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My Parents Just Gave Me a 1-Hour Lecture


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kisses mean as much as that significant other means to you. if it's a one time deal, the kiss doesn't mean shit and really doesn't even feel all that nice.

that's why most bachelors and bachelorettes don't kiss. it's unnecessary when all you want to do is fuck.

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Gotta love my old Catholic school.

Not that I was particularly religious (I'm an agnostic now) but it was sure better than the alternative.

Frosty:Aww come on dude don't make your parents accountable to your grades. >_>

I wasn't blaming my parents for my grades. I was just regretting the fact that my parents acted like they didn't really care. =/

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I went to a public high school, and some guy set the fire alarm off by smoking in the bathroom. Man, I picked the worst time ever to try and get over my fear of pooping publicly.

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I tend to get the highest marks in my class for Maths, the Sciences and English, with predicted A's for the final exam. For History, Ethics and Geography, I've got predicted B's. For Photography and PSHE, I've got predicted C's.

I wanted to take French, but I was kicked into Geography instead... Now I'll have to wait until next year to start a language.

My parents really don't seem to care about how my grades turn out. My big brother's highest grade was C, and my parents seemed happy about it. Strangely, they've taken zero interest in my academic grades and all that jazz.

I want to publish a book and sell a million copies. If I can do that before finishing school, then screw the grades. /snicker.

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My highest GCSE grade was three B's (Maths, English Lit and Design Tech), on top of five C's (English Lang, Geography, Art, and Science (which awarded two C's)) and two D's (I.T. and Religious Studies).

Granted I revised nothing and winged absolutely everything, nobody in my family scolded me for not getting any A's or A*'s, or even for getting two D's. I think that the UK is generally more forgiving towards failure than quite a few other places around the world. Especially since here it's possible to drop out at 16 (even if you haven't finished your GCSE's yet) and get a job. If you can get a job at 16, then kudos. Apprenticeships are probably the best way to go at a young age.

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I went to a public high school, and some guy set the fire alarm off by smoking in the bathroom. Man, I picked the worst time ever to try and get over my fear of pooping publicly.

Not only did people repeatedly intentionally set off the alarms, there were also the Fucking Fire Drills every couple months to remind everyone how to walk in a straight line WHICH WAS REALLY FUN WHEN I HAD A LEGITIMATE PHOBIA ABOUT THOSE AND TOTALLY LOST MY NERVE EVERY FUCKING TIME

and then they ended up testing the alarms perpetually for an hour while i was in the adjacent room for a class goddammit fucking

... then in 2010, NOBODY KNOWS WHY, they changed the fire alarms to a DUCK, QUACKING.


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That is what I am talking about. High school life. It gets better and better until you get what you want and then you realize that you never really wanted those things half as much as you thought you did.

Well hey in the end no one ever knows what they want, right? :3

It sounds more like:

"Hey I want A so bad."

"oh ok I got A."

" Hmm maybe I'll go and pursue B now."

"Shit I got B and I don't feel so motivated anymore. WHAT DO I DO NOW?"

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i always had mediocre grades so i was always grounded. the thing is, though...even as a kid i was an atheist, so i would get grounded for sleeping through the LONG religious meetings anyway. no offense to any religious people, but my parents destroyed the former majority of my life with that stuff...

gonna be a bit honest here, no matter how many religious people are, most of them actually had their atheist side more than their religious side..... so i kinda understand your feeling there...

i also fallen asleep everytime i went to those "religious meetings" >.<

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I remember in primary school, we had to do Christian prayers at the end of assembly. I tried making a petition to stop us singing 'Songs of Praise', but I ended up having to go to the headteachers office to explain my 'blasphemy.'

It turned out that my headteacher was what you'd call a 'bible-basher'. It was a very informative detention I had with him as well: I had to copy out the first page of the bible ten times.

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Well hey in the end no one ever knows what they want, right? :3

It sounds more like:

"Hey I want A so bad."

"oh ok I got A."

" Hmm maybe I'll go and pursue B now."

"Shit I got B and I don't feel so motivated anymore. WHAT DO I DO NOW?"

I don't mean acquiring things in a literal sense but more the station that comes with them. Kids want a car, they want a house, they want a job, they want money. They want all those things because they think they will be free, and answer to no one. The problem is that by the time they have these things anyone that takes a serious look back will often yearn to return to childhood. Car payments suck. Jobs suck. Paying rent sucks. Washing clothes sucks. Friends with incompatible schedules sucks. The price you have to pay for adulthood is a reponsibility. The reality is that while adults are allowed to do much more, in practice they can do so very little.

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I get like 3 hours lectures,get my computer taken away,get hit by a broom,because asian parents standards, A+ A+ A+ A- B+ B (this is the literal order) and all my classes are advanced/accelerated classes,I feel they are always disappointed in me.

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I don't mean acquiring things in a literal sense but more the station that comes with them. Kids want a car, they want a house, they want a job, they want money. They want all those things because they think they will be free, and answer to no one. The problem is that by the time they have these things anyone that takes a serious look back will often yearn to return to childhood.

*in your experience

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kisses mean as much as that significant other means to you. if it's a one time deal, the kiss doesn't mean shit and really doesn't even feel all that nice.

that's why most bachelors and bachelorettes don't kiss. it's unnecessary when all you want to do is fuck.

i don't know if it's just some fetish or something, but...like, there are so many pretty girls with full lips that i see in my day to day life just going to college and coming back, and i have to have some sort of internal conflict to prevent myself from looking at them and their nice lips. i'm not even kidding asdf

D'aww measure reaching critical levels danger

( ._.)

gonna be a bit honest here, no matter how many religious people are, most of them actually had their atheist side more than their religious side..... so i kinda understand your feeling there...

i also fallen asleep everytime i went to those "religious meetings" >.<

it's one thing to go to church once a week like the average christian, but my family was one of jehovah's witnesses...1 hour book study on tuesday nights(because that's what i want to look forward to after a school day), 2 hour kingdom hall on saturday mornings, and 6 hour assembly sessions for 3 days, twice a year. that's not counting the time my mom forcefed bible study is me outside of all this. i mean COME ON. i have no problem with religious people, but this was just torture...

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i don't know if it's just some fetish or something, but...like, there are so many pretty girls with full lips that i see in my day to day life just going to college and coming back, and i have to have some sort of internal conflict to prevent myself from looking at them and their nice lips. i'm not even kidding asdf

what's wrong with looking? just don't stare. that's what's creepy. oh, and looking every 5 seconds is really weird too.

you're a lips guy. i'm 100% sure chicks would dig that. it's more innocent than being a "tits and ass" guy like most of us (besides the bootay i really enjoy eyes and hair), and it still implies a romantic/sexual connection with the other person. definitely not a bad fetish to have at all. why look at it all so negatively, haha?

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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what's wrong with looking? just don't stare. that's what's creepy. oh, and looking every 5 seconds is really weird too.

you're a lips guy. i'm 100% sure chicks would dig that. it's more innocent than being a "tits and ass" guy like most of us (besides the bootay i really enjoy eyes and hair), and it still implies a romantic/sexual connection with the other person. definitely not a bad fetish to have at all. why look at it all so negatively, haha?

i have to prevent myself from staring...and i swear, i have an overwhelming desire to kiss someone \(>o<)/

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The worst thing that happened at my school was a tile falling off the roof of one of the buildings and hitting a student on the cranium.

He was fine, of course, but I was thinking of investing in a hard hat afterwards.

'Of course'? Man, back when I was ten, I was walking to a place and there was blood everywhere and an ambulance. Turns out had I walked there five minutes' sooner I would've been just in time to watch a kid who was walking on a bench fall over and smash his head on the edge.

Never found out if he died, but we never heard from him again...

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Once my dad was in a car with some friends (before I was born) and there was a truck with some sort of square steel piece about 2 inches thick in the flatbed. It wasn't secured properly and so it fell off the truck and hit the front of the car he was in. They caught up with him 20 miles down the road where he had stopped, and he was pretty nonchalant about it.

EDIT-My dad just gave me a 1 and a half minute lecture about it. My parents are so great, really efficient.

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'Of course'? Man, back when I was ten, I was walking to a place and there was blood everywhere and an ambulance. Turns out had I walked there five minutes' sooner I would've been just in time to watch a kid who was walking on a bench fall over and smash his head on the edge.

Never found out if he died, but we never heard from him again...

Dang, Monica. Your life in Australia seems rather... eventful. :P

Almost stabbed. Almost witnessed a kid's head being busted.

Wow... X3

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i opened my head a little one time because i banged it on a window or something. my orange shirt became red after that, i was really scared at the amount of blood

also i was like, leaving little pools of blood with every step, i wasn't ready for that lol

then i got into the shower for a while and might have gone to the doctor? i forget, i don't think i did. i just like. waited for the bleeding to stop, i think.

edit: maybe that wasn't all that relevant, i forgot what the topic was for a second but who cares

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