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What's Navarre's Story Regarding His Past and Actions?


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Navarre's past was briefly shown in the Fire Emblem OVA, and it really got me curious as to what happened exactly and why he acts the way he does.

All I could really make out is that he lost his wife in a bandit attack and wasn't able to defeat the bandits and save her. Then, he trains himself to become a very skilled swordfighter to atone for not being able to save her, yet joins up with bandits and thieves for whatever reason, yet refuses to hurt women because of that past experience. The scene where he evades Julian, doesn't hurt him, and actually turns on the bandits he joined needs no explanation in my eyes, since he knows what it's like to be in a position where you're not strong enough to save the woman you love. I'm just quite curious as to why he's with bandits (in both FE1, FE3, and the remakes) in the first place.

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I'll try to explain this.

One day, God decided that he would try and create the universe. Then he did, and realized it was boring as all hell. So then he peppered some little playthings around so that it wouldn't be as boring to watch over. All was peaceful, for a time anyways.

But then, God got restless. God was tired of just sitting around and watching all his little stringless puppets dance about in the universe that he created; so he decided to become one of them, if only for a little while. But he needed a disguise, so he plucked one of his subjects up at will and took on their form in their stead, and vowed that if he were to ever become a crucial component in any military force, that he would be able to truly outclass all before him with minimal effort.

Said form is now known as Brady.

... Wait, what were we talking about again?

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Unfirtunately, Navarre doesn't get a proper backstory and the canonocity of what we see in the OVA is dubious at best since this is also where the whole 'abusive Cornelius' comes from when that aspect is never hinted at in the games.

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Actually, the SNES-era designer's notes gave him a backstory that hinted he was a foreigner who was looking for a lost princess and found her in Feena, who had noble/royal lineage and could therefore use the royal Rapier. The implication SEEMS to be that Navarre came from Isaach in Jugdral (or whatever Isaach became a thousand years later) since it's all the same planet and he's repeatedly indicated to be an oddball in terms of dress and fighting style.

It's all very sketchy and all that got left on the cutting room floor come FE12, though, so don't worry about it. But yeah, there was supposed to be a lot more to him than just Cool Sword Dude. the designer's notes are hosted here on this website and linked to under the FE3 section if you want to check it out.

"Q1: Who is Nabarl?

Comments: It seems Nabarl is travelling the continent in search for an unknown person, which might be related to why he's always silent around young girls in danger. He employs the dual wielding fighting style with eastern blades. He is in his mid 20's.

Q2: Why can Feena equip the Rapier?

Comments: In the world of Fire Emblem, Rapiers are used by royalty. The fact that Feena can equip it implies something about her heritage."

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And Navarre is an actual place. Yeah, they got rid of the reference but unless there was some point to that reference other being just there for the sake of it, I don't a problem.

And in my opinion, Shiida/Sheeda is a terrible name.

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Unfirtunately, Navarre doesn't get a proper backstory and the canonocity of what we see in the OVA is dubious at best since this is also where the whole 'abusive Cornelius' comes from when that aspect is never hinted at in the games.

There did seem to be something from the FE OVA that leaked over into Shin Monshou, regarding him considering Ogma as a rival of sorts (Leading to their encounter in one of the new trial maps). Nintendo tends to take bits and pieces from adaptations as inspirations for certain elements rather than taking them wholecloth, broadly speaking. Either way, abusive Cornelius isn't outright contradicted in the games like the circumstances that led to Marth and Elice's parting are.

Navarre being a foreigner might also be starting to kick in, considering how lately IntSys has been enjoying making speedy swordsmen into "Asian" archtypes. Though if he were a descendant of Sacae or an Ancestor of Chon'sin then he'd probably be out of place with a name like Navarre... and the idea of him being from Jugdral would probably be out of the question.

This thread reminds me of a few years back when I proposed a backstory idea for Navarre for the idea of expanding supports in Shadow Dragon. (Sadly, when they did expand supports in Shin Monshou they STILL dodged his backstory... at least they didn't contradict my fanwanking, though! Hahahaha!)

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At least it gives me more room for headcanon. That's one thing I greatly enjoy about FE11/12. WHile they may not be big on character development, they presented just enough to make me intrigued and let my imagination run wild instead of going overboard with unappealing personalities like in FE13.

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At least it gives me more room for headcanon. That's one thing I greatly enjoy about FE11/12. WHile they may not be big on character development, they presented just enough to make me intrigued and let my imagination run wild instead of going overboard with unappealing personalities like in FE13.

I like this about the FE1/3/11/12 lot as well, there is alot of room for headcanon as you said. I love my FE headcanons and I encourage others to have their own ^^

Random fun fact of the day Sakurai the creator of Kirby and Smash Brothers favorite FE character is Navarre according to some interviews although they used to be misquoted as Sigurd lol.

Edited by Jedi
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And Navarre is an actual place. Yeah, they got rid of the reference but unless there was some point to that reference other being just there for the sake of it, I don't a problem.

And in my opinion, Shiida/Sheeda is a terrible name.

Many of the characters take names from mythology. It fits in with the consistency of the others to be Nabarl (and actually being that in the original Japanese). North America's localisation of Shiida is also apparently pronounced the same way. For some unfathomable reason though they used the same C sound used in Caesar.

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I like this about the FE1/3/11/12 lot as well, there is alot of room for headcanon as you said. I love my FE headcanons and I encourage others to have their own ^^

I mentioned in a few topics before how lately I've been listening to the various Archanea-era Fire Emblem CD dramas, and one of the most interesting things about them seem to be that each different one has alternate interpretations of how the plot goes, how certain characters are, etc. It seems "headcanon" applies not just to the fans, but to cross-media items as well.

"Tabidachi no Shou", in particular, plays out in such a way that "Monshou no Nazo" could not have happened without key details being changed.

It's an appeal that's pretty distinct to the Archanea Saga, since later games would go on to having characters that are much more ..... what's the correct word, here? Well, detailed personalities, with a lot less blank slates to work with. Less room for headcanon.

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Navarre being a foreigner might also be starting to kick in, considering how lately IntSys has been enjoying making speedy swordsmen into "Asian" archtypes. Though if he were a descendant of Sacae or an Ancestor of Chon'sin then he'd probably be out of place with a name like Navarre... and the idea of him being from Jugdral would probably be out of the question.

I was kind of wondering if Athena was from Jugdral

So if Navarre really is from another continent, it could also make sense for him to be from Jugdral.

I don't see why there couldn't be Jugdrali people in FE1/3. One of Caesar's base conversations also hints that there is awareness of other continents (although it could just be hinting at Valentia).

Edited by VincentASM
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He does look kinda a lot like Shanan, and Judgral supposed to be in the same world as Akaneia, so I don't see how it's far-fetched that he could be from there if he's supposed to be a foreigner.

Maybe, and yeah Jugdral is the same world, but a different era all together. I just don't see Jugdral being possible

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How many years difference is there between FE3 and FE4? A thousand years?

FE13 took place 2000 years after FE3 and civilisation is still alive, despite there being a major cataclysm.

I think having Jugdrali dudes in FE1/3 is fair game : P

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How many years difference is there between FE3 and FE4? A thousand years?

FE13 took place 2000 years after FE3 and civilisation is still alive, despite there being a major cataclysm.

I think having Jugdrali dudes in FE1/3 is fair game : P

Perhaps, but then that brings the question of what happened to Jugdral in between FE3 and FE4?

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Technically Grima is from Jugdral because the damn thing is combination of the sealed Earth Dragons....

Oh, did we get confirmation on that one?

The dragons originated in Archanea, though, not Jugdral. Loptyr and Forseti were just visiting. Jugdral is a people-world that got first mucked up by foreign dragons and then saved by them. Archanea is where it's at, if you're a dragon. Until people fight back, anyway.

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