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Curious. Any particular reason for Alakazite instead of Life Orb + Magic Guard + Timid Nature (and put Garchompite on Garchomp instead)?

I originally had the Garchompite on Garchomp, but then I looked at Mega Alakazam's Special Attack and Speed

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Alakazam may benefit more from Life Orb or Focus Sash + Magic Guard rather than an Alakazite and then stuck with Trace.

That and it lets Alakazam not take sandstorm damage while Mega Garchomp has stronger Ground, Rock and Steel moves.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Megazam can check Greninja and outspeed Jolteon, and not outsped by Scarf Ttar

Thats pretty much the only clear advantages though. Alakazam hits harder, and has more versatile Item selection. Tracing shenanigans is fun tho

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So I'm gonna be building a team per tier (including Little Cup) after I beat the game with my current in game team of

Greninja, Charizard, Lucario, Roselia, Lapras and Mawile.

I would have picked Bulbasaur usually but I haven't picked Charizard of the original 3 before despite liking it plus X Forme

Edited by Jedisupersorry
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Megazam can check Greninja and outspeed Jolteon, and not outsped by Scarf Ttar

Thats pretty much the only clear advantages though. Alakazam hits harder, and has more versatile Item selection. Tracing shenanigans is fun tho

Tracing Protean is da best.

What? No way XD

Welp, time to train a new Alakazam

If you need an Abra with Magic Guard I can lend you some.

Edited by Interest
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I appreciate the offer, but I should be alright, thanks again for all the help :)

Now to focus all my attention on doing something about the bottom three, I'm thinking Ferrothorn, Mandibuzz, and a new offensive pokemon whose name is not Talonflame

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Maga Houndoom? If it gets a Nasty Plot (or sunny day) up, something's going to die. I use Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, and Destiny Bond. EVs are max special attack and enough speed to beat timid Lati@s, with the rest going into special defense.

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Mawile is commonly thought to be the best Mega after the big names that is not banned yet(Venusaur, Lucario, Pinsir to an extent, maybe some that I forgot)

Also those summary is kinda innacurate. Aegislash is fairly versatile, that is after people stopped running terrible Swords Dance set, and Landorus I is mostly a Special Attacker

Honestly once you look at it closely, Pokemon metagame actually got much more diverse with every generation, and this gen is much more diverse than the last. The scale where we have "lol Rotom-W everywhere" is not even close to the scale that we have "lol Azel, Rotom-H, Scizor everywhere"

Edited by JSND
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I've believe I've just hatched a 6 perfect IV Poliwag with Swift Swim and Encore. Not that it needs all of them, but getting lucky is nice.

I am happiness.

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So, I'm going to need two to three people to help me with something. I need someone who has Articuno, someone who has Moltres, and someone with Y and Yveltal so I can dex these guys and finally see every Pokemon in the Kalos dexes. They're all that remain for me. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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