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FE6 HM 0% growths v2-3


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What was the more elegant strategy?

it was supposed to be (against zephiel):

percival 21 x2 HP damage with durandal at 56 hit

shin 7 x2 HP damage with murgleis at 39 hit

niime 15 HP damage with apocalypse at 54 hit

for a total of 71 HP damage. zephiel has 10% class growth in HP and something like 14 or 15 HM bonus levels, so statistically he can have 71 or 72 HP, but it looks like he always has 72 HP from a chapter save. this is why shin was tagging along with percival and niime even though he did nothing on the last turn. actually, i should have had him use that boots in his inventory, but i forgot...

Edited by dondon151
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What about Igrene? She had a free turn on PP1. I doubt there's anything mega-important that a bonus to her stats would help, but is it worth considering?

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turns out that last boots on yodel may be totally unnecessary. i think i'll hack 15 mov onto niime and see what i can do in chapter 24.

EDIT: i'm also pretty sure that i can't 7-turn chapter 24.

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i managed to 8-turn chapter 24 without a rescue staff use, but i don't see any way that i can possibly 7-turn with a rescue staff use. so that means that i'll have one rescue staff use left over. any ideas about how that can be put to use? i'm looking at the turncounts in the OP and i can't see anything after chapter 16 that can be cleared 1 turn faster with a rescue use.

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more money doesn't seem to be useful at this point. i have 5 units with maxed out move, lalum with 11 (and no free turns to get any more), and yodel with 10 (which is all he needs). extra boosters in other stats are unnecessary. i could do chapter 23 with 2 rescue and 1 warp if yodel had 12 move to start and percival had 14 move to start, but that's not possible.

EDIT: chapter-by-chapter breakdown incoming

16x: saul is warping on turns 2 and 3, so he would have to use rescue on turn 1. i can't clear faster than 3 turns if saul isn't finishing his warps before turn 3, though. possibility of saving a turn here is 0%.

17I: a turn 1 rescue (on lalum) doesn't get milady far enough to drop roy within seize range on turn 2. dropping lalum instead is theoretically possible but way too dangerous given the presence of a purge bishop and a ton of enemies.

18I: 3-turn with rescue use was investigated and presumed not possible.

19I: not only can i not get a bosskiller far enough soon enough, but i'd have to pass up the energy ring in a 3-turn, which is unacceptable. possibility of saving a turn here is 0%.

20I: you can't get much faster than a 2-turn in this game, and i already am using rescue once. possibility of saving a turn here is 0%.

20xI: the boss is just too far away for a 2-turn. percival can theoretically ORKO him with a double killer axe crit, i think, but roy has to be really far up in order to seize the throne after a warp. roy can't be dropped in the throne area on turn 1 because the shamans ORKO him. i'd be open for novel suggestions in this map, but i doubt 2-turning is possible with a rescue use.

21: 3-turning is impossible because yodel doesn't have enough mag, plus i'd lose out on a pair of stat booster uses. possibility of saving a turn here is 0%.

21x: possibility of saving a turn here is 0%.

22: yeah, no. possibility of saving a turn here is 0%.

23: possibility of saving a turn here is 0% but there is a faint possibility that instead of using 2 warp and 1 rescue, i can get the same result with 1 warp and 2 rescue. a cursory investigation shows that yodel needs at least an extra boots use prior to this point, though.

24: i don't think i can 7-turn without the tools that beamcrash used; namely, rigged bolting crits.

so there's really only a handful of maps in which shaving off a turn with rescue is even a possibility.

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alright, so here's the current playthrough status. i think that i have a strategy to 2-turn chapter 23 with 2 rescue and 1 warp, which leaves me 1 warp for chapter 24, opening up the possibility of a 7-turn clear. the caveat is that i need to redistribute a few stat boosters (which means going back to at least chapter 21) and i need to better manage my money throughout the game because i'll need to buy one or more extra stat boosters (that's right, 29 boots wasn't enough).

this means that i have to start over. i was planning on doing that anyway, though, to shave off some unnecessary actions and optimize execution. there were also a handful of little details that i could have improved on (for example, getting zealot to C axes a couple of rounds of combat earlier). finally, i had already intended to record commentary to what i think has been my best 0% growths playthrough yet, and this would be easiest if i made the videos as short as possible.

tl;dr stay tuned!

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You should try and get LIGHT BRANDO!MARCUS too for that chapter 8x boss. Not sure how possible it would be though, sadly. But hey, 10% more hit!

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Aha. That's a shame, I remember you complaining about Zealot's hit. I'd say get Marcus to C Swords anyways, but I don't think it'd really be particularly useful anywhere besides maybe letting you rig some crits in some of the annoying midgame maps. Probably not worth it. So how is the commentary going to work? Are you going to do that as you go along, or after you're finished?

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either way works; the only trouble with doing it as i go along would be if i get to chapter 23 and it turns out that i made a bad miscalculation somewhere.

writing commentary takes more time than practicing and recording... they're kind of separate activities.

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