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So how did Zelguis pull-off being the Black knight without Begnion noticing?


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You clearly don't understand the question that the OP asked: He's asking how did Zelgius manage to disappear from Begnion to fight for Daein (or duel Ike in PoR), without anyone from the Begnion army noticing (especially since he is presumably one of Begnion's finest military commanders).

EDIT: I suppose he could have requested a temporary leave of absence, and then used it to help the Daein Liberation Army as the Black Knight.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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He is simply the Black Knight when he can afford to get away with it.

Ashnard doesn't seem to keep him at a short leash. So his orders can wait a while as long as they are done eventually.

Getting away from his duties as a Begnion General shouldn't be too hard.

For one thing, he is a noble. That means that only other members of the nobility can make accusations against him in the first place.

And in his position he should be able to get away with delegating orders to subordinates while he is off to do stuff like managing his lands or being summoned by Duke Persis,

one of the few people he has to take orders from and who just so happens to be his partner in crime.

And it's not like the Black Knight doesn't have troubles keeping up with his responsibilities as a Daein General.

For example, Ashnard noticed that he took his sweet time kidnapping Leanne and he himself admitted to Petrine that he was late in chapter 20.

Edited by BrightBow
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That makes no sense since Largo was in Ike's party while the Black Knight was busy killing Ena.

There's actually a really long passage between the doors that we don't see, so he had the time to warp powder and put his armor on and such. Edited by Goldberg
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They're not the same person. lololol

the black knight is actually largo, it's only in the tower of guidance he had a sniffle so he hired zelgius as a substitute

That makes no sense since Largo was in Ike's party while the Black Knight was busy killing Ena.

You guys are all idiots, as is the OP. Clearly the reason Zelgius got away with it is because the Black Knight was really...


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That makes no sense since Largo was in Ike's party while the Black Knight was busy killing Ena.

lmao you took it seriously

You guys are all idiots, as is the OP. Clearly the reason Zelgius got away with it is because the Black Knight was really...


HAHAHA, 10/10

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You guys are all idiots, as is the OP. Clearly the reason Zelgius got away with it is because the Black Knight was really...


At first, I thought you were being rude as hell and couldn't take a joke.

But wow, good show. Hahaha


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I think he had Sephiran or someone cover for him. I highly doubt Zelgius used warp powder, as he states that it drains his strength when he uses it. It wouldn't make any sense whatsoever for him to repeatedly weaken himself when he's looking to defeat Ike. xP

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I think he had Sephiran or someone cover for him. I highly doubt Zelgius used warp powder, as he states that it drains his strength when he uses it. It wouldn't make any sense whatsoever for him to repeatedly weaken himself when he's looking to defeat Ike. xP

Except, in the Japanese version of RD's script, Zelgius did just that in his PoR fight with Ike. By the very end of RD, Lekain has a warp staff that doesn't drain the energy of the user, but the Black Knight has no need for sneaking around anymore either, so he's finally at his full fighting strength. The English script says the Black Knight merely held back, but knowing how he locomoted in PoR, and how the energy sapping properties of warp powder is brought up on numerous occasions, it's a retcon to try and make the script less silly and yet it contradicts a lot of what we're told.

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I'm...a little confused at what you're saying. The Black Knight can't use staves. And I think Lekain's staff only warps the user. He'd have to use a Rewarp staff to warp someone else, I think.

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I'm...a little confused at what you're saying. The Black Knight can't use staves. And I think Lekain's staff only warps the user. He'd have to use a Rewarp staff to warp someone else, I think.

I meant warp technology in general had changed by the end of RD so it no longer drained the user. But all the times Zelgius used the warp powder previous to part 4 of RD, he was draining himself to get around and it was relevant in PoR, where it is the reason why Ike had a fighting chance against the BK. At the end of RD part 3, Zelgius no longer has need of his charade (everyone has figured out who the BK really is) and returns to Sephiran's side for the rest of the game instead of helping Daein promote Sephiran's agenda of waking Yune and Ashera, so he stops warping. If Lekain and the BK were in league with each other, Lekain could warp the BK without draining him, but that doesn't happen. However, Lekain does use his staff to warp legions of his army all over the place to try and stop the Greil Mercs and Dawn Brigade from reaching the tower.

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If I might add this since Warp powder belonging to the senate was only mentioned in the extended script:

Lekain: Before this lovely little item, we used that ghastly warp powder. It worked well enough, but would completely exhaust whoever used it. What's the use of someone traveling anywhere they wish if they're too exhausted to do anything afterward? It'd take a very strong soldier to withstand the powder's side effects. The rewarp staff solves that problem.

Edit: No, i misremembered that one. My apologies. It's in both versions. Though, I guess the quote could still be useful.

Edited by BrightBow
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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Florete, September 27, 2013 - double
Hidden by Florete, September 27, 2013 - double

At the end of RD part 3, Zelgius no longer has need of his charade (everyone has figured out who the BK really is) and returns to Sephiran's side for the rest of the game instead of helping Daein promote Sephiran's agenda of waking Yune and Ashera, so he stops warping.

Which is why he suddenly appears out of thin air in 4-3 to try and take Micaiah...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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At the end of RD part 3, Zelgius no longer has need of his charade (everyone has figured out who the BK really is) and returns to Sephiran's side for the rest of the game instead of helping Daein promote Sephiran's agenda of waking Yune and Ashera, so he stops warping.

Which is why he suddenly appears out of thin air in 4-3 to help Micaiah and co... :rolleyes:

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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