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Let's Rate The Parent FINALE: Olivia and Cherche


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Stahl is one of the easiest fathers to rate thanks to his extremely good class set and overall positive mods. About half the children would love to have him for a father (and he's still desirable when some of the optimal fathers are off the table).

9/10, unquestionably in the top three fathers.

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Put it simply, Stahl has the best and most synergistic class set out of any Gen 1 father, with the addition of being unisex. Luna is bread-and-butter and Vantage is a bonus... or vice versa, depending on the skillset.

Stahl!Cynthia: Doesn't exist. *shakes fist at Sumia*

Stahl!Owain and Stahl!Inigo: are basically the same unit - Luna-Galeforce skirmishers, except Owain gets Sage access also. More or less outclassed by other fathers (Ricken, Chrom) and wastes Vantage, but both more than adequate.

Stahl!Brady: It's... a Brady. Would prefer magic or speed, and is Luna-inefficient, but otherwise fine.

Stahl!Severa: She can literally take advantage of every single class she gets. Assassin? Paladin? Sniper? Hero? Sorcerer? Dark Flier? Yes. It's no wonder this is such a beloved pairing.

Stahl!Gerome: Gets Sword/Bowfaire for support and Vantage for Sage shenanigans.

Stahl!Yarne: See Gerome, except take out the Sage part. (Could use Dread Fighter instead, but that's niche.)

Stahl!Laurent: Basically the same unit as Gregor!Laurent (+3 MAG, +2 SPD, Vantage), except trades Armsthrift for Luna. Normally that's kind of a losing trade but since Laurent gets innate Vengeance, Luna kind of goes to waste here, IMO (Vantage+Luna as a frontlining magic user is worse than Vantage+Vengeance. Severa avoids this since she has other options and Galeforce). Still, it's a Vantage!Laurent, so it's still solid.

Stahl!Kjelle: Utter shit.

Stahl!Noire: A Vantage-Vengeance Sorcerer, who also gets PavGis for kicks. Eh... IMO Gaius!Noire and Gregor!Noire handily beat this.

Stahl!Nah: See Gerome.

10/10. The only character I could see competing is Gaius.

Edited by Canto
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One of the easiest to fit, but hardest to actually use father(because his genes is sooooo good).

The only pairing where he is actually bad is Kjelle, although non Galeforce pair is mediocre, but otherwise, he is really good

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One of the easiest to fit, but hardest to actually use father(because his genes is sooooo good).

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, because I would expect the opposite to be true. Hard to fit = hard to place optimally, but easy to use because almost any kid of his is good.

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I usually get around to training him last, and I have no idea why.

-Decent Stat modifiers (2/-1/1/0/-2/2/-1)

-Good Skills from classes

8.5 / 10

Edited by Ƶerker
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I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, because I would expect the opposite to be true. Hard to fit = hard to place optimally, but easy to use because almost any kid of his is good.

This is exactly what I am trying to say, but sucky english get in the way

Its pretty hard to really use him while maintaining a satisfying full set up(there will always be part where I said "man, if only Stahl is here instead", and in my current viewpoint, its beetwen Owain, Severa, and the Physical GF less duo

Also if you are anal about it, -1 Mag Mod might be a deal breaker, but I don't expect player these days to be THAT kind of stupid

BTW since it rhymes, am I a master min maxer now?

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Its pretty hard to really use him while maintaining a satisfying full set up(there will always be part where I said "man, if only Stahl is here instead", and in my current viewpoint, its beetwen Owain, Severa, and the Physical GF less duo

Also if you are anal about it, -1 Mag Mod might be a deal breaker, but I don't expect player these days to be THAT kind of stupid

BTW since it rhymes, am I a master min maxer now?

Haha true, Stahl is so good that it's frustrating when you can't use him for multiple kids. And if you could, virtually every kid would be his or Gaius's.

Aggressor and Luna essentially wipe out any need for hitting magic stats, though IMO it's simpler to pair up complementary parents like LissaxRicken, especially when there's basically no competition for the father.

and LOL sure

Edited by Meteor
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Stahl is now leading the pack with 9.18. Next up is Professor Meathead.


Vaike is a difficult father to rate. He passes on a better set of classes for daughters than sons, but is faced with overlap with almost all of them. Despite this, he is still a Luna father with the added ability to provide his sons the option of physical support.

He is very similar to his rival, Chrom in that he passes Great Knight to a limited pool of children. He is a bit better since he can still create awesome Berserkers out of his children. But man it would have been awesome if boys like Owain, Inigo and Gerome were girls instead.

6/10 Same as Chrom, trades away Lucina for better mods and more marriage options.

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Vaike... meh.

Vaike!Inigo: Only gets Trickster, for fuck's sake.

Vaike!Owain: Congrats! Owain is now Base!Inigo, except shittier!

Vaike!Brady: It's a Brady.

Vaike!Kjelle: LOL


Doesn't exist. *shakes fist at Sumia*

Vaike!Severa: Finally, something interesting. Cordelia's got some pretty awesome mods, and Vaike's complement them pretty well. She also gets Axefaire, which is pretty hot. Vaike limits her somewhat, though, since she really only has one class with the appropriate -faire to abuse that massive strength in, Axefaire Hero. And I guess she can do Lancefaire Falcon Knight/Bride stuff. Note that this is the only one of two children who Vaike can father that can get his Luna, and the only kid who can complete Galeforce+Luna with him.

Vaike!Gerome: He gets Axefaire and +7 STR.

Vaike!Yarne: He gets... nothing and +6 STR.

Vaike!Laurent/Noire: Probably going to sound like a broken record player, but they both prefer Vantage.

Vaike!Nah: Support Hero (though no Aggressor hurts) and can also do Manakete stuff with Pavise/Sol or Luna/DG+/possibly Armsthrift.

Overall I feel he has limited and niche options, though some of the ones he can fill are pretty great. 4.5/10

Edited by Canto
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Vaike's class set is pretty much garbage for the male children. Most of them get Barbarian for free, and could do much better if they want Thief/Fighter access. He does have the hightest Str mod along with +Spd, so he can still fill a niche. Daughters also enjoy the mods, but they receive a much better package of Luna, Armsthrift, and Axefaire. Unfortunately for half of them this means missing out on Galeforce.

5/10 for having something unique and useful to contrubute. Too bad he has Thief instead of Myrmidon.

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He's... difficult to pair in terms of gameplay (and, to be honest, many of his supports feel lacking in... something). Yay for being able to marry more people than Chrom, but I always feel like the kids he fathers would've done better if they'd had a different father. His kids just feel limited somehow.


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-Great physical mods
-Barbarian is kinda cool
-Knight and Mercenary...

-... For girls only. Even then, Nah's the only one who doesn't squander one or the other.

-Hurts magic stats significantly, so he's a little iffy for magically-focused kids.

-Thief/and or Fighter overlap kind of holds him back since it's a bit of a niche class, but some kids can make good use of it. (Kinda wish he got Priest instead, but eh)

The Kids:

Nah: Pavise, Dual Guard, Luna and Sol are pretty cool. I'll maintain that Vaike!Nah's better off as a Hero or General, but Manakete is fine.

Kjelle: A fantastic pairing preceded only by its terrible reputation. Probably one of the only Kjelles with good strength because she ain't gettin' that from anyone else not named Avatar. Try it sometime.

Severa: Galeforce/Luna and modifiers that give Yarne a run for his money. Stahl's probably better overall, but not a bad choice.

Brady: Actually kind of decent. Can pull Barbarian support or be an Axefaire War Monk with Bolt Axe to make up for the lower magic mod. (He has Tomefaire right off the bat) Trickster is interesting, and he doesn't mind Sol. Interesting to note that this is Henry!Brady minus Dark Mage, by the way.

Gerome: Standard 7 strength with Axefaire and crap. Henry!Gerome is literally this with Dark Mage, so it's probably the better option assuming he's not hanging around Sumia.

Noire: Looks crazy but it's actually kinda usable. The speed/skill boost is actually a good boon if she goes Sorcerer, and she gets Bowfaire for Assassin support.

Laurent: Sol is certainly a thing, I guess. Think Gaius!Laurent but worse.

Yarne: Just Sol. And crazy mods. Axefaire Hero is a thing he could do.

Inigo: The mods are fine and Trickster is... I guess it's fine.

Owain: Eh... I guess Hero's a'ight?

Despite all that, Vaike is a little underrated in my opinion. Mercenary + Knight is actually a really good combo, granted only Nah can capitalize on getting both. Likewise, his class set for sons looks laughable at first glance, but there's a few gems in there that some kids can take advantage of. Barbarian is actually a solid inheritance and Thief has its uses, which salvages him significantly for sons, unlike a certain other father who's also best for daughters.


Edited by HeoandReo
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What Heo said, up to and including the terrible reputation of Vaike!Kjelle

Surprisingly Vaike actually rivals/comparable to Stahl in a lot of respect

He has higher str mods, solid class set, and he would actually be fun to use if there's a multiple copy of him. And, of course, the whole imaginary pairing where he is an epic win pairing for Sumia(although looking objectively, a Sumia pairing is a "she's Cynthia" as much as "he's Brady")

In general a good example of a father whose opinion falls over time. If this was the Sol Thrift era, Vaike would seems to be much better

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What Heo said, up to and including the terrible reputation of Vaike!Kjelle

Surprisingly Vaike actually rivals/comparable to Stahl in a lot of respect

He has higher str mods, solid class set, and he would actually be fun to use if there's a multiple copy of him. And, of course, the whole imaginary pairing where he is an epic win pairing for Sumia(although looking objectively, a Sumia pairing is a "she's Cynthia" as much as "he's Brady")

In general a good example of a father whose opinion falls over time. If this was the Sol Thrift era, Vaike would seems to be much better

Wait maybe its because I missed something but what do you mean by the Sol Thrift Era?

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Wait maybe its because I missed something but what do you mean by the Sol Thrift Era?

That was back in the day when Armsthrift and Sol were considered absolutely amazing, Luna was meh, and Galeforce was useful because you could regain more health using Sol.

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Luna Galeforce, although Vantage Vengeance is still pretty cool

Theres a reason why there is a Brady review that consist of "Lol he's Brady" or "He's Brady" or "Meh he's Brady"

Also there was a time when Cynthia is, for some reason pegged as the worst child in the game

Edited by JSND
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Luna Galeforce, although Vantage Vengeance is still pretty cool

Theres a reason why there is a Brady review that consist of "Lol he's Brady" or "He's Brady" or "Meh he's Brady"

Also there was a time when Cynthia is, for some reason pegged as the worst child in the game

I remember this! :D

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Luna Galeforce, although Vantage Vengeance is still pretty cool

Theres a reason why there is a Brady review that consist of "Lol he's Brady" or "He's Brady" or "Meh he's Brady"

Also there was a time when Cynthia is, for some reason pegged as the worst child in the game

Haha. I remember that era. I used to think Noire was the worst child back then. Good times.

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I like Vaike. As a character-based pairing, not lolGaleforcewise.

Gives Owain and Brady their official hairstyles, and makes Inigo look like Tidus. What more could you ask for? Plus I really enjoy his supports with Lissa and Maribelle. Shame that I created Libra!Brady for the sake of not having a redundant ability for Owain, that support was just weird.

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Today is Donnel's turn.


Donnel is a very important father when it comes to optimizing since he provides his daughters with Pegasus Knight. That being said Donnel absolutely blows when it comes to everything else. His mods are crap and Mercenary and Valkyrie don't really cater to hyper offense crowd. I personally hate using him.

That being said, Pegasus Knight is too important for biases to get in the way. He is hands down one of the worst fathers for sons however.


Edit: Lowered the score. WTF was I thinking?

Edit 2: Lowered the score even more. Both Donnel!Kjelle and Donnel!Noire are just worse Sumia clones. Every other Donnel kid is mediocre to terrible.

Edited by Spaceman Craig
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I think he's only good for his daughters.. because of Pegasus Knight.

Then, only being good for Nah/Kjelle/Noire.

Severa/Cynthia/Morgan can already get Pegasus Knight.

Lucina doesn't need to be included, mostly because almost all of her mothers' give Galeforce.

He only has one negative modifier, the rest are all +1 or +2, with Luck being +4, and Resistance being +/-0.

Being said again, I think he's only good for his daughters, because Galeforce.


EDIT: Changing rating. Make sure you read this, Craig.


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