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"The short version is that there's an invasion and we're here to help. I'd give the long version, but..." *hefts Sorin on her shoulders* "There isn't time."

"Dont like the sound of long version, but I can handle myself here.

Get him(referring to Sorin) out of here fast."

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Those last words...that's what he told me before he died. I really didn't want a repeat of that day, but... I had to have faith that Silvia knew how to handle this kind of situation. "You remind me of him. He said that same thing before his death. It's because of that... I really don't want to lose you here. Sometimes I don't feel like I deserve to have this strange gift of mine, but I vowed to see everyone here out. So, at least let me use my power here. Please, I feel it can help here."

Sorin landed on spikes and needs a healer quick!

"Wait, gift?" Silvia turned completely to face Ace, her head titled at an angle. "If it'll send the Annas to an early grave... hell, I'll take it."

At the Hero King's cry, she swore under her breath, cursing herself for not bringing anything stronger than a Mend staff.

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"Wait, gift?" Silvia turned completely to face Ace, her head titled at an angle. "If it'll send the Annas to an early grave... hell, I'll take it."

At the Hero King's cry, she swore under her breath, cursing herself for not bringing anything stronger than a Mend staff.

"He won't die. But... Breezy they were calling you? Whatever, he's right. We need to get him out of here. I do have Recovers in my Convoy, but they'll take a while to find."

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.....No...Give my regards to everyone for me Marth...please? Ask the resistance leader...to lead in my stead....*Coma*

Err do to a combination of things I must forcibly remove myself from this game temporarily(Hence the Coma). I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I will try to update the first page as often as possible. Otherwise continue without me for awhile :sob: ....

"No! We can't lose you now! Open your eyes!"

​I've only been here for a few moments and already we have a casualty. Some Hero-King I turn out to be. But wait, i am not familiar with anyone in this time. Who is the resistance leader?

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"No! We can't lose you now! Open your eyes!"

​I've only been here for a few moments and already we have a casualty. Some Hero-King I turn out to be. But wait, i am not familiar with anyone in this time. Who is the resistance leader?

"I just said he'd be fine. Did he say who'll help us keep everyone organized until he's better?"

Goodness, this was getting exciting. They really were never giving up. Haha, maybe they'll stand a chance after all. I always did like an underdog story.

Edited by Kat
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Sorin landed on spikes and needs a healer quick!

The unfamiliar voice made Crizix flinch, but she quickly regained her composure. Upon registering the message, she shifted through her inventory...Besides her Rescue Staff, she also had a Mend Staff and a Physic Staff, but were they enough? She doubted it, so she watched Sorin get carried by Kat without a word...

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"He won't die. But... Breezy they were calling you? Whatever, he's right. We need to get him out of here. I do have Recovers in my Convoy, but they'll take a while to find."

"No! We can't lose you now! Open your eyes!"

​I've only been here for a few moments and already we have a casualty. Some Hero-King I turn out to be. But wait, i am not familiar with anyone in this time. Who is the resistance leader?

Murmuring more discontent at herself under her breath, she nodded, casting her gaze to the floor and not bothering to look up again when she spoke. "Remind me to organize that convoy for you when we get out of here, okay?"

"As for that..." She raised a hand in Sorin's direction. "That's our resistance leader. And I think... well, I'm not completely sure, but I think the second-in-command is me."

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"I just said he'd be fine. Did he say who'll help us keep everyone organized until he's better?"

"I see. My apologies, I cannot bear the thought of losing anyone to battle. And I'm not sure really. Something about a resistance leader?"

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Murmuring more discontent at herself under her breath, she nodded, casting her gaze to the floor and not bothering to look up again when she spoke. "Remind me to organize that convoy for you when we get out of here, okay?"

"As for that..." She raised a hand in Sorin's direction. "That's our resistance leader. And I think... well, I'm not completely sure, but I think the second-in-command is me."

"Oh, the problem is that it's infinite, dear. As a result, there are a lot of things, with the stronger stuff more deeply embedded to prevent people from stealing them. But... yes, I do believe you are in command for now. Oh, and we have another warrior? Hello there!"

More and more? I'll always be impressed with those with beautiful courage.

"Reinforcements, huh? Silvia? Do you have a plan or might I recommend something?"

Edited by Kat
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"Hey Silvia, have you heard anything askde from our voices lately.

Something seems off here, and Zeph and I don't like it!"

She shook her head at Breezy's remark, gingerly making her way from the staircase towards the center. "Not a thing. They're probably lying in wait, itching for one of us to slip up or something..."

"That's actually clever, Kat..." Silvia mused over the possibility, letting her original annoyance at everything being "buried" to fade. "Keeps the Annas from stealing it, then. You know how they are."

So she was in charge. Well then, looks like she was going to have to make the best of this. "Right. Let's see what I can do here..."

Edited by Vashiane
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Murmuring more discontent at herself under her breath, she nodded, casting her gaze to the floor and not bothering to look up again when she spoke. "Remind me to organize that convoy for you when we get out of here, okay?"

"As for that..." She raised a hand in Sorin's direction. "That's our resistance leader. And I think... well, I'm not completely sure, but I think the second-in-command is me."

I see. So that makes you in charge. If you can, can you explain the situation for me? I am still getting used to the fact that this is a different time"

Its only now that I notice how slow I am at this

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She shook her head at Breezy's remark, gingerly making her way from the staircase towards the center. "Not a thing. They're probably lying in wait, itching for one of us to slip up or something..."

"Seems you have a plan. Excellent. This is going to be fun."

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"Wait, gift?" Silvia turned completely to face Ace, her head titled at an angle. "If it'll send the Annas to an early grave... hell, I'll take it."

At the Hero King's cry, she swore under her breath, cursing herself for not bringing anything stronger than a Mend staff.

"Yeah, I try not to use because...in the past I was couldn't control it. But now, I feel that I can control it better." That power, even after all this time it still lingered. "Heh," I thought, "I may have failed to save him, but not today! I refuse to let anyone else die! Not after the sacrifice he made for me!" I closed my eyes, and felt my ability awaken."If you go after any more of my friends, you'll have to go through me first!"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing right now, eh.

"I see. My apologies, I cannot bear the thought of losing anyone to battle. And I'm not sure really. Something about a resistance leader?"

Crizix followed the voice until she stumbled across Hero-King. She stared at him hard. Who was this guy? She was sure that she had never seen him before, but...she felt like she should at least know his name. He had a very regal aura about him as well...

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"Oh, the problem is that it's infinite, dear. As a result, there are a lot of things, with the stronger stuff more deeply embedded to prevent people from stealing them. But... yes, I do believe you are in command for now. Oh, and we have another warrior? Hello there!"

More and more? I'll always be impressed with those with beautiful courage.

"Reinforcements, huh? Silvia? Do you have a plan or might I recommend something?"

"Greetings friend. I am King Marth of Altea. I have been summoned to this time to defend the future. Have you by chance, heard of me?"

Edited by Hero-King
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Greetings friend. I am King Marth of Altea. have you by chance, heard of me?

"I'd be surprised if no one had heard of you." Ah, so this is the interesting trinket? "Greetings. I'm called 'Kat'. I'm just a simple Rallier with a convoy. And a comatose person."

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