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How does one kill Kishuna in 19x?


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Highest difficulty I've played is HNM (never touching HHM; I value my sanity), and in my my most recent playthrough I just put my peeps as close as possible to support partners and whaled on it with any killer weapons I had, both close and long range. It was the first time I ever managed to do it; just gotta get lucky with criticals, I suppose.

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If there's anything I've learned from Blazing Sword, it's that while regular attacks have a chance of missing, critical attacks do not miss (though this can also apply to enemy units as well). Just use some Killing weapons, or any weapon with a good chance of a critical, and try to get Kishuna that way.

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if you're playing on cart, you can try the RN checking trick utilising movement to attempt to figure out how many rns you need to burn before you try to hit him (and have a decent chance of hitting)


Edited by Irysa
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If there's anything I've learned from Blazing Sword, it's that while regular attacks have a chance of missing, critical attacks do not miss (though this can also apply to enemy units as well). Just use some Killing weapons, or any weapon with a good chance of a critical, and try to get Kishuna that way.

it's less that "crits cannot miss" and more that "misses cannot crit"

ie a 0% hit with 100% critrate will do exactly 0 damage (whiff)

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Guy's fast, accurate and has a pretty decent critical hit rate when promoted, supported and given the Killing Edge

Of course, his Strength might not be exactly good though.

Raven has a bit less time to train but his higher power might compensate for his lack of speed, lower critical and slightly lower accuracy.

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If you have a cart that has connected to the Double Dash bonus disk, you can use the Wind Sword. (like me) Give it to the swordsman with highest strength, and it'll hit for major damage. Then get the rest of your troops to widdle down the rest of him.

Edited by Knight
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Well, this may be one of the few times that bringing Marcus is a good idea. As others have said, use high crit weapons such as Guy's Killing Edge (you can and should pass that one around between attacks), Lyn's Mani Katti, Eliwood's Rapier and Hector's Wolf Beil. Assuming you still have some usage left for them. Just one lucky critical will help greatly! Use these as priority for close range attacks. Also remember that you can use mounted units such as Florina, Fiora and Priscilla to 'rescue' units that have already attacked and clear the way for someone else to have a go (while Marcus and the three cavaliers can also do this, they also tend to have good strength and can use the aforementioned Killing Edge.) In general, bows and javelins should be a last resort thanks to poor accuracy or damage).

Remember that you only have from the moment you launch your first attack to the end of that particular player phase to completely deplete his health bar, because he disappears when the enemy turn rolls round. Therefore, once his Morph guards are defeated, get everyone into position before launching that first attack, and make sure it is the start of the new turn when doing so. But, don't take too long preparing, because Kishuna doesn't hang around forever - he warps away automatically come the end of turn 15 (I think; it's a multiple of 5 and no sooner than 15). Also, it may be stating the obvious but... try to defeat the Sage boss before tackling Kishuna - he's a beast when there's no Magic Seal dampening his attacks. And also obviously, try not to bring any magic users - although Priscilla has her uses if kept outside the anti-magic field, plus for the aforementioned rescue technique.

Enjoy Chapter 19xx!

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RN checking trick works wonders. I'd personally recommend Silver Lance!Marcus/Oswin and Silver Axe!Hector [if he has the weapon rank], using the RN checking trick mentioned earlier for near-guaranteed hits [note: you can burn off RNs by drawing arrows without resetting, so if you have two lows several RNs away, draw that many small arrows -then- attack, being careful not to force any arrow redraws during your move]. Alternatively, use killers with the aforementioned trick for an actual crit chance, or use a dab of both. Sounds like you can do enough damage to take him down if you have some RN knowledge, though.

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But, don't take too long preparing, because Kishuna doesn't hang around forever - he warps away automatically come the end of turn 15 (I think; it's a multiple of 5 and no sooner than 15). Also, it may be stating the obvious but... try to defeat the Sage boss before tackling Kishuna - he's a beast when there's no Magic Seal dampening his attacks.

Other than not having him Bolting your ass, taking out Aion before Kishuna leaves will have Kishuna stick around indefinitely (until you attack him of course).

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He might be playing on cartridge.

RN checking works on cart...resetting the game after checking RNs via movement does not permanantly burn the RNs. Just make sure your next two RNs are below 50% and you'd be good.

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