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The Great and Mighty Sfeenks, the nurse, was vanquished by the crafty wizard at a simple game of chess. The whole town woefully rejoiced.
As read from the last will of Sfeenks: nurse i was on gri n1

[spoiler=boring shit]fantas rip
browada passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to fantas...
ruerue244 Oh fuck
fantas all maf dead?
RGEpicMrT # pride
bearclaw1... give it to me I guess
fantas passed the bomb to bluedoom...
bluedoom passed the bomb to browada...

browada passed the bomb to bearclaw13...

bearclaw1... I'm already going to die tonight
Sfeenks oooooooh
Elieson Euk
fantas I love Cock and Balls
RGEpicMrT we must have non-townsided 3rd
Elieson were you mah buddy?
ruerue244 shiiiiit daaawwg
bearclaw1... probs killer
fantas anarchist?
browada Well that was a useless scan on my part
Euklyd wait what you can hand off bombs wtf
RGEpicMrT yeah
Euklyd MAN
ruerue244 I was rooting for your death yesterdayNOIWASNT
RGEpicMrT anybody claim other 3rd?
bearclaw1... y this take so long
browada Sfeenks died before I could clear him
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to fantas...
fantas passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw1...I had second thoughts
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to browada...
littlewhi... hue
browada passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
RGEpicMrT we must have a killer/cm and an anarchist
Sfeenks ...
bearclaw1... #keeponfighting
ruerue244 oh my god
littlewhi... gonna switch to ufuf now brb
RGEpicMrT this will suck
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to fantas...
fantas passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw1... try to kill a third

bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to fantas...
fantas passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...

Elieson loll

bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to fantas...

ruerue244 holy fuck a bomb battle

fantas passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...

Euklyd this is the best thing

RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...

Euklyd like fuck POSTING

RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...

ruerue244 This is amazing

bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...

Euklyd fuck VOTING

bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...

ruerue244 PENIS

RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bearclaw13...
bearclaw13 passed the bomb to RGEpicMrT...
RGEpicMrT passed the bomb to bluedoom...

RGEpicMrT if i die
browada welp
RGEpicMrT lynch bearclaw
ruerue244 Shrek is love
Sfeenks lol lol
Sfeenks lol
ruerue244 shrek is life
Sfeenks lol
Sfeenks lol
fantas anarchist naked
Sfeenks they got ana
RGEpicMrT oshit
bearclaw1... im bleeder who was nursed two nights in a row
Euklyd wait why is he holding it?

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EDIT: specifically, FULL

I've been able to join like, one game, before it closed

Edited by Euklyd
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I left it anyway because it was all straight people

I need at least one fellow gay to feel comfy

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