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Let's Rate The Parent FINALE: Olivia and Cherche


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There are enough GK fathers to go around and Kellam has essentially no niche. Assassin can be achieved with Stahl or Vaike, and Ricken gives Tomefaire. Severa is the only child who would doesn't get at least 1 of his 3 benefits, but she would likely not be interested.

1/10, too replaceable.

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-Great Knight

-Priest is Mage but better

-Doesn't hurt magical modifiers on top of having decent physical mods, making him solid for magical or mixed children.


-Lowest speed non-Avatar father in the game along with Frederick


-Thief is again not great but has its uses

The Kids:

Inigo: A bulky Inigo with Sage access to Celica's Gale some fools. Probably on parity with Frederick!Inigo.

Laurent: Ricken!Laurent that lets you put Ricken elsewhere. Can probably make better use out of Priest/Thief than Archer alone in comparison, too.

Severa: Generally a worse Vaike!Severa with Tomefaire or Ricken!Severa with Thief.

Owain: Frederick!Owain minus all the cool stuff Fred gives aside from Knight.

Nah: Knight is good, defenses are great, Quick Burn/Lucky 7 is decent. Miracle doesn't hurt, either. Nah might want speed, though.

Gerome/Yarne: fillerdualguardparent.txt. Kellam!Gerome is actually kinda notable for being one of the bulkiest Geromes, though. That and Wyvern/Thief synergizes pretty well.

Brady: Aside from Pavise/Aegis, it's kinda questionable. At least his magic mods and his bulk is good.

Noire: Just Tomefaire. And Assassin. Guess it's okay, but also very questionable.

Kjelle: As I like to call it, the best of the crap. Still sucks.

Kellam is really kind of boring as a father since he's basically Fred/Ricken with or without some added perks most of the time, but he's still among one of the safest parents around mostly because of Great Knight. The kids are kind of ho-hum with him as a dad, but they'll usually turn out decent at worst.


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Kellam: Basically a dad used to make alright but inferior variations of certain kids because their best fathers were used elsewhere.

Kellam!Inigo: An Inigo with Luna and Sage. Basically, worse than Ricken!Inigo.

Kellam!Owain: See above, except now Owain is even more of a turtle, and Priest is redundant.

Kellam!Brady: It's a Brady.

Kellam!Laurent: Prefers Vantage.

Kellam!Severa: Arguably the best place to put Kellam where his mods will do the least damage, beyond hard-supports. Still worse than Ricken/Vaike!Severa.

Kellam!Cynthia: Doesn't exist, but is somehow worse than Frederick!Cynthia.

Kellam!Kjelle/Noire: LOL.

Kellam!Nah: Infamous.

Kellam!Yarne/Gerome: Mainly for DG+.

So... 5/10.

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A pretty bad luna-giver with crappy stats that ruin everyone's speed. Also, a terribly done gimmick.


The extra .5 for being essential in lunatic(+).

Essential? Really?

Also, essentialness has nothing to do with being a good dad.

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If I did not realize Severa exist he definitely get the title of the most boring father in the game

....Assassin on Brady aside, this is also one of the pairing that comes the closest into fucking Brady


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Its Lon'qu's turn.


Speed and Vantage are the only worthwhile things Lon'qu offers. Luckily for him, there are a reasonable handful of children who desire that. He's very mediocre otherwise but he has a solid niche.


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Swordfaire and wyvern aren't too bad. Thief is basically useless though since myrm gets you assassin access. Sorceror kids like his half of VV and his other benefits make him an adequate dad.

6/10 because Vantage is cool.

Edited by Meteor
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Former second worst father in the game

6/10 because Vantage and Omni Breaker

Realistically, only Severa and Laurent is really good with him, but mods means Brady can take him, but lolbrady

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+Myrm Tree

+Dat Speed

+Wyvern Tree

+No negative Mag mods

+Essential for +11 speed Morgan



-Most kids can get what he offers from better fathers

Lon'qu kinda falls under filler, mostly for Severa and Laurent if Gregor and Stahl are paired off/dead. He's pretty mediocre everywhere else and doesn't offer a wide variety of classes to begin with. If only he didn't have thief...


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-High skill/speed modifiers, and doesn't harm strength or magic, making him useful for physical and magical kids and arguably the best grandfather for Morgan.


-Gives a great support skill pool (Myrm gives Swordfaire and Assassin access, Wyvern/Thief gives stuff like Lucky 7/Quick Burn, Deliverer/Movement+1, etc.)


-Hurts both defense modifiers


-Astra's fine, but not as reliable as Luna.

The Kids:

Brady: Gets good mods and gains a lot of interesting stuff. Generally considered the best Brady, and for good reason.

Severa: Myrmidon is one of the big things she wants, nabbing Vantage and Swordfaire to do physical stuff with. Everything else is gravy. Also, +6 speed modifier and every breaker.

Laurent: Vantage is one of the big things he wants, so that's good. Also nabs some interesting class choices and becomes really fast.

Noire: Alright even if just for Vantage.

Yarne: Myrmidon's fine and all, but Yarne needs and wants quite a bit more than that. 7 speed is pretty fun, though.

Gerome: Vantage is nice, and he doesn't mind Thief and the speed, either.

Nah: Well, she gains positive stats everywhere, but not much else. Lon'qu/Nowi is inordinately popular where I am for whatever godforsaken reason, if my streetpasses mean anything.

Inigo: Acceptable I suppose, but it's basically just Wyvern. And Trickster.

Owain: Becomes an inferior Lon'qu!Inigo.

Kjelle: lol. Sully's like a no man's land.

Myrmidon is another good staple class that a lot of kids would like to have, along with Cavalier/Knight, Pegasus and Mercenary. His remaining class set looks a little weird, but Wyvern/Thief synergize surprisingly well, and he gives enough tools for any kid to be a solid support at least. He's certainly not the best father, but he's certainly not the worst, either.


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Lon'qu is waiting for the day lethality is considered overpowered, until then, vantage and plus two speed are fun to mess around with, but the negative defenses limit your possibilities. Major overlap as well


+3 speed and skill. Also, if he wants lethality to be OP, he can go back to the GBA games and grab himself a killer edge.

Vantage, vantage, vantage.


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Ricken's day is here.


The magical Stahl. He has most of Stahl's utility but is magically oriented. This makes him less compatible with the more physically oriented support characters like Gerome and Yarne. He's best used for male Galeforce users like Owain and Inigo (Brady is a bit of a waste, but lolbrady like everyone says). Laurent can use him for brute force magic. Archer is useless. Also no Vantage like Stahl so thats a bummer.


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Archer is in a weird position in a sense that it manage to cancels out the STR bonus from bowfaire. Otherwise, you can Bowfaire Warrior with some childs notably Owain and Inigo

That being said, Ricken time

Brady: Every Brady pairing can be described in one word


This only give mods which is as we all know, exactly what Brady need. Before you whines about speed and how speed is like SO IMPORTANT OMG, calculation suggest that +6 Magic mods translates into 47(Caps) + 6(Mods) + 11(Cellica Fart) + 5(Tomefaire) + 10(Agressor) + 22(Full Buff) = 101 ATK.

Assuming Brady does the Dual Strikes, thats 64 Damage in 2 DS round against the most resistant enemy in the game, murders Anna, and murders the 70 SPD Sniper handily. While this pairing is mocked for being class inefficient, that is a pretty good damage output.

Severa: I can explain this pairing in 5 words. Sumia with more Mag Mods. And that rhymes.

If you have done any kind of Sumia calculations, you can see how good this is(47 Speed is a full buff and +1 SPD pair away from doubling the 70 speed enemies)

Anyway, Tomefaire as a Sage and Luna, and thats it.

Laurent: Having 7 Mag mods, Laurent become a killer Dual Striker(just see that Brady calculation). This is mostly to bred a +11 Mag Mod Morgan, but it do have DG+, Tomefaire, Limit Breaker, and MAG+2 and AS+2 to round it up!(106 ATK translates into 76 Damage vs 64 Res Sorcerer)

Noire: Archer redundancy aside, Laurent + Pavise - Agressor. And Frankly Agressor is better than whatever Noire get in return. Can run Pavise + Aegis Sorcerer but that is not that good. Even to breed gen 3, you are stuck with inferior Galeforce composition AND female Morgan, which is a double bummer

Yarne: Warrior with Bowfaire builds is outclassed by anyone with +2 STR mods. Magical builds is funny because of his negative mods. Ricken tend to make DG+ Magic fodder, and this is one of those.

Gerome: See Yarne, except note how Gerome already have Tomefaire, and therefore, only gains DG+, which is pretty cool

Nah: Gerome without Agressor. LOL using Aegis on Manakete when they it barely does something

Inigo: Okay, enough with the Bow Warrior joke. Inigo get Sage and Luna. This is basically a Lon'qu Brady with worse mods, and I guess AT SOL.

Owain: Generally considered to be the best Owain beside the VV variants. Reason why: +6 Mag(see Brady Calculation), Galeforce, Luna, and DG+. Theres.... not much to say really.

Kjelle: Get Mage will Fart.

No, really, she only get Sage, which is cool, but +3 Mods for a gen 2 is pretty weird especially when she lacks Galeforce in this set up

I guess she get Vantage Sage set up to play with

Overall, while Ricken is definitely a good father, thanks to his unique class distribution, having both the highly sought after Mage(Tomefaire) and Cavalier(LunaGuard), and Archer(Bowfaire!Warrior), and lack of negative speed mods, his barebones class set make him really not as versatile(usefulness wise) compared to Stahl and his -STR mods conflicts with half the recipient of the class set


He is simmilar to Frederick in some ways

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Ricken, um yeah, errr, gives an Elwind I guess?..

Ok now seriously.

He gives the cavalier class, which is amazingly good class to begin with, because it has Discipline, Luna, Dual Guard +, Defensor, and Aegis. Not only that he has access to Archer too! Which gives him Hit rate + 20 (Which is amazingly good on a spotpass team) and Rally skill, which doesn't look very good tbh. also, MAge class which means Rally magic from Sage or Slow burn from Dark Knights, AND DAT LIFETAKER.

Now the problem is grinding him, if you don't mind grinding him the kid won't have low stats in general.

Laurent can use all of these things while not losing dat Magic boost. (Come on guys, who doesn't want a Mage with Luna? Should I remind you Lunatic+?) Even Severa being a Sorcerer can make use of all these things. as well as Dread warrior!Gerome.

I will give him a 6, just for the way he appears, as he being really hard to train and guard

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Despite being terrible in the main game, ricken is a great father, basically a magic stahl without vantage.

Brady: well, he is still good, but this is highly unoptimal, due to the overlap.

Severa: Likes him a lot. Makes a great dark flier.

Inigo: Becomes Brady.

Gerome/yarne: Dual guard+ and Luna. Good.

Laurent: Great mag and gets cavalier. I still prefer vantage+veangence for him, though. Still a good pairing.

Owain: Best owain. Vantage+luna, good MAG, etc. Has a lot of tools to play with.

Noire: Bad. GK overlap. Gets tomefaire, I guess, but still sucks.

Nah: also bad.

Kjelle: Meh

7.5/10, since so many children like him. Luna and MAG is never bad.

I will give him a 6, just for the way he appears, as he being really hard to train and guard

This shouldn't weight your score. We are only rating their class sets and mods. How they perform in the main game doesn't matter at all

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Ricken is almost completely redundant thanks to Stahl, Chrom, and Virion. He does have that +2 Mag and Sage, but most of the kids have no reason to take advantage.

5/10, almost entirely due to Owain wanting him.

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-Great Knight (And Aegis)

-Mage is alright for Sage access and Tomefaire.


-Archer's really situational at best.


-Generally okay modifiers. They're not great but they don't hurt the kids too much.

The Kids

Owain: Owain gets everything he wants, namely Luna, good magic and some other stuff that goes well with his class set. He actually doesn't mind getting Archer, since Assassin + Galeforce syncs wonderfully with it and he has a few classes that use it well.

Inigo: Chrom!Inigo who can use Celica's Gale better. Arguably one of the best possible Inigos and again like Owain he doesn't mind getting Archer either.

Severa: In theory, it's similar to Stahl, since she gets Cav and Archer. The loss of Myrmidon is pretty big though, making this basically Vaike!Severa with a magical focus. (or if you wanna go there, Sumia 1.1) To be honest, I think she prefers Myrm over GK.

Yarne: Stahl!Yarne that lets you put Stahl elsewhere. It's good because Yarne actually cares about Archer.

Gerome: genericdualguardfather.jpeg Cherche actually doesn't hurt magic so a magic Gerome is viableish.

Laurent: Luna, Dual Guard and that's basically it. Oh, and mods. I'd prefer Kellam!Laurent over this but it's fine.

Noire: Pavise/Aegis/Luna/Tomefaire. And mods. I guess it's fine ingame.

Brady: Probably the worst Brady due to the redundancies, but it's still certainly a Brady.

Nah: Well I guess it's a pairing that doesn't lead to unfortunate implications so if that's your bag go for it I guess.

Kjelle: See Virion because it's exactly the same but slower and bulkier. Kjelle is a child of absolutes. She is either good, or she is terrible.

Summed up, Ricken is the poor man's Stahl.

He's just another Great Knight giving father, and most of his niches involve doing just that. He's kind of like Chrom in that the bread-and-butter of most of his kid's sets involve taking advantage of GK and little of anything else. (At least with Kellam, Thief is marginally useful. And at least with Fred, he gives both of Pavise/Aegis.) Archer really holds him back because even though some kids don't mind getting it, it's the thing that turns him from a relatively unique father into the aforementioned poor man's Stahl. Everybody wants Stahl though, so even though in practice he'll always go to Owain, being the poor man's Stahl is still a really good position to be in.


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