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"Locking yourself if the library....

And I know something is up with those 2 'other' recruits....

Don't think I don't know...."

(Breezy I wiped your memory. You aren't supposed to know.)

"Maybe. I've learned more knowledge than anyone here."

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(Breezy I wiped your memory. You aren't supposed to know.)

"Maybe. I've learned more knowledge than anyone here."

(I just said something is up.

Sorry for not attaining to you attempt to not be OP anymore ./sarcasm)

"Hey, get out now...

Silvia sorry for fighting with this idiot..."

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"Huh?! What the hell...?" Poly felt several cactus needles in his shoulder, pulling one out to examine it. "Hey, Alicia, are these things poisonous?"

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(I just said something is up.

Sorry for not attaining to you attempt to not be OP anymore ./sarcasm)

"Hey, get out now...

Silvia sorry for fighting with this idiot..."

*Throws against the wall.* "Stay away from my family. Or you will stop breathing. And no one will say against me."*Walks away*

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"Huh?! What the hell...?" Poly felt several cactus needles in his shoulder, pulling one out to examine it. "Hey, Alicia, are these things poisonous?"

Ace then spoke from outside the door, "Don't worry, Poly. Those cacti needles have no poison in them. I should know since I pulled those out from my own hands. Did you really forget what I told Poly? What. The.Heck. do you think your doing?!"

Alicia: "Ace, don't you dare kill him! You're lucky those cacti needles are not poisonous!" Alicia said examining the needles Ace just threw. "Besides, I didn't see you at all today. So I thought you were off somewhere to let your rage out. And I prepared for any cases of poisoned cactus needles." Alicia said, having retrieved her Grandmaster coat and pulling out an antitoxin for cactus needles.

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Ace then spoke from outside the door, "Don't worry, Poly. Those cacti needles have no poison in them. I should know since I pulled those out from my own hands. Did you really forget what I told Poly? What. The.Heck. do you think your doing?!"

Alicia: "Ace, don't you dare kill him! You're lucky those cacti needles are not poisonous!" Alicia said examining the needles Ace just threw. "Besides, I didn't see you at all today. So I thought you were off somewhere to let your rage out. And I prepared for any cases of poisoned cactus needles." Alicia said, having retrieved her Grandmaster coat and pulling out an antitoxin for cactus needles.

(…Uh… I'm more or less certain that the only way cacti needles are poisonous… is if someone put poison on them?)

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Ain't no mountain high enough..

Ain't no valley low enough...

Ain't no RIVER wide enough...

To keep me from getting to you...

Don't you know if you're ever in trouble, I'll be there in a double..





to keep me from getting to you...

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Gaiden, HA!

Two figures slowly yet steadily trekked across the desert shortly after dusk (pun), not wavering, and for a long time, not speaking. One was a brown haired male, tall with a well sculpted face, unweighed by the swords, axes and armor that he had equipped. The other was a younger, shorter girl, though still rather tall with short sea-green hair. For a majority of their journey, which took a majority of the night before and, minus a midday nap, the day, little had been said. Occasionally they would check to see that the other was okay or they would become still so the man could check a map and compass, but little else. However, as a small structure began to form in the horizon, talk did begin.

Man: Well Elena, there it is?

Elena: *shakes head* I'm sorry, what?

Man: The base, you can see it in the distance.

Elena: *squints* Er, sorry Anon, my eyesight isn't as good as yours.

Anon: Ha! Not many can say theirs is!

Elena: I'm sure you're right. *yawn* when we get there, I'm going to take huge nap!

Anon: I thought you were a night owl?

Elena: Normally, yeah, but we've been walking nonstop for a while.

Anon: heh, well, I'm it's not my job to stop.

Elena:...why'd you agree to this anyway? I know you're my dad's friend and all, but times are hard, your obviously busy and it's not cheap to provide for a growing woman, or anyone for that matter.

Anon: Well...I took this job because...I don't enjoy disappointing people. And your father is a close friend of mine, we've helped each other out a lot in the past. He's sort of like...a cousin to me, shall we say. Besides, I wouldn't want to leave anyone in harms way.

Elena: Noble.

Anon: Indeed. See it now?

Elena: Uh, yeah, I do now.

Anon: Excellent! I'm glad we're finally there! Now before we go in, let me tell you some stuff, it's important you listen.

Elena: Alright, spit it out.

Anon: There's a hero there, about twice your age. Don't talk to him. In addition, there's a woman who has two different color eyes, don't insult her. There's also two people with ridiculous hair, you're unlikely to see them both at once. Avoid them if possible. Okay?

Elena: I got it. If my dad trusts you, so do I.

Anon: Good to hear! Now come along, even I'm starting to feel cold.

(Please, no introductions yet)

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Hi Sorin, though I am starting to feel kinda tired.

Hi. I'm not asleep.

Hello Sorin!

And I'm totally not asleep.

And not on anything else relavant.

Could somebody explain what major events happened today? I rather selfishly don't feel like reading 30+ pages.

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Could somebody explain what major events happened today? I rather selfishly don't feel like reading 30+ pages.

Lemme think:

Dusk, Ace and Sampson ran into Phoibus who along with Kat was surrounded by traps until Dusk triggered them from afar

Ace pummeled cacti out of frustration and didn't sleep at all and spent most of the day with the needles embedded in her hands

Wizard's backstory

and Anon's

More drama with Alicia/Poly shipping, a lot more drama

I think that's all, unless I missed something

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You missed Kat thinking through thoughts, Phoibus being an ass, Kat and Dusk having a make-out session on the roof that led to them going to Kat's room (and revelation about how the convoy is actually stored).

Oh, and Anon apparently gaining an "encyclopedia about Annas" [please run any 'knowledge by admins so that you don't contract what we have already planned] and bringing someone here to join us.

Edited by Kat
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