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••!•• Would you prefer: Day 13+14


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I am a massive fanboy of a Knight + Knight support conversation that revolves around their duty, which is why Jeigan characters are my favorite in most of the games(this includes Frederick, because despite his major faults, he have those feel that comes from some of his support)

The Elibian circle, Duessel + Cornag, Frederick + Cherche C - A, the FE7!Elibian Knights are good example

14. Weird is the word I guess? For GBA games, the support bonus are massive if applied early, but, of course, its not happening unless you are stalling.

For something like say.... FEDS, its hard to notice thanks to the gameplay being built around proper positioning and assuming that every single hit should get in. It increases your hit rates(consistency) and ALLOWS dodging(beside deploying SM) instead of help you to dodge. I must say this is my favorite version of he support bonus

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Day 13: Most of Frederick's supports so far, Oscar and Kieran's PoR support, Sain and Fiora's support, and Ike and Elincia's PoR support. :D

Day 14: I like it! It makes sense, because even in real life, support from your friends and loved ones makes you try harder and do better in general. It's because they motivate you to do so. :)

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Day 13

JillxLethe I think. Lots of worldbuilding and character development for and referencing stuff that happens during the main story so it feels like we are truly moving forward in time.

And most importantly: The beginning of a wonderful friendship that even the worst war can't rip apart.

IkexSoren is nice too.

Day 14

I love the support system from FE3/5. Though more accurately, I would prefer if it was handled like TRS where supports bonuses could be raised by certain events.

The thing is, I would prefer if a units doesn't have to stick around for half the game to develop a feature that makes her worth being deployed in the first place.

Character convos are a great feature but I wish these would be handled more through base conversations like in PoR/RD or TRS (sort of). That way it would also be easier to reference current events.

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I actually like it when games make it so you have to use characters in order to get their supports. It actually adds to repeat playthroughs IMO. Though it does mean that we tend not to see supports for characters that we don't use for whatever reason.....

Honestly the FE9 support system is probably my favourite. Or possibly FE12's.

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13. Ike and Soren in PoR. Jill's supports are all very notable too. And most of the cross beorc-laguz supports do a lot of worldbuilding too.

14. FE9's system. Some supports take forever, but at least all you need to do is field the units, and the supports are set up like they are so that the supports can reference story events and grow with the characters in regards to the plot.

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13: Hmm...there's quite a bit.

FE6: Anything with Karel

FE7: Anything with Wil, Serra, and Pent

FE8: Knoll/Natasha

FE9: Anything with Lethe

FE13: Anything with Cynthia and Brady

14: FE9 did it the best.

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13. I have no idea. Gonzales / Treck or Paris / Male MU because it's was funny... But Ilyana and Kieran's support are my favorite I guess.

Uh, what? o_O Kieran can't support with Ilyana. The only female he can support with is Marcia. Or did I recall incorrectly?

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13: Karel (everything in FE6 owns and I like his FE7 support with Karla a lot).

14. The implementation has been shaky across the series but I enjoy the concept and the bonuses. I'd prefer they stay similar to the tone of supports in the 6 7 8 9 where they help to expand characters backstories and personalities in short and simple dialogue, but don't exist purely for stat bonuses and are more robust than silly anime goofiness. Affinities need to come back. 9's system of just fielding units is my favourite since it stops you having to fuck around with positioning as much.

Edited by Irysa
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  • 3 months later...

Another day, another question set.

Day 13: Which character's support(s) do you consider to be your favorite?

Day 14: Speaking of, what's your opinion on the support bonus system in general?

Well, I don't like to pick favorites, nor have I unlocked and read every support ever, but...yeah, I just don't have the experience for that one.

I really like support, they add character development and a new layer of strategy. I advocate for the return of affinities, but I can live without them.

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