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If everyone in the cast didn't have a gimmick....

HK Motendra

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I can forgive a gimmick just as long as it's a foible that the character tries to overcome i.e Yarne and his cowardice.

A gimmick that's just there to differentiate a character can get annoying really fast, especially if they smear it all over your face at every opportunity (coughGaiuscough).

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LOL, I'm not gonna pay for something that, for all intents and purposes, was already in the game and was taken to amke some quick bucks. Character development DLC. What a ridiculous notion. And a sad one too.

I think IS was trolling.

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Kellam's gimmick is awesome because of it's consistency and hilarity. It's present in every appearance he makes. It's in his first appearance. It's in his supports. He reclasses into a thief. It's in his ending, every single one. It's even on the cover of the game.

How could this be in any way considered a good thing that he cannot say a single line without referencing this?

It's like having to hear a bad joke over and over and over. In Kellam's case close to a dozen times during a single battle because the guy somehow references this for every single action he does.

Dodging! Attacking! Dying! It's the same even when he freaking kills other people!

Edited by BrightBow
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Emmeryn is such an awful character. Easily one of the worst characters in video game history. She's on a whole new level of awfulness.

How many of you laughed when Emmeryn stubbornly goes back to Ylisstol and gets captured again within the span of one cutscene? I know I was laughing because it was so funny. Then I realized that we're supposed to take it seriously. Then I started laughing for a completely different reason.

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Emmeryn is such an awful character. Easily one of the worst characters in video game history. She's on a whole new level of awfulness.

How many of you laughed when Emmeryn stubbornly goes back to Ylisstol and gets captured again within the span of one cutscene? I know I was laughing because it was so funny. Then I realized that we're supposed to take it seriously. Then I started laughing for a completely different reason.

Sorry Emmeryn, your gimmick's in another castle.

... ... 'Kay, that's wasn't actually funny. ._.

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Emmeryn is such an awful character. Easily one of the worst characters in video game history. She's on a whole new level of awfulness.

How many of you laughed when Emmeryn stubbornly goes back to Ylisstol and gets captured again within the span of one cutscene? I know I was laughing because it was so funny. Then I realized that we're supposed to take it seriously. Then I started laughing for a completely different reason.

Don't you dare mock my Cliff!

*insert sad music here

No, seriously. That was the best chapter in the game because it have the amazing character that is Cliff!

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"Sorry Emmeryn, but your gimmick took a nosedive in popularity."

^ That's significantly better.

No, guys, you're all wrong. Best character is Vasto. No contest.

Edited by Vashiane
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Sorry Emmeryn, your gimmick's in another castle.

... ... 'Kay, that's wasn't actually funny. ._.

"Sorry Emmeryn, but your gimmick took a nosedive in popularity."

Sorry, Emmeryn, but your gimmick is suffering from a very minor case of serious brain damage.


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Sorry, Emmeryn, but your gimmick is suffering from a very minor case of serious brain damage.


The coolest!

Maybe the ground is secretly made of hay

Emmeryn for Assassin's Creed 5, make it happen.

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Emmeryn would make a shitty-ass assassin tho

Stabbing templar time would be try to talk templar out of being templar time (and subsequently fail at it)

Worst Assassin ever

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Emmeryn would make a shitty-ass assassin tho

Stabbing templar time would be try to talk templar out of being templar time (and subsequently fail at it)

Kellam would be an amazing assassin though.

"All these guards are just DYING! What's going on?!"

"... ... I'm right here. See? I'm stabbing him. Watch me stab him. I'm stabbing him AGAIN and - oh, what's the point?"

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Maybe Kellam can fall off that cliff without sustaining brain damage too

Emm got damaged because she is a terrible Assassin it's worse than that other time where some guy broke his leg jumping into a haystack terrible

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