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Crizix had somehow gotten separated from everyone else. Luckily, none of the Annas hit her, and she regrouped with everyone smoothly. She surveyed the field to see who needed her help...

I went to shower, sorry. ^^;

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"Welcome back. There are many who need healing."

@poly - they don't... but we're using all possible weapons because we're facing all the annas.

Edited by Kat
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Turn TWO: Enemy Phase

Turn THREE: Player Phase



[spoiler=The Boss: Anna Clarisse]1868981-anna.png

Note: Anna Clarisse has 85 HP.


Mind telling us what they all wield when they first show up?!

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Since when do Swordslayers exist in Awakening?

They never did.

Nobody EVER said this was Awakening.

Sorry, that may have come across rude.

It was meant to format like one.

In my playthrough, when this originally formed, this was likened to Awakening style. Then, when Sorin created this, everything got shifted into other FE games.

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Since when do Swordslayers exist in Awakening?

Don't argue, just fight!

Crizix had somehow gotten separated from everyone else. Luckily, none of the Annas hit her, and she regrouped with everyone smoothly. She surveyed the field to see who needed her help...

I went to shower, sorry. ^^;

Wha-? A shower? How did you-? Bah! Never mind, just get back to healing!

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"Welcome back. There are many who need healing."

@poly - they don't... but we're using all possible weapons because we're facing all the annas.

"A-Ah. All right, I'll get on it right away..." ...Who to heal first? Ace Tactician was the closest, so she used her Mend Staff on her.

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The pain rippled through her once more, worse that it was the first time due to the lingering aches from the last attack. She was tired, she hurt all over, but by damned, was this going to be finished!

"L-Let's go, Ace!"

Mind telling us what they all wield when they first show up?!

Sorry! D:

The three Annas all are wielding Silver Swords, Anna Clarisse has a Brave Sword.

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The pain rippled through her once more, worse that it was the first time due to the lingering aches from the last attack. She was tired, she hurt all over, but by damned, was this going to be finished!

"L-Let's go, Ace!"

Sorry! D:

The three Annas all are wielding Silver Swords, Anna Clarisse has a Brave Sword.

Those spikes came in and hit me. I gripped Valflame, the pain stinging. Duck was going after the three, leaving the rest of us the boss, Anna Clarisse. I turned my gaze towards her, this was the Anna who killed my dearest friend. I vowed to make her pay. "You will not escape this time. I've come to exact revenge for killing the one dearest to me!" Crizix healed me so some of the pain went away, but my body still stung all over. Anna Clarisse has a Brave Sword, I smiled so wide a grin. I knew how to handle her. "Silvia, allow me to attack her with magic."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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The pain rippled through her once more, worse that it was the first time due to the lingering aches from the last attack. She was tired, she hurt all over, but by damned, was this going to be finished!

"L-Let's go, Ace!"

Immediately after healing Ace Tactician, she turned around and used her Mend Staff on Silvia.

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The pain rippled through her once more, worse that it was the first time due to the lingering aches from the last attack. She was tired, she hurt all over, but by damned, was this going to be finished!

"L-Let's go, Ace!"

Sorry! D:

The three Annas all are wielding Silver Swords, Anna Clarisse has a Brave Sword.

Haha! Easy fodder for my Swordslayer!

'Come at me...sisses.'

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Ah, yes? Wait, are you jumping into the fight now?


After the army fought against another oncoming horde of Annas, there was a massive yell coming from above them. Duck turned to look at who it was and was shocked, but in the good way.

"CHESTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the voice yelled as a man in a black longcoat - made unique by the Roman numeral IV on the back - plummeted down and drove his axe, the Armads, right through the horde of Annas, splitting them up as he quickly drew his sword and started slicing through two of the Annas.

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