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Male Units Only LTC Challenge Playthrough



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~Paralogue 3~

3rd freaking attempt because I got RNGowned

Turn 1: At this point I can't bother saying the same stuff. Javelin Armor dies in EP, Stahl gets level blla bla:

HP Str Skl Spd Def

At least Stahl always gets dem good levels in these otherwise terribly unlucky runs.

Fred owns shit, etc. Archer is owned by Stahl+Kellam. Kellam gets:

HP Str Spd Def

Fred kills moar things. Ricken ExcaliBROs a fighter and gets:

HP Skl Res


Lon'qu kills PEGS and gets:

HP Skl Def Res

oh god sorry im so frustrated atm. This is stupid.

Turn 2: Stahl uses forge to KO knight. Fred kills Fighter. Ricken chips, Gaius finishes fighter.

EP 2: Lon'qu ORKOs Knight. Fred owns more stuff. A Merc attempts to KO Ricken and dies trying. fighter dies to Lon'qu.

Turn 3: Lon'qu doesn't ORKO the fighter because of no spd proc and gets hp skl lck.

Ok, this is enough for today.

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Ok, rage over

Please, rng please no trolling.

~Paralogue 3~

A Strangled (by the RNG) PKL

Turn 1: Same as every other run.

EP 1: Stahl gets:

HP Spd Def Res

Fred kills the same enemies as last time. Archer survives due to no kellam dual. Fighter misses Ricken and he gets:

HP Mag Skl Def

could be worse I suppose.

Lon'qu gets:

HP Spd Lck Def from the 2 pegs. Stahl doesn't ORKO the knight in the way because the knight proc'd def +2 skl...

This game is soooo full of RNG. I can't stand it.

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FOR MY SANITY I APPLY A STRENGTH TONIC TO STAHL and forge an Iron Axe with +5 Hit so that there's no chance of RNG screwage. BECAUSE THE RNG HAS PROVEN THAT IT WILL SCREW ME IN THIS MAP.

*clears throat*

~Paralogue 3~

RNG War Attempt 5

Turn 1: Stahl ORKOs Knight and gets:

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck

EP 1: Fred ORKOs same stuff as usual. Kellam gets a Dual on the archer for:

HP Str Skl Lck

Fighter misses Ricken and he gets:

HP Mag Skl Spd Def

Lon'qu gets:

Skl Def Res


Screw it, Im gonna keep going.

Turn 2: Stahl kills the Knight.

Fred kills stuff. Ricken KOs the Fighter that attacked him earlier. Gaius hides.

EP 2: Merc attacks Ricken and gets countered for 22 damage. Knight and Fighter in the bottom left of the map die to lon'qu. More stuff die to Frederick.

Turn 3: Turns out Lon'qu can ORKO the Fighter in the middle after all this because the fighter didnt proc spd like Lon'qu.

He gets: HP Str Skl Spd

Virion kills Merc that Ricken "chipped" and gets:

HP Str Lck Res

EP 3: Merc dies to Lon'qu in one hit. NPC is attacked by Fighter. Ricken is attacked by Archer and he hits back for 22 damage and gets C tomes.

Turn 4: Lon'qu kills Fighter. Ricken uses Fire to KO the archer. Chrom pairs with Fred again and Fred uses Iron Axe on the boss for 19x2 99% hit displayed.

Yeah, good luck screwing me now RNG.


HEROES Vaike and Lon'qu

Unit        Class          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom       Lord           11.37     26   14    2   15   14   11   11    5  Sword B
Sakurai     Tactician       1.75     19    5    5    5    8    4    6    4  Sword E Tome 
Frederick   Great Knight    9.88     38   17    2   17   14   10   17    6  Sword C Lance A Axe B
Vaike       Fighter         4.96     31   10    0    8    6    4    5    0  Axe D
Stahl       Cavalier       11.65     30   14    1   14   11   11   14    2  Sword C Lance B
Kellam      Knight          6.12     22   11    0    8    5    4   14    2  Lance 
Lon'qu(11)  Wyvern Rider    3.89     30   20    2   16   14   13   13    3  Axe E
Virion      Archer          4.21     21    7    1   12    6    8    6    2  Bow D
Ricken      Mage            7.88     24    4   15   10    7   12   10    4  Tome C
Gaius       Thief           5.10     22    7    0   13   15    6    5    2  Sword D

Sakurai Ricken B

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~Chapter 8~

The Grimleal

Before the chapter:

Apply Def and Res Tonics on Ricken and Lon'qu. Buy Lon'qu some Hand Axes, give Ricken a Celica's Gale.

angelicrobe.png on Lon'qu

Turn 1: Sakurai pairs with Ricken and Ricken uses Celica's Gale to ORKO a Fighter near there. Ricken gets:

HP Mag Skl Lck Def

frederick unequips himself and pairs with Lon'qu. Lon'qu ORKOs a Cavalier with BEATEMUP and gets

HP Str Spd Lck Res

Gaius pairs with Stahl. Stahl heads down and Javelins a Myrmidon for 13 damage, Gaius gets a Dual Strike. Chrom pairs with Vaike and Vaike switches to Chrom and moves to the right a bit to get in range of a Fighter. Gregor and Nowi move up (theyre unpaired )

EP 1: Chrom ORKOs the Fighter. Vaike gets:

HP Str Lck

Ricken ORKOs a Dark Mage. Stahl finishes off the Myrmidon and gets:

HP Skl Spd Def Res

A Dark Mage attacks Stahl and gets ORKO'd. A Dark Mage gets Celica'd by ricken after the dark mage misses.

Turn 2: Ricken Celica's a Dark Mage and gets:

HP Lck Res

Lon'qu uses BEATEMUP to almost OHKO a Myrmidon. Nowi goes up to hide. I have Stahl move down a bit and separate Gaius to the left of him. Gregor pairs with Stahl to escape every enemy in range. Kellam is given Chrom and he drops him to the right near the Rescue village.

EP 2: A Barbarian attacks Lon'qu and gets owned. A Dark Mage goes for Stahl and gets Javelin'd to near death. A Myrmidon attacks Lon'qu and dies. A Cavalier attacks Ricken and dies. A Cavalier attacks Lon'qu and gets ORKO'd and he gets:

HP Spd Lck Def Res

Another Cavalier dies to Lon'qu and he gets Axe Level D.

Turn 3: Chrom gets the Rescue staff Village. Lon'qu goes down and uses a Vulnerary after equipping Hand Axe. Ricken heads a bit down to where he will lure 3 enemies and uses a Concoction. Stahl finishes off a Dark Mage with a Javelin.

EP 3: Lon'qu Hand Axes a Fighter after Fred dual guards for him. A Myrmidon with a Killing Edge attacks Lon'qu and gets severely hurt. A Dark Mage with Flux attacks Lon'qu and is ORKO'd, Lon'qu gets:

HP Str Skl Def

A Myrmidon attacks Lon'qu and is severely hurt too. The Elwind Dark Mage attacks but misses and then gets crit. If he hit, it would be 14 out of 37 damage. lol. A fighter dies to Ricken's Celica's Gale. A Dark Mage dies to Ricken too and he gets:

HP Skl Lck

He also gets 060.pngFocus

A Myrmidon dies to Ricken.

Turn 4: Ricken gets the Master Seal village. Lon'qu uses BEATEMUP to KO one of the myrms.

EP 4: The boss gets ORKO'd by Lon'qu. Lon'qu gets:

HP Str Skl Spd Def

The remaining myrmidon dies.


HEROES Sakurai and Ricken

Unit        Class          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom       Lord           11.64     26   14    2   15   14   11   11    5  Sword B
Sakurai     Tactician       1.99     19    5    5    5    8    4    6    4  Sword E Tome D
Frederick   Great Knight    9.93     38   17    2   17   14   10   17    6  Sword C Lance A Axe B
Vaike       Fighter         5.07     32   11    0    8    6    5    5    0  Axe D
Stahl       Cavalier       12.57     31   14    1   15   12   11   15    3  Sword C Lance B
Kellam      Knight          6.12     22   11    0    8    5    4   14    2  Lance D
Lon'qu(11)  WyvernRider     7.59     39   23    2   18   17   15   16    5  Axe D
Virion      Archer          4.21     21    7    1   12    6    8    6    2  Bow D
Ricken      Mage           10.31     27    4   16   12    7   15   11    5  Tome C
Gaius       Thief           5.20     22    7    0   13   15    6    5    2  Sword D
Gregor      Mercenary      10.00     30   12    0   13   11    8   10    2  Sword C

Ricken promotes to Sage

27 +4

4 +1

14 +3

12 +2

7 +3


11 +2

5 +2

Mov +1

staff.png E

31 HP

5 Str

17+2 Mag

14 Skl

10 Spd

15 Lck

13 Def

7 Res

Bought 8 Spd Tonics because dat spd.

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~Chapter 9~


Before the Chapter: Str Tonic on Lon'qu. Spd Tonic on Ricken.

Turn 1: Vaike pairs with Lon'qu. Chrom pairs with Ricken and Ricken uses the Rescue Staff on Lon'qu. Lon'qu heads towards the boss and Hand Axes a Soldier. Fred pairs with Gaius and Gaius goes down and switches to Fred to be in range of a Javelin Soldier. Kellam pairs with Stahl. Stahl Javelins a Soldier.

EP 1: The Killer Bow Archer attacks Lon'qu and deals 21 damage to him. Lon'qu answers with a Hand Axe to the face.The Javelin soldier dies to Frederick and he gets:

HP Str Spd Lck Def

A Soldier dies to Ricken. A Mage attacks Stahl and Stahl answers with a crit. An Archer dies to Ricken+Chrom. An Archer attacks Libra. A Dark Mage attacks Libra. A Mage attacks Lon'qu and gets OHKO'd with Vantage, netting Lon'qu a level:

HP Spd Lck

The Steel Bow Archer attacks Lon'qu and gets Vantage'd. 2 wyvern attack ricken and get ORKO'd. A Wyvern attacks Lon'qu and and gets owned. Another Wyvern also gets owned by Lon'qu, vaike didnt even let him attack because of the dual. Lon'qu gets:

HP Str Skl Spd Def

NPC 1: Libra crits a Dark Mage.

Turn 2: Lon'qu OHKOs Tharja with Hand Axe. Ricken moves towards Libra.

EP 2: Libra is attacked by a soldier and Libra doesnt crit back. An Archer attacks Libra. Lon'qu Vantages a Soldier. Lon'qu vantages the Killer bow dude. Lon'qu owns the remaining Wyvern and gets:

HP Skl Spd Res

and learns 054.pngTantivy

NPC 2: libra makes a sinner repent.

Turn 3: Ricken carries Chrom to where he can talk to Libra and he recruits him and kills the soldier for a:

HP Mag Lck

level. Lon'qu ORKOs the boss with a Hammer. Holy moly, how overkill 42x2 out of 49 HP.


HEROES Vaike and Lon'qu

Unit        Class          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom       Lord           12.14     27   14    3   15   14   12   11    5  Sword B
Sakurai     Tactician       1.99     19    5    5    5    8    4    6    4  Sword E Tome D
Frederick   Great Knight   10.05     39   18    2   17   15   11   18    6  Sword C Lance A Axe B
Vaike       Fighter         5.37     32   11    0    8    6    5    5    0  Axe D
Stahl       Cavalier       12.94     31   14    1   15   12   11   15    3  Sword C Lance B
Kellam      Knight          6.12     22   11    0    8    5    4   14    2  Lance 
Lon'qu(11)  WvvernRider    10.76     42   24    2   20   20   16   17    6  Axe D
Virion      Archer          4.21     21    7    1   12    6    8    6    2  Bow D
Ricken(10)  Sage            1.97     31    6   19   14   10   15   13    7  Tome C Staff E
Gaius       Thief           5.20     22    7    0   13   15    6    5    2  Sword D
Gregor      Mercenary      10.00     30   12    0   13   11    8   10    2  Sword C
Libra       War Monk        1.00     39   14   16   13   14   10   11   16  Axe C Staff C


dracoshield.png on Lon'qu

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~Paralogue 4~

Anna the Merchant

Turn 1: Gaius pairs with Libra. Sakurai pairs with Frederick. Vaike pairs with Lon'qu. Gregor pairs with Ricken. Kellam pairs with Stahl. Ricken moves up and rescues Lon'qu and gets:

HP Mag Skl Spd

Stahl goes up and opens the eastern door. Lon'qu ORKOs an archer after the door got opened and he reached C Axes. Frederick ORKOs a Mage with a Hand Axe, Sakurai doesn't get a dual. Libra attacks an Archer, Gaius gets a dual and Libra doesn't kill the Archer by 1 hp. Virion pairs with Chrom.

EP 1: Anna is attacked and she does 30 damage to a Steel Axe Barbarian. A Hand Axe barbarian attacks her. A Myrmidon attacks her and she dodged a 60 and then ORKOs him. An Archer attacks her and she doesnt dodge. A Mage attacks her and she dodges. A Barbarian attacks Libra, he dodges and counters but doesnt quite kill. Chrom gets attacked by a Myrmidon and he counters. Chrom counters a Barbarian. Another Myrmidon attacks Chrom and he counters for 18 damage, Virion gets a dual. An Archer attacks Ricken and gets ORKO'd. A Mage attacks Stahl and Stahl answers with a Crit and gets:

HP Str Skl Def Res

A Barbarian attacks Ricken and gets ORKO'd, Gregor got a dual. A Myrmidon gets OHKO'd by Lon'qu and he gets:

HP Str Skl Spd Res

A Mage gets KO'd by Lon'qu. The Archer dies to Libra now. A Mage attacks Stahl and leaves him in critical hp, Kellam duals for the kill.

NPC 1: Anna finishes off a Barbarian.

Turn 2: Ricken ORKOs a Barbarian that is blocking the way for Lon'qu. Lon'qu attacks an Archer from 2 range and Vaike duals for the kill. Chrom finishes off a Barbarian. Frederick ORKOs a Mage. Libra Hand Axes a Mage near a chest in the west. Stahl goes down and switches to Kellam.

EP 2: A Hand Axe barbarian keeps going for Anna, same with the Archer. A Barbarian now dies to Frederick. A Myrmidon dies to Chrom. Another Myrmidon is countered for 18 damage and he levels up:

HP Skl Spd Lck Def

A Mage attacks Lon'qu and he dodges and answers with a OHKO. A Myrmidon is OHKO'd by Lon'qu. A Barbarian too and he gets:

HP Skl Spd

An Elwind Mage attacks Lon'qu and hits him for 17 damage and gets OHKO'd. The boss, Vincent now attacks Lon'qu and he gets ORKO'd thanks to Vaike's dual. Vaike reached Axe C.

Turn 3: Fred ORKO'd the Archer near Anna. Stahl attacks the Hand Axe Barbarian and Kellam doesnt dual. Libra switches to Gaius and Gaius nabs the Bullion(L) chest. Chrom KOs the remaining myrmidon. Lon'qu OHKOs the Thief with a Hand Axe and gets:

Str Skl Res

EP 3: A barbarian dies to Lon'qu. An Elfire mage gets KO'd by Lon'qu too. A Barbarian also gets owned by Lon'qu. The Hand Axe barbarain keeps trying to hit Anna.

NPC 3: Anna KOs that stupid barbarian.


HEROES Vaike and Lon'qu

Unit        Class          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom       Lord           13.31     28   14    3   16   15   13   12    5  Sword B
Sakurai     Tactician       1.99     19    5    5    5    8    4    6    4  Sword E Tome D
Frederick   Great Knight   10.49     39   18    2   17   15   11   18    6  Sword C Lance A Axe B
Vaike       Fighter         5.57     32   11    0    8    6    5    5    0  Axe C
Stahl       Cavalier       13.61     32   15    1   16   12   11   16    4  Sword C Lance B
Kellam      Knight          6.23     22   11    0    8    5    4   14    2  Lance D
Lon'qu(11)  WyvernRider    13.51     44   26    2   22   22   17   19    8  Axe C
Virion      Archer          4.27     21    7    1   12    6    8    6    2  Bow D
Ricken(10)  Sage            2.73     32    5   20   15   11   15   13    7  Tome C Staff E
Gaius       Thief           5.26     22    7    0   13   15    6    5    2  Sword D
Gregor      Mercenary      10.10     30   12    0   13   11    8   10    2  Sword C
Libra       War Monk        1.42     39   14   16   13   14   10   11   16  Axe C Staff C

Supports after:

Vaike and Lon'qu A

Gaius and Libra C

talisman.png on Lon'qu.

Bought 2 more Hand Axes and sold the Bullion(L) I got in the previous chapter so I could spam buy on some more def and str tonics. Decided to buy 2 more hand axes again because of how crucial they are to my main combat unit: Lon'qu

Remaining money: 7160 G

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~Chapter 10~


Applied Str Tonic to Lon'qu and a Spd Tonic to Ricken and Stahl.

Turn 1: Gaius pairs with Ricken. Frederick pairs with Lon'qu. Kellam pairs with Stahl. Stahl OHKOs the wyrmslayer Thief with an Iron Lance and reaches A Lances. Libra moves and forms a reverse L formation with Stahl. Ricken moves towards the Reverse L and uses Rescue on Lon'qu, which makes Lon'qu appear in the left of Ricken. Ricken gets:

HP Skl Spd Lck Res

Lon'qu full moves towards the boss, switches to Frederick and Frederick drops him 1 tile closer to the boss. Chrom pairs with Vaike and Vaike drops him in a fort on the left. Sakurai pairs with Gregor.

EP 1: A Barbarian attacks Gregor, Gregor counters and Sakurai gets a dual for his first level:

HP Mag Skl Spd

And, I guess this is why I restricted the Avatar so much :P. Ricken ORKOS a soldier and a Barbarian. A Soldier attacks Frederick, he answers with Luna but doesn't double. Lon'qu ORKOs a soldier. A Wyvern attacks Frederick. Another one attacks Frederick and Frederick gets to Axe A. A Barbarian attacks Frederick, gets Luna'd but not ORKO'd either.

Turn 2: Stahl goes towards Chrom and switches to Kellam, Kellam transfers Stahl to Chrom. Chrom moves towards the Master Seal thief and switches to Stahl and Stahl uses Javelin to ORKO the thief. He gets:

HP Str Spd Res

Vaike pairs with Libra and Vaike finishes off the enemy Gregor weakened earlier and gets:

HP Str Skl Spd

Virion chips a Barbarian. Gregor attacks the Barbarian but doesn't KO. Ricken heals Vaike for some staff exp. Frederick pairs with Lon'qu and Lon'qu goes towards Mustafa and uses Hand Axe to ORKO him, getting:

HP Str Mag Spd


HEROES Sakurai and Gregor

What in the...?

Unit        Class          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom       Lord           13.31     28   14    3   16   15   13   12    5  Sword B
Sakurai     Tactician       2.05     20    5    6    6    9    4    6    4  Sword E Tome D
Frederick   Great Knight   10.68     39   18    2   17   15   11   18    6  Sword C Lance A Axe A
Vaike       Fighter         6.07     33   12    0    9    7    5    5    0  Axe C
Stahl       Cavalier       14.21     33   16    1   16   13   11   16    5  Sword C Lance A
Kellam      Knight          6.23     22   11    0    8    5    4   14    2  Lance D
Lon'qu(11)  WyvernRider    14.31     45   27    3   22   23   17   19   10  Axe C
Virion      Archer          4.39     21    7    1   12    6    8    6    2  Bow D
Ricken(10)  Sage            3.46     33    5   20   16   12   16   13    8  Tome C Staff E
Gaius       Thief           5.26     22    7    0   13   15    6    5    2  Sword D
Gregor      Mercenary      10.30     30   12    0   13   11    8   10    2  Sword C
Libra       War Monk        1.42     39   14   16   13   14   10   11   16  Axe C Staff C

Lon'qu uses masterseal.png to promote to Griffon Rider

+3 HP

+2 Str

+4 Skl

+4 Spd

+3 Res

+1 Mov

HP 48

Str 27

Mag 3

Skl 28

Spd 27

Lck 17

Def 19

Res 13

8 Mov

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I can 2 turn C11 with just 1 Rescue it seems. But, I need a Stahl Killing Edge crit on the hero, I'm looking for a way for Stahl to reach the Hero in Player Phase 2 so that I don't have to rig it that much. Lon'qu hand axe hitrate on Gangrel is at least decent. 67ish and he doubles. The rest of the map isn't a problem, its the hero. If I don't find a way to 2 turn reliably without using another Rescue, I will have no Rescue charges in C12, which could mean no 2 turn of that map because I need the Bow Knight on the left of the map to die and not a lot of my units can actually reach the guy...Actually, I just got an idea.

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~Chapter 11~

Mad King Gangrel

Applied Spd Tonic on Frederick Stahl and lonqu.

Turn 1: Chrom pairs with Frederick. Gaius pairs with Stahl. Vaike pairs with Lon'qu. Libra uses Ward on Stahl. Stahl heads down towards the mages. Gregor pairs with Ricken and Ricken Rescues Lon'qu. Lon'qu goes down and kills something near Gangrel. Frederick moves towards the hero area and Chrom drops him in range of a Mercenary.

EP 1: A Mercenary attacks Frederick and Frederick crits him with the Silver Lance. A Mage attacks Stahl with Elthunder and Stahl ORKOs him. Another mage attacks him with Elwind and gets ORKO'd too. A Mage attacks Lon'qu and dies. A Mercenary attacks him and also dies in one hit. Another Mercenary falls victim to Lon'qu. Another 2 Mages also die to Lon'qu now after missing. A Fighter gets owned by Lon'qu. Gangrel attacks Lon'qu for 11 damage and Lon'qu ORKOs him with Orsin's Hatchet at 77 hit and gets:

HP Skl Res

I send the Orsin's Hatchet (7 uses left) to the convoy. A Sage attacks Stahl for 14 damage, leaving him at 1 hp and gets countered for 12 damage. A Wyvern dies to Lon'qu.

Turn 2: Chrom pairs with Fred again. Fred goes down towards the Hero. Ricken attacks the Sage with ExcaliBRO after unequipping Gregor. Libra uses mend on Stahl. Stahl kills the Sage now and gets:

HP Str Lck Def

Lon'qu kills the thief.

EP 2: Fred KOs a fighter. And another, and gets:

HP Str Skl Spd Res

He also KOs a Mercenary. A Mage attacks Stahl and getsORKO'd. Lon'qu gets rid of a Fighter. The hero attacks Frederick, gets dual guarded and then ORKO'd. The remaining wyverns die to Lon'qu. He got:

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def

Axe Level B


HEROES Vaike and Lon'qu

Unit                  Class          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom                 Lord           13.57     28   14    3   16   15   13   12    5  Sword B
Sakurai               Tactician       2.05     20    5    6    6    9    4    6    4  Sword E Tome 
Frederick             Great Knight   11.30     40   19    2   18   16   11   18    7  Sword C Lance A Axe A
Vaike                 Fighter         6.46     33   12    0    9    7    5    5    0  Axe C
Stahl                 Cavalier       15.73     34   17    1   16   13   12   17    5  Sword C Lance A
Kellam                Knight          6.23     22   11    0    8    5    4   14    2  Lance D
Lon'qu(11Myrm,13Wyv)  Griffon Rider   3.27     50   30    3   28   28   18   20   14  Axe B
Virion                Archer          4.39     21    7    1   12    6    8    6    2  Bow D
Ricken(10Mage)        Sage            3.90     33    5   20   16   12   16   13    8  Tome C Staff E
Gaius                 Thief           5.38     22    7    0   13   15    6    5    2  Sword D
Gregor                Mercenary      10.30     30   12    0   13   11    8   10    2  Sword C
Libra                 War Monk        1.82     39   14   16   13   14   10   11   16  Axe C Staff C


Ricken Gregor C

spiritpowder.png on Ricken

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masterseal.png on Stahl to Paladin









41 HP

20 Str

2 Mag

18 Skl

15 Spd

12 Lck

20 Def

11 Res

8 Mov

Forged a BeastKiller with +1 MT and named it Ridersbane. Aww yeah.

Gave ronku2.jpgan strengthdrop.png I had lying around. Probably from the C8 boss. This helps him ORKO everything in the map without the need for a single str proc mid-map.

~Chapter 12~


Turn 1: Gaius pairs with Stahl. Frederick pairs with Lon'qu. Libra pairs with Vaike. Kellam pairs with Chrom. Gregor pairs with Ricken. Sakurai pairs with Vaike. Ricken ORKOs a Javelin Knight near him and gets:

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck

Stahl attacks a Knight with a Steel Lance and deal 17x2 damage to it. Lon'qu full moves up and ORKOs a Javelin Knight.

EP 1: The Knight dies to Stahl now. Another Knight gets ORKO'd by Stahl. A Bestkiller knight attacks Chrom and gets ORKO'd by Rapier. Libra weakens a Knight on the farright with a Hand Axe. Lon'qu kills a Knight. And another. And another. And another...Ricken kills a Cavalier. And another one. Chrom kills a Cavalier and levels up:

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Res

Stahl kills a Cavalier after getting tinked. And another...and another...and another. He levels:

HP Str Spd Lck Def Res

Another cavalier tries to hurt Stahl but lol. A Cavalier goes for Lon'qu and he kills him and levels:

HP Str Mag Skl Lck Res

Another cavalier dies to Lon'qu. And 3 more too. A Cavalier attacks Stahl and dies. Same with the other one. A Cavalier dies to Lon'qu. A Paladin attacks Stahl for 5 damage and he counters with 17. A Bow Knight attacks Lon'qu, misses the 43% for what would have been 18 damage and gets ORKO'd. A Bow Knight attacks Stahl and hits him for 2 damage. A Paladin attacks Lon'qu and gets ORKO'd back and Lon'qu gets a level:

HP Lck Res

057.pngDeliverer get. Which means Good Game everyone.

Turn 2: Vaike hammers a Knight for a level up:

HP Skl Lck Def

Lon'qu attacks the Boss with a Hand Axe and doesn't quite ORKO. Stahl uses Ridersbane to OHKO the Bow Knight. Chrom ORKOS a Knight with Rapier and the Rapier breaks. Ricken heals Chrom. Libra Mends Vaike and gets:

HP Str Skl Spd Def

EP 2: A Knight dies to Lon'qu. Stahl OHKOs a Cavalier and gets:

HP Skl Lck Res

I won't mention Lon'qu anymore because he kills like 8 enemies now.

He gets:

HP Spd Lck

Stahl OHKOs the Paladin. Boss dies to Lon'qu and the last Knight with a Javelin dies to lon'qu too.


HEROES Ricken and Gregor

???? Oh, right...the others don't support.

Unit                  Class          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom                 Lord           14.64     29   15    3   17   16   14   12    6  Sword B
Sakurai               Tactician       2.05     20    5    6    6    9    4    6    4  Sword E Tome D
Frederick             GreatKnight    11.60     40   19    2   18   16   11   18    7  Sword C Lance A Axe A
Vaike                 Fighter         7.06     34   12    0   10    7    6    6    0  Axe C
Stahl(15Cav)          Paladin         3.41     43   21    2   19   16   14   21   13  Sword C Lance A
Kellam                Knight          6.35     22   11    0    8    5    4   14    2  Lance D 
Lon'qu(11Myrm/13Wyv)  Griffon Rider   6.75     53   33    4   29   29   21   20   16  Axe B
Virion                Archer          4.39     21    7    1   12    6    8    6    2  Bow D
Ricken(10Mage)        Sage            4.45     34    6   23   17   13   17   13    8  Tome C Staff E
Gaius                 Thief           5.38     22    7    0   13   15    6    5    2  Sword D
Gregor                Mercenary      10.30     30   12    0   13   11    8   10    2  Sword C
Libra                 War Monk        2.07     40   15   16   14   15   10   12   16  Axe C Staff C


Sold: bullion3.png Bullion(L)

beaststone.png Beaststone

dragonstone.png Dragonstone

and Bought:

dun dun dun


rescue.png 10 of these broken things. GG game.

Now I have a dilemma: Second Seal Chrom to Cavalier or Fred to Paladin? and who to use Master Seal on? Considering Gregor and Chrom are the only candidates for it. And Chrom kinda sucks as a foot unit.

EDIT: Stahl's opinion on the Ch12 enemies:


Edited by PKL
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Dude there's a two year gap. Don't update until 2015

Good job. Lon'qu is so good now. I was considering if I ever did a male run if I would have him, Avatar or Frederick second seal into a wyvern rider (silly thing for Frederick I know but...) but I think the answer is pretty clear

EDIT: Stahl's opinion on the Ch12 enemies:


Too right

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Second Seal may as well hand to Chrom right now

I'd say Master on Gregor

Yeah, this seems like the best course of action. :)

Dude there's a two year gap. Don't update until 2015

Good job. Lon'qu is so good now. I was considering if I ever did a male run if I would have him, Avatar or Frederick second seal into a wyvern rider (silly thing for Frederick I know but...) but I think the answer is pretty clear

Too right

Yeah, lon'qu is kinda ridiculously effective as a wyvern. Vantage could come in handy later if he can OHKO pesky Excalibur Sages with a Hand Axe before they get to act :)

secondseal.png on krom.jpg to Cavalier

-1 Spd

+2 Mov

29 HP

15 Str

3 Mag

17 Skl

15 Spd

14 Lck

12 Def

6 Res

7 Move

lance.png E

Learned the Skill 009.pngDiscipline

Handed him the yeehaw! forge.

~Chapter 13~

Of Sacred Blood

The only Turn: Chrom pairs into Frederick and uses yeehaw! to ORKO a Fighter. Kellam pairs with Stahl. Virion chips a Myrmidon. Stahl uses a Steel Sword to finish that Myrmidon. Sakurai pairs with Henry and Henry Ruin Crits a Fighter. Gaius pairs with Libra. Vaike pairs with Lon'qu. Gregor pairs with Ricken. Libra uses Rescue on Ricken. Ricken uses Rescue on Lon'qu. Lon'qu ORKOs boss and gets:

HP Skl Spd Def


HEROES Sakurai and Henry


Unit                  Class          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom(14Lord)         Cavalier        1.60     29   15    3   17   15   14   12    6  Sword B Lance E
Sakurai               Tactician       2.05     20    5    6    6    9    4    6    4  Sword E Tome D
Frederick             GreatKnight    11.60     40   19    2   18   16   11   18    7  Sword C Lance A Axe A
Vaike                 Fighter         7.06     34   12    0   10    7    6    6    0  Axe C
Stahl(15cav)          Paladin         3.56     43   21    2   19   16   14   21   13  Sword C Lance 
Kellam                Knight          6.35     22   11    0    8    5    4   14    2  Lance D
Lon'qu(11myrm/13wyv)  Griffon Rider   7.15     54   33    4   30   30   21   21   16  Axe B
Virion                Archer          4.53     21    7    1   12    6    8    6    2  Bow D
Ricken(10Mage)        Sage            4.78     34    6   23   17   13   17   13    8  Tome C Staff E
Gaius                 Thief           5.38     22    7    0   13   15    6    5    2  Sword D
Gregor                Mercenary      10.30     30   12    0   13   11    8   10    2  Sword C
Libra                 War Monk        2.41     40   15   16   14   15   10   12   16  Axe C Staff C
Henry                 DarkMage       12.43     29    6   14   15    9   10   13    5  Tome C


Bought a single Nosferatu Tome for henry2.jpg. Might aid with his training.

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~Chapter 14~

Flames on the Blue

Only Turn's PP: Ricken uses Rescue on Gaius and gets:

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def

Learned 061.pngRally Magic

Gaius now goes and grabs the Bullion(M) chest. Frederick pairs with Lon'qu. Lon'qu hits the boss with Steel Axe and leaves him at 13 HP. Kellam pairs with Stahl and Stahl KOs the Chest Key Knight and sends the Silver Lance to equip Javelin after obtaining Chest Key. Sakurai pairs with Henry. And Henry gets in range of enemies with Nosferatu equipped. Libra rescues Gaius to his side (not literally, hes 1 tile down from libra now but you know what i mean). Vaike pairs with Chrom. Gregor pairs with Virion, who carries him to Ricken and transfers Gregor to him.

EP of the only turn: A Mage attacks Henry for 14 damage and he heals 7 damage back. A Knight attacks Henry for 14 damage and misses, he then heals the damage off completely and gets a level:

HP Str Mag Spd

Another Knight attacks Henry and heals the damage off completely. A Mage attacks Henry for 14 damage and he heals 7 damage again. The enemies get tired of trying to kill Henry and the Boss now suicides to Lon'qu and Lon'qu reaches A Axes.


HEROES Sakurai and Henry

Unit                  Class          Level     HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  WeaponLv
Chrom(14Lord)         Cavalier        1.60     29   15    3   17   15   14   12    6  Sword B Lance E
Sakurai               Tactician       2.05     20    5    6    6    9    4    6    4  Sword E Tome D
Frederick             GreatKnight    11.60     40   19    2   18   16   11   18    7  Sword C Lance A Axe A
Vaike                 Fighter         7.06     34   12    0   10    7    6    6    0  Axe C
Stahl(15Cav)          Paladin         3.76     43   21    2   19   16   14   21   13  Sword C Lance A
Kellam                Knight          6.42     22   11    0    8    5    4   14    2  Lance D
Lon'qu(11Myrm/13Wyv)  Griffon Rider   7.64     54   33    4   30   30   21   21   16  Axe A
Virion                Archer          4.53     21    7    1   12    6    8    6    2  Bow 
Ricken(10Mage)        Sage            5.11     35    7   24   18   14   18   14    8  Tome C Staff E
Gaius                 Thief           5.38     22    7    0   13   15    6    5    2  Sword D
Gregor                Mercenary      10.30     30   12    0   13   11    8   10    2  Sword C
Libra                 War Monk        2.75     40   15   16   14   15   10   12   16  Axe C Staff C
Henry                 DarkMage       13.64     30    7   15   15   10   10   13    5  Tome C


Sakurai Henry C

Resupplied on Tonics after selling the new Bullion(M)

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Chapter 15 is gonna be a bit complicated, I'll plan (and play it) tomorrow. Also, I find it funny how my super spd screwed Ricken is now in his average due to getting spd every level in Sage. I hope Henry gets similar luck with his levels as a Dark Mage. I have high hopes for him as a bulky 8 move unit. Sakurai gives him decent spd. Chapter 16 etc might consist of Rescue skips with Libra rescuing the higher mag Rescuer (Ricken) and Ricken massive rescuing Lon'qu and bosskilling. Looking at the C21 map, I doubt I can 1 turn with Deliverer and 2 rescues so that one's gonna be complicated. I reckon I can probably 2 turn having Libra rescue Lon'qu and then Ricken rescues Libra to safety. As long as the boss can reach Lon'qu in EP 2, it shoud be possible. We'll see. I counted my Rescue uses and I bought the exact amount I need for the rest of the game. I can literally spam the rescues for exp and ill have enough. I'm going to play tiki's paralogue in a way i dont like playing it so I can 2 turn it. Killing Tiki off by Rescuing her to one of the sides allows one to 2 turn without the need for Galeforce. I get a Hammerne there. But Im not sure if ill ever use it tbh. Maybe on Valflame or Helswath...yeah Helswath seems like a good candidate...if it doesnt break mid C23.

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