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What is point (without drafts) of using Natasha?


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Like in title.

Natasha isn't really good magican. She don't have good bases (2 mag). She's growth is almost copy of Lute growth. She is healer, in game which one healer is just fine. She can warp, but you have guys like Saleh, Artur, Moulder... She is Light lock. Only lace, when she can be useful is Ruin. She has even worse durability than Lute

But in previous year she was rated higher than Lute.

Why, if she is Natasha is Lute, with staves and worse bases?

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Because people like Natasha? It doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Some people have character preferences and I honestly think she is much better then Moulder if we get into the "gameplay" reasons of the matter.

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Because they like Natasha?

She might not be the best unit but if people just used all the best units gameplay wise there wouldn't be any point of having 2/3rds of the cast.

edit - dammit jedi

Edited by General Horace
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Because Bishop class exists for Creature Campaign?

Because people like mounted magic users?

Because support options with Joshua / Cormag are easy to work with?

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One healer is fine, but there's little downside to using two or more. Natasha makes a nice backup until Saleh joins.

That magic growth is pretty insane, so she can catch up to Moulder if you're playing relatively slowly. She also has much better RES and LUK, which aren't major advantages except Moulder is at risk of getting critted quite often (and his HP/DEF are NOT generally good enough to survive a decent crit).

Of course, gameplay aside, there's the fact that it's nice to have choices for characters, which Natasha provides nicely, and she also has various different supports and her little story section with Joshua. There's more to FE than optimising and LTC after all.

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If you have the time to build Natasha's support with Joshua, there's nothing preventing you to do the same for Moulder.

The aforementioned Joshua support is a +3, whereas all of Moulder's supports are +2, for one. Second, there's a movement gap between Moulder and his supports (Vanessa and Syrene in particular).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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The aforementioned Joshua support is a +3, whereas all of Moulder's supports are +2, for one. Second, there's a movement gap between Moulder and his supports (Vanessa and Syrene in particular).

So you just take your time and build these supports - what's the problem. Also, Colm and Gilliam match Moulder in movement, and if we play at a pace/adapt a style where Joshua and Natasha reach any level of support, it's the same pace/playstyle where Vanessa could well end up in Moulder's range. I mean, if we don't ignore the speed of clearing the game, even Forde and Kyle could fail to reach C in spite of both being frontliners, existing in 5x where they're really likely to stand together and performing rescuedrop chains.

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So you just take your time and build these supports - what's the problem. Also, Colm and Gilliam match Moulder in movement, and if we play at a pace/adapt a style where Joshua and Natasha reach any level of support, it's the same pace/playstyle where Vanessa could well end up in Moulder's range. I mean, if we don't ignore the speed of clearing the game, even Forde and Kyle could fail to reach C in spite of both being frontliners, existing in 5x where they're really likely to stand together and performing rescuedrop chains.

Actually, Moulder needs to be promoted to match Colm's move, and ditto regarding Gilliam matching Moulder's move. My issue with the Moulder and Vanessa support is that it requires tethering the only flier I have for 2/5 of the game to Moulder, which is really inconvenient.

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So you just take your time and build these supports - what's the problem. Also, Colm and Gilliam match Moulder in movement, and if we play at a pace/adapt a style where Joshua and Natasha reach any level of support, it's the same pace/playstyle where Vanessa could well end up in Moulder's range. I mean, if we don't ignore the speed of clearing the game, even Forde and Kyle could fail to reach C in spite of both being frontliners, existing in 5x where they're really likely to stand together and performing rescuedrop chains.

I don't think this is true. There's more than two ways to play the game, LTC or HTC. Sometimes you fall in the middle, taking some extra time to do things, or make a strategy consistent and thus getting medium-high turn counts, but still not intentionally wasting time to build supports. Heck I'd say that's how 80%+ of FE players play the game (the vast majority of people who don't visit SF for example). Natasha x Joshua takes 20/47/74 turns to reach C/B/A rank. Moulder x Gilliam takes 35/75/115. That's a huge difference. Even considering that Moulder x Gilliam has about a 3 1/2 chapter lead, when you factor in the movement difference Moulder's still probably reaching C rank later than Natash x Joshua, and they're reaching A rank probably not too long after Moulder x Gilliam reach B.

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Natasha also needs to be promoted to match (as in literally match) Joshua's move. Natasha joins at a lower level and cannot get experience as easily until better staves become available and usable, so these two can be expected to differ in move for a while.

I'm positive "80% of FE players" play in all sorts of individual ways. More than 20% will wait for supports to build before they seize for example, and what's the difference between taking 1 minute and taking 1 minute 30 seconds to rank up the support level, especially if we agree that the player is in no rush? Not a big one at all.

What you outline as the "middle" may not be somebody else's "middle", so when you say Moulder's supports are too slow you still draw the line between maintaining a good pace and playing slowly, except the former is still quite a bit too slow to make such strict discrepancy reasonable.

Last time I checked, reliability strategies were never in high demand with said "80% of FE players" glorifying dodgetanking fatal blows with high avo units and similar pleasures. The actual attempts to suggest a reliable approach to the gameplay have for some reason always been low-turn oriented (such as aku's strats for PoR). If we take it lax and lazy (to whatever degree), Moulder has no issue building supports and can start doing so very early.

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I agree with Espinosa. If one is playing to build supports, then turn count or efficiency is neglected which means that any support is a good support, because they all take time and planning to make sure they build. I wish you could pair up in GBA games.

Edited by Hash Jar
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Moulder has such a low luck that even by the low enemy stats in this game he will always face the risk of getting one-shotted.

Guy, are you going to tell me that ~4% crit is high chance?

Avoid killers and Moulder would be never crited.

And if we talking about CC: Moulder has some good defensive supports and infinite statbooster exist.

He is pretty underrated unit (I think because he has ugly battle spriter, dull personality and bad mug).

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Infinte Statboosters exist but you don't showered with 1,000,000 gold as soon as you being CC.

Secret book.

That's all what you need to know.

And you don't need ~15 Goddess Icon to make Moulder cevade tolerable.

Edited by Nicolas
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Secret book.

That's all what you need to know.

And you don't need ~15 Goddess Icon to make Moulder cevade tolerable.

What's +2 skill have to do with anything?

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What's +2 skill have to do with anything?

Not just Secret Book.

And if you have a moment:

  • Go to Ruin (but before Darkling Woods and after Last Hope.
  • Retreat.
  • Save.
  • Reset game
  • Go again.
  • Guess what have first wight in equipment.
Edited by Nicolas
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