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Pff, I like Blaziken even less than Charizard. Which makes me very glad nobody suggested a Speed Boost one for my Fire team. I would've been like HELL no. xP

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I don't dislike Charizard Y, I just like having only x2 SR weakness, Fire/Dragon as type combination and Dragon Dance.

Yeah that's always nice

50% SR is pretty ouch

I do prefer Flamethrower to Flare Blitz, though, and single-turn Solarbeam certainly doesn't hurt, either.

I want a mega Wigglytuff :B

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Is it really not obvious? You're complaining because Charizard got two Mega Evolutions because apparently people like Charizard. Why is that a bad thing?

Let me a bit straight with you.

I like Charizard. Other people like Charizard and that's ok for them.

But that like gets too much and people start treating like god; it becomes too much like. Charizard X has been the thing since Gen 1 has always wanted. I never played Gen 1, and think about this. If people like all three starters, then they would all have Megas for both X/Y no? Same for Blaziken and Mewtwo really.

In the end, Charizard getting the Mega isn't that gets me. Its the fans that support it that I don't like about how Charizard gets Two Mega Evolutions.

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It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it just feels as if Charizard X is.. Unnecessary, and only exists BECAUSE it's so popular. At least in my opinion. /shrug

Especially when they could have, instead, given Megas to other Pokemon that could use them, but didn't get any. (Mainly Sceptile and Swampert. Why did Blaziken get one, when they didn't? :|)

Nothing really wrong with liking 'Zard X, though, I guess. I just prefer 'Zard Y and think Charizard would have been totally fine only getting one Mega.

*Edit* Actually, Shadowfrost Zenbiniar explained it a lot better than me. Whoops. XD

Edited by Maiden of Ghosts
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I think I'll be fine, thanks : )

Once I bred that female HA Torchic, most of my troubles resolved themselves X D

I'll give you a shout if my plans fall through.

Do need a spare Blazikenite though...

Ah, okay. I mean, I have a pretty long list of 'mons (boxes and boxes full), so if you need anything I have, just ask~! ^w^

Soooooorry, while I have no lack of Pokemon, I only have one Blazikenite.

If I do get my hands on another one somehow, though, I'll tell you.

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Yeah that's always nice

50% SR is pretty ouch

I do prefer Flamethrower to Flare Blitz, though, and single-turn Solarbeam certainly doesn't hurt, either.

I want a mega Wigglytuff :B

Isn't Fire Blast the best option for Y though?

Nothing really wrong with liking 'Zard X, though, I guess. I just prefer 'Zard Y and think Charizard would have been totally fine only getting one Mega.

*Edit* Actually, Shadowfrost Zenbiniar explained it a lot better than me. Whoops. XD

I'm sure Charizard would've been fine with only one Mega, but I don't really care if he has two. Wouldn't really be bothered if it wasn't Charizard and if it was like Blastoise/Venusaur instead really.

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70 Acc is so painful :c

Not cuter than Mega Lopunny! :3 I'm sad Lopunny doesn't get much love, it's SOOO cute.

Wigglytuff is the bunnymon of my childhood, especially after the disappointment I had when I found out pikachu is not a rabbit but a mouse. Nothing will ever top Wigglytuff in my heart. I do like Lopunny, though. I'm incapable of hating on anything resembling a rabbit, for starters.

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Thor: Same here, for the most part. I think Diggersby is a disgrace to bunnies everywhere. :P But other than it, bunnymons for the win!

Edited by Anacybele
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I do love Nidoking too. Favorite bunny after Puff and Azumarill.

It's one of the mons I lovingly bred from scratch. Getting that Hustle Nidoran took me forever, hordes pls ;~;

I like the punching ears part of Diggersby. I'm not overly fond of the design otherwise, but a rabbit is a rabbit and I will embrace it.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I love Nidoking and Nidoqueen too.

Sheer Force Nidoking is amazing, and I have a huge softspot for Nidoqueen since a female Nidoran was my first-caught Shiny back in HeartGold. Definitely the best bunnies.

I want Mega Nidoking and Mega Nidoqueen now.

But then the same basic Pokemon will get two different Mega Evolutions

Seriously though, that would be awesome.


It's great. I like Heat wave more tbh but that's because I play double and triple battles a lot

Also Heat Wave Zapdos is the best.

Edited by Refa
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Nidorans look very rabbit-like, at least. They're really fucking cute. They even flop when you knock them out! As they evolve they get more reptilian but still retain the large ears so I just count them as bunny-lizard hybrids.

I'd love MegaNidos as well.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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