virion: ...

Virion!Inigo/Owain/Severa really miss not getting Luna/Vengeance+Vantage.

Virion!Brady's pretty good.

Virion!Kjelle is a Sage with Vantage, I guess.

Virion!Cynthia... doesn't exist. DAMN YOU SUMIA

Virion!Laurent misses Vantage.

Virion!Nah has so much overlap it hurts.

Virion!Gerome and Virion!Yarne get Bowfaire.

0/10, quite simply because he's clearly the worst of the bunch (unless we count Maiden, but apparently mothers get another scale?) and a 10-point scale has no point if there's no one on the lower end--he literally only contributes a -faire for the hard supports and mods for a good Brady (and then add the fact that all Bradys are good...). He is literally a second-rate father: second to Lon'qu for Brady, second to the Dark Mages for Kjelle (if for whatever godforsaken reason you're not doing Donnel!Kjelle), second to Stahl for the hard supports. *shrugs*

EDIT: Dropped it down a point.

Edited by Canto
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Virion: IMO the worst father in this game. Gives no good class at all, and no children want him as their father. He can be a decent father for Brady, though, since he's already so good and SPD is one of the few things he needs.

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Won't lie, the only reason I pair him with anyone is because he just has some damn good supports. Has some decent modifiers, but rather difficult to train because of how archers are here and the skills he passes down aren't necessarily the greatest.


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Virion's niche is about as useful as Frederick's. Worse in class diversity, but better in mods. I would argue he's not actually the worst father, since he can achieve third-string dad for a few people. Bowfaire BK is pretty solid for support.

Overall 3/10, amazingly. I'll start getting more detailed once some other fathers are brought into the discussion.

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Okay, I'm gonna be straight, he is hard to get good level ups. Bad growth and stat.

Skill set is quite horrible and not even worth passing down.

Class tree is not very useful.

I passed down Bow Break for Gerome this run because

1. CherchVirion is canon

2. I'm a sucker for original class, Gonna change Gerome back to Wyv Lord after certain reclasses.

Even so I don't think this will be very useful. Since in Lunatic, with break, they still gonna hit you.

And hopefully Lucina will do a good job guarding him.

Overall. 4/10.

Sorry, Virion. Just know that you're too beautiful for me.

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I don't care if he makes a decent father for Gerome and Yarne(both of which sucks) or a solid one for Brady(lol anything can father Brady and he would still be good)

Okay, perhaps throw in Owain and Inigo here because of the sexy damage output from Bowfaire boosted Warrior

In the end, this guy is downright the worst father in the game, and his score should reflect that


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I'd say he's pretty good considering he can learn Lifetaker. That's pretty useful, though I wish it would activate on both phases.

He gives a great hair color for Inigo. Bowbreaker would be good for Gerome.. I hardly use him as a father, so I do not have much experience.

Lifetaker pretty much makes him a good father, to me at least.


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He is a challenge to use much less the only time that he is good for a parent is someone like Lissa, so that Owain can get Rally Resistence through inheritance and the other 4 on his own. Plus, his children have trouble getting defenses like Virion. I'm sorry, even though he is cute, his usefulness takes a plunge fast on Lunatic. So....


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Virion has poor class selection and bad skills in general, however some of them are fine for children that want to support. His Skl/Spd-Mods are decent and I like the way he interacts with others.

All in all that's 4/10.

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Next up is Sir Vegetablehead himself, Stahl.


Stahl is one of the ideal fathers in this game. He's got a little of everything. Bowfaire and Luna Assassin for offense. Swordfaire and Dual Guard+ Paladin for support. Vantage and Aegis for defense. Almost every child except Kjelle or Brady can find some use for his genes.

Plus his modifiers are cool as well, giving Strength and Defense with no penalty to Speed.


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-Great Knight and Paladin. He'd be great for that alone, but that's not all he has to offer.

-He also gives Myrmidon, which means Vantage, Swordfaire and Assassin access. Pretty much every kid would kill for Myrm + Cav together.

-His modifiers are frankly, pretty fantastic. Ties with Frederick for strongest Luna dad and second-highest defense, and ties with Ricken for second
fastest. Weak mods aren't really enough to worry about, since he does get the tools to get around them. (Luna for Magic, Aegis for Res, no one cares about luck. That and -1 isn't quite as crippling as -2)

-Archer's kind of filler in theory, but he automatically gives enough tools to make it work, namely Myrmidon for Assassin and Pass and Swordfaire if you want to go Bow Knight. That's not including all the good stuff Great Knight gives by default.


-I guess he's not as fast as he could be? Still pretty easily one of the best dads in the game.

The Kids:

Severa: Vantage and Luna is basically all she ever needs or wants. Everything else is gravy, but what gravy it is. Dual Guard for support/defense, Paladin for a possible end class, Swordfaire to run Ragnells as a Hero/Paladin, Archer to work with Galeforce/Luna with Longbow/Double Bows to not face counters, I could go on about this.

Gerome: Vantage/Sol/Aegis for frontlining, Swordfaire/Bowfaire to be a hard support, Dual Guard from Great Knight, Aggressor Luna, etc.

Yarne: See Gerome, except without Sol.

Laurent: Ricken!Laurent meets Lon'qu!Laurent with Vantage + Luna/Dual Guard. It's the crossover of the century.

Inigo: A bulkier Chrom!Inigo, pretty much.

Owain: Good for a physical Owain due to positive mods literally everywhere and Luna access.

Noire: Pavise/Aegis/Luna/Vantage Sorcerer. Boom, you're set for life.

Nah: Vantage + Luna is noteworthy. Vaike is probably better, though.

Brady: Cavalier overlaps, but Myrmidon + Archer certainly isn't bad if he's going support. Or even just for Vantage.

Kjelle: The only wrong way to do a Stahl pairing, because only Archer sucks for her.

Basically, it's what happens when you have two of the best classes in the game. Not much else to say here.


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