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Pokemon X/Y General Thread


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Greninja is... meh? I mean it looks cool and all but its fae resemble's a fox's more than a frog's. ugh.


Chesnaught looks awesome actually.


Underwhelming that the pokedex has uh mostly past gen pokemon and less of Gen 6 pokemon. ;_;

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let's see, favorite starters (starter/final form):

gen 1: Squirtle/Charizard

gen 2: Cyndaquil/Feraligatr

gen 3: Mudkip/Blaziken

gen 4: Piplup/Empoleon

gen 5: Snivy/Serperior

gen 6: not Chespin/Froakie's final evo (forgot the name)

tl;dr version: water types are cool, recent fire types are lame, grass sucks unless you're Smug Snivy

Edited by shadykid
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Is there confirmation on which rivals get which starters?

BTW all of the Instagram dude's pictures relating to XY got nicked. Ow.

Edited by Sakocchi
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Is there confirmation on which rivals get which starters?

BTW all of the Instagram dude's pictures relating to XY got nicked. Ow.

Apparently, IIRC, only the little girl (Shauna) and the opposite gendered MC get actual starters, with Shauna getting the weak-type one, and the other MC getting the stronger-type one. The big guy (Tierno) apparently gets a Corphish, and the short dude (Trevor) gets a Pikachu.

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Make that what you will.

Seems to be bug > rock > fighting > grass > electric > ??? > water > ice (ugh, stupid ice gym puzzles).

I think one of the early trailers had some room with fiery pillars so a fire type Elite 4 might be possible. Either that or ground (magma) or dragon.

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Make that what you will.

Seems to be bug > rock > fighting > grass > electric > ??? > water > ice (ugh, stupid ice gym puzzles).

I think one of the early trailers had some room with fiery pillars so a fire type Elite 4 might be possible. Either that or ground (magma) or dragon.

I heard a rumor that there IS a dark gym, so that might be the mystery shape... maybe.

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Mega Venusaur's stats are somewhere around: 80 HP / 100 Atk / 120 Def / 100 SpA / 120 SpD / 80Spe

Which gives it a BST of 600.

Mega Lucario's stats were calculated to be around: 70 HP / 145 Atk / 70 Def / 140 SpA / 70 SpD / 115 Spe which is a BST of 610.



"Apparently, Team Flare "wants to keep things beautiful forever.. even if it means destroying the world. Cause that makes sense some how i guess."

Calling them now Team Oliver. :P

Edited by Professor Palutena
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Caluclating these is probably going to be easier than we think. It's not like there will be multiple attacks. It just hits at the same time.

Like some examples of how I think it's probably going to be:

Flying Press vs Parasect: Bug resists Fighting (0.5). Grass is neutral against Fighting (1). Bug is weak to Flying (2). Grass is weak to Flying (2)

0.5 x 1 x 2 x 2 = x2 effectiveness

Flying Press vs Golurk. Ground is neutral against Flying (1) and neutral against Fighting (1). Ghost is neutral against Flying (1) and immune to Fighting (0)

1 x 1 x 1 x 0 = Immunity

STAB is either going to the type of the move (in this case, it's a fighting type move) or both types the move is (which would mean that Hawlucha gets double STAB on it).

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Fire/Flying attack from a Fire/Flying Pokemon versus Parasect with Dry Skin:

(Dry Skin weakness to Fire) x2
(Bug weakness to Fire) x2
(Bug weakness to Flying) x2
(Grass weakness to Fire) x2
(Grass weakness to Flying) x2

That's a good x32 multiplier, more with STAB.


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Caluclating these is probably going to be easier than we think. It's not like there will be multiple attacks. It just hits at the same time.

Like some examples of how I think it's probably going to be:

Flying Press vs Parasect: Bug resists Fighting (0.5). Grass is neutral against Fighting (1). Bug is weak to Flying (2). Grass is weak to Flying (2)

0.5 x 1 x 2 x 2 = x2 effectiveness

Flying Press vs Golurk. Ground is neutral against Flying (1) and neutral against Fighting (1). Ghost is neutral against Flying (1) and immune to Fighting (0)

1 x 1 x 1 x 0 = Immunity

STAB is either going to the type of the move (in this case, it's a fighting type move) or both types the move is (which would mean that Hawlucha gets double STAB on it).

Ground is not neutral against Flying....
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