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"Like living forever I imagine? Don't think about it. Live for the times we have together with everyone.... And if it gets that bad, couldn't you end your pact?

"You think living forever is worse? I've been through much worse. Splitting myself in three and my entire being isn't the easiest thing to do."

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"Then why?!" Poly yelled out, not even thinking or realizing what he was doing. "Why do you still insist on giving me a chance?! You know exactly what's wrong with my head, so why?! I... I just..." Poly's words nearly died in his throat, but he found his conviction once more. "I just want to end it now so I don't hurt anyone else!"

(I almost want to convert my posts to script format and make this the B support.)

Alicia: "Because," Alicia said gripping onto his collar "I've also seen the light inside you! Yes, I learned everything there is to know about you. But wouldn't you like to know how I"M screwed in the head?! Just say the word and you'll learn my deepest secrets!"

(Maybe this could be revisited in the B support, a trip to neutral ground to realize how Alicia felt deep down?)

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"No... please, Alicia... just..." Poly sank his head to the floor, trying to hide the sheer anguish on his face. "I-It... it hurts, Alicia..." he softly moaned out, trying to lift his head up. "Just... end this now... please..."

(Again, having too much fun with this.)

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"No... please, Alicia... just..." Poly sank his head to the floor, trying to hide the sheer anguish on his face. "I-It... it hurts, Alicia..." he softly moaned out, trying to lift his head up. "Just... end this now... please..."

(Again, having too much fun with this.)

Alicia: "You are aware ending this would result in me having to send you back down from this place? To the hell you wish to escape from. For it's already been revealed to me your time down on that earth is not up yet! The scales don't lie, Poly."

(I can see that, so am I)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Like living forever I imagine? Don't think about it. Live for the times we have together with everyone.... And if it gets that bad, couldn't you end your pact?

​"No. My pact… Phoibus's pact… we cannot end it. This is the path we chose to walk. Or, rather, the path I selfishly chose in the heat of emotion, and then condemned him to walk."

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"You're wrong, Alicia." Poly said, with some sort of newfound conviction. "You say that you no longer want to judge the souls that come through here... then I will take your place here. I will not return to the world that has long since left me behind." Poly slowly stood up, though he was clearly still shaking. "Besides... you deserve life much more than I do."

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"You're wrong, Alicia." Poly said, with some sort of newfound conviction. "You say that you no longer want to judge the souls that come through here... then I will take your place here. I will not return to the world that has long since left me behind." Poly slowly stood up, though he was clearly still shaking. "Besides... you deserve life much more than I do."

Alicia: "That's really kind of you, Poly. But 'Emotionless Judge Taylor' was the name I was known by in assassin circles after the way I'd end my targets without showing any kind of feeling do so and in the manner a judge would. I'd never want to stop judging the souls that come through here, for here used to the only place I could freely let my emotions run. The world may have left you behind, but I haven't. And I don't intend to leave you here, that would be in violation of nature's laws."

*Meanwhile, back on Earth*

Ace:*comes across Poly and Alicia floating in midair* "......Sis is soul judging...here? What in the blazes happened here?! The trees here are felled and the ground is burnt from an explosion. No wonder those two are taking so long."

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(What happened to Breezy btw, Ace? xD)

(Ace dropped him off in the infirmary before stumbling onto Alicia and Poly floating in midair. To be honest, I was waiting to write out that particular scene in the place Alicia judges the souls of the deceased :3)

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"Alicia..." Poly began, but stopped himself just as quickly, very much uncertain of what to do. "I'm... I'm scared. I don't... I don't want to do this. I just want to die... please, let fate be defied, just this once..." Poly took one final breath. "If you really care for me, then please, let me die."

(oh noez, conflicting emotions!~)

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"Alicia..." Poly began, but stopped himself just as quickly, very much uncertain of what to do. "I'm... I'm scared. I don't... I don't want to do this. I just want to die... please, let fate be defied, just this once..." Poly took one final breath. "If you really care for me, then please, let me die."

(oh noez, conflicting emotions!~)

(Poly, I think you might be taking this a little to far. I mean, you know your daughter alive an you know you'd be leaving her alone. Isn't this enough for most people to live?)

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​"No. My pact… Phoibus's pact… we cannot end it. This is the path we chose to walk. Or, rather, the path I selfishly chose in the heat of emotion, and then condemned him to walk."

"....Even so I'm not going to let you blame yourself if one of us dies. I won't let that happen. Trust me. I haven't gotten headaches doing nothing."

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"....Even so I'm not going to let you blame yourself if one of us dies. I won't let that happen. Trust me. I haven't gotten headaches doing nothing."

you're doing good

(Guys how do I make a poll?)

Use the full editor

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"Alicia..." Poly began, but stopped himself just as quickly, very much uncertain of what to do. "I'm... I'm scared. I don't... I don't want to do this. I just want to die... please, let fate be defied, just this once..." Poly took one final breath. "If you really care for me, then please, let me die."

(oh noez, conflicting emotions!~)

Alicia: "I do care for you Poly. You're scared of returning, I'm scared of being hurt by showing my feelings. That's why...I felt so foolish. I had to bring you to neutral grounds just to tell you how I truly felt about you. But, as Heiress of Order I can't go bending nature's most fundamental laws. It's time we returned from this place, the scales have already shown me what I needed to know...for you were standing on them this whole time." Alicia then took a hold of Poly's hands and the bright blue light enveloped them once again as the pair were returned to the world below them.

*Down below on the Earth*

The floating bodies of Alicia and Poly fell to the ground with a thud, startling Ace.

Ace: "WAH! Are they...alive?" *goes in to check on Alicia and Poly* "Hahahahaha, looks like I'm not the only one who's super stubborn. Nice choice, sis."

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"....Even so I'm not going to let you blame yourself if one of us dies. I won't let that happen. Trust me. I haven't gotten headaches doing nothing."

​"But…" *looks away* "But…"

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Poly's eyes shut for a brief moment as the blue glow enveloped him once more. "Am I... dead?" he asked as his eyes fluttered open, allowing him to stand up. Seeing Alicia on the ground beside him, Poly's mind was thrown into disarray as he crawled over to Alicia. "ALICIA!" he cried out, cradling her in his arms. "No... dammit, I was... I was the one who was meant to die... Not you... Not again..." Looking frantically, he saw the Brave Sword on the ground beside him. Setting Alicia's head down, Poly grabbed the sword and held it to his chest.

"If you're not here... then I know what I must do! I will change fate!" he cried out as he very slowly pressed the sword into his chest, causing blood to rapidly gush out, making sure not to scream and alert the others as to his whereabouts. At the last second, he pulled his sword out, content that he had done enough to simply bleed out. "Th... thank you, Alicia... for making... my choice... clear..." Poly sputtered out as the world began to fade to black.

"I'll... always... love you... my saviour... my little... Ducky... A...li...cia..." Poly spluttered out as his world faded away, as a dream in the morning sun.

(I regret nothing)

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