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After playing Awakening, I can no longer play any of the previous Fire Emblems.


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The only time SS is game changing is if the class is poorly balanced(Panne and MU is the only example, to be honest) and to break level cap and grow even higher, this one is notable on Lunatic to do, for example reclassing a capped DF Sumia into GK. Maybe add the "30 level as tier 1" function here

Outside that, most SS is op complaints basically consists of "I grind for 95 hours and break the game. SS is the best scapegoat ever" or PKL complaints where he said its "stupid when its unlimited before postgame" which I don't understand why exactly it is stupid

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Broken? How? From my experience they have very limited availability. I usually had a lot more Master Seals then these.

The only time SS is game changing is if the class is poorly balanced(Panne and MU is the only example, to be honest) and to break level cap and grow even higher, this one is notable on Lunatic to do, for example reclassing a capped DF Sumia into GK. Maybe add the "30 level as tier 1" function here

Outside that, most SS is op complaints basically consists of "I grind for 95 hours and break the game. SS is the best scapegoat ever" or PKL complaints where he said its "stupid when its unlimited before postgame" which I don't understand why exactly it is stupid


It gives you infinite levels, but you aren't going to get to gamebreaking values of stats unless you skeleton crew (which still isn't enough in L) or you grind. Especially when killing 12 enemies gives you a level up after long enough, and when you can't dodge in lategame (which has enemies with ridiculous attack values).

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The only thing that made sense there was pair up system. I mean, a lot of those things aren't big deals. Especially second seals. In FE12 you didn't even need second seals to reclass.

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The only thing that made sense there was pair up system. I mean, a lot of those things aren't big deals. Especially second seals. In FE12 you didn't even need second seals to reclass.

Which I'd say is meh.

In Awakening you need some commitment to a class.

11/12? Oh look Ballistae. *Reclasses all my fliers to Paladins* Only thing that mattered really was Weapon Rank.

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Awakening is average at best compared to other FEs. I miss defend, escape, clear in a set number of turns, etc. I really don't like it when newer games only have seize and rout. It gets way too boring and it makes the story bland too. I'm an FE 4 fanboy but I really liked the creative mechanics that FE 5 brought to the table. Valm sucked! Plegia was a cute intro (I personally hated Emmeryn so I was kind of happy if you know what I mean). But the darker tone of FE4, 5, 7, heck even 8, wasn't there. The characters felt like little high schoolers that don't even realize they are at war.

FE 12 is better than Awakening but story could have been better. I'm having more fun with the DLC lol. Still a great game... average compared to other FE's :P

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"In Awakening you need some commitment to a class.

11/12? Oh look Ballistae. *Reclasses all my fliers to Paladins* Only thing that mattered really was Weapon Rank."

In Awakening I don't need to commit anything

"Random X unit Solo Map. No thinking needed"

At least FE12 forced me to use Snipers....

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Which I'd say is meh.

In Awakening you need some commitment to a class.

11/12? Oh look Ballistae. *Reclasses all my fliers to Paladins* Only thing that mattered really was Weapon Rank.

I actually preferred the way reclass worked. It required you to think about who you reclassed into what, on the higher difficulties. Awakening you just reclass for skills and stats. Not for anything else. How is that better.
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"heck even"

FESS is the darkest of them all

I don't know what you were smoking when you were playing SS to say that's its darker than FE 4 and 5. Just their timeline in the beginning makes me shiver in fear, SS just makes me lol.

Back to FE A. I wish MU would have been less praised for everything. "You dropped a deuce like a pro! Marry me!!"

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The 'darkness' of SS is not immediately apparent. The fact that even though they win, there is no happy ending for the main characters since Grado is basically dead without any leadership and Renais and Jehanna are ruled by people who at best, are 20. That spells political chaos. If even FE11's happy ending could not last and everything went to hell in FE12, Magvel is in for some really rough times.

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So basically a political war similar to part 2 of FE10 is darkness?

The political battles that happen in Gen 1 of FE 4 is something on a whole other level considering the internal turmoil of Granbell which comes to an amazing climax. Besides if I thought of the after of games what about the political issues of FE 4 and the division of land and Thracia's issues. No game has a true happy ending considering all the loses incurred in the war. As dark as FE8 can be seen, so too can the rest of the series for the same reasons. I can say FE 3/12's ending wasn't really happy as in the near future turmoil and betrayal start again. Compared to the SNES games FE8 is not as dark, maybe due to localization, I don't know. From my point of view it's there just not quite as dark as the others.

This should really be discussed in another thread. And I know I sound like a little FE 4 fanboy ;)

Edited by JosefLior
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Half true.

Touching this game does change the outlook on the entire series big time. Especially, now that we know the truth to the Japanese only characters names that are in this game. The only way that we will get the truth to the other games and characters is...that if remakes to the first 6 Fire Emblems were to be made with better graphics would be the only way. Because the NES/SNES/GBA games never can make it in the western areas, because they were never licensed to be in our areas and never will. But, the remakes is our only hope now


as this evidence already proves it.

But...it does change the outlook of the other games alot when you go back to play them. Because you now think to yourself that those were the days. xD

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So basically a political war similar to part 2 of FE10 is darkness?

its more than that

there's the music, the recurring element of depravity and corruption (Lyon, Valter, Orson, even Riev), the bleakly-colored sprites, a focus on the horrors of war that is glossed over in most FEs, and perfectly on-point localization that serves to emphasize all of these features in the plot

There's the constant stream of sepia flashbacks that emphasize the dark features of the present war by contrast, and as earlier mentioned the bittersweet ending that almost makes the player's own efforts seem futile

fun fact, Thracia is a close second, followed by I'd say FERD

Edited by General Banzai
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"Amazing job, MU! You just killed hundreds of thousands of people who did nothing to us!"

And other FE Lords aren't praised when they kill or take part in battles where enemy soldiers are killed?

Edited by The Void
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"Amazing job, MU! You just killed hundreds of thousands of people who did nothing to us!"

Those thousands of people were kind of part of an enemy army in service of an opressive empire that was en route to conquer MU's homeland, I'd say getting rid of them is fair game in the context of a war.

Edited by Jackos
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Though Flames on the Blue was HORRIBLE! Only 2 games ago, a similar act was treated as a serious war crime, enough to get Tibarn mad and threaten to drop Sothe off a cliff. But this time, it's "OMG MU U SO AWESOME AT TACTICS! I LOVE U"

Disgusting. Awakening has no sense of grey morality. It's all black and white. The heroes can do no wrong and the enemies are all pure evil. Even the whole deal with Chrom's father only serves to show how totally awesome and noble Emmeryn is and how evil Gangrel is for continuing to hold a grudge.

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Though Flames on the Blue was HORRIBLE! Only 2 games ago, a similar act was treated as a serious war crime, enough to get Tibarn mad and threaten to drop Sothe off a cliff. But this time, it's "OMG MU U SO AWESOME AT TACTICS! I LOVE U"

Disgusting. Awakening has no sense of grey morality. It's all black and white. The heroes can do no wrong and the enemies are all pure evil. Even the whole deal with Chrom's father only serves to show how totally awesome and noble Emmeryn is and how evil Gangrel is for continuing to hold a grudge.

1. Tibarn and Micaiah were enemies. The Avatar and Chrom were not.

2. RD didn't have much grey morality when it came to Begnion. FE games don't have that much.

Edited by The Void
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