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Your greatest triumph(s) in a video game.


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100% AC:Brotherhood + Achievements

I've been dicking around with mission replay to figure out how to do missions closest to the creed too

aka kill as little as possible (if possible, kill only those needed for the mission objective) while not getting detected

100% AC:Revelations is probably next but that only applies to synchronisation and not achievements since I don't have the dlc and I am awful at multiplayer

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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My lv. 100 Shiny Giratina...

What? Just because you all put more effort into yours doesn't mean mine is any less awesome.

I spent 63 hours trying to find it. I'd better not be the only one to find it awesome.

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On second thought, scratch Giratina. My greatest triumph?

Definitely my entire PC box- YES, 30 POKEMON- filled with level 100s. They are all the same pokemon.

My favorite Pokemon.

Which is it?


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All the Tomb Raider games

All the Zeldas except the ones I didnt play: Zelda 1 Zelda 2 and Link's Awakening

3 Heart Challenge:

Majora's Mask

Ocarina of Time

Twilight Princess

Wind Waker

6 Heart Hero Mode Challenge:

Skyward Sword

Fire Emblem:

http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=39374 107 turns H2 FE12

that's all I remember but there's bound to be more random stuff I've done.

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Also, 100%ing Batman Arkham Asylum, I barely ever aim for 100%, and if I do, I never reach it, but it didn't feel right letting the Riddler get off while everyone else got to see their homely prison cells.

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Oh, right that's an FE accomplishment,

Add to the previous post:

Beaten FE10 Hard, FE11 H5, FE12 H2, FE12 H3, FE12 H4, FE13 LM and FE13 LM+. Have yet to beat FE6 HM and FE7 HHM but those are chump difficulty modes.

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In nintendo consoles:

Recruited kecleon in PMD explorers of sky without cheating.

Finished Zero isle South (PMD explorers of darkness).

Caught a Feebas in Pokemon Emerald.

Defeated two of lance's dragonairs with a lv34 weepinbell (Pokemon blue).

Finished FE5.

In PC games:

Reached the cash limit in Pes 2010 ML ($9.999.999.999,00).

170 games unbeaten run in FM 2012.

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I got all 151 Pokemon in Pokemon Blue as well. Last time I ever even tried to catch them all. Now I just play them as RPGs.

But I remember good it felt to beat Viewtiful Joe on V-Rated Mode. And then I find out there was an Ultra-V mode.

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200% in Donkey Kong Country Returns, AND all the artwork unlocked, NEVER AGAIN. This game also got me the drunkest I have ever gotten. You see, me and my roommate had a drinking game where we would have a small sip of beer every time I died on a temple level, and welp!

Triple star rating on everything on Mario Kart Wii, I never want to see another blue shell again; 12 person racing is a baaaaad idea.

I still have Diddy Kong's shrieks engrained in my head from both of those games to this day. Despite the Wii not being my favourite console by a long stretch, I think it is my second most played system ever, trailing behind the PS2. I hate being a completionist.

And kicked Freya's ass on 4D on Star Ocean 3, not so bad, more or less mechanical monkey, and it took two and a half weeks of leaving my PS2 on. I also skipped class one day because there was a strong thunderstorm, and I wanted to be there to cry should the power go out and all my work alongside it.

Lastly, I have a complete alchemy cookbook and four fully maxed out characters jobwise and levelwise in Dragon Quest IX. I had an exciting life before I had a job and places to go.

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Probably beating Mega Man 9; alternatively, getting Bridge Over Trebled Slaughter on my first-ever Parish survival--on Advanced Realism, too. The second one is more badass/memorable, but the first is harder.

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I think beating the original Castlevania. Though sine it was the GBA port and later the virtual console version, I could save between levels. Still, that's effectively just like keeping the NES running over night.

People seem to act like the original Castlevania is outstandingly hard. But to me it's actually the only NES game I played which didn't kick my ass until I gave up.

Well, Kirby's adventure didn't but that game is deliberately easy.

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Defeating the Demi-Fiend in Digital Devil Saga.

You know a boss is hard when he's the main character of one of the main series' games and the battle theme is just the normal battle theme from his own game and can still mop the floor with your max level, max stat party without being completely cheap or having arbitrary rules set for the battle.

Getting the Neutral ending in SMT: Strange Journey is pretty great too. That whole game is just amazing.

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Hmmm, maybe on a personal level, beating Dullahan in Golden Sun TLA is a better example.

When I was a kid, I always avoided fighting this guy properly. He seemed impossible so I just resorted to summon spamming.

But when Dark Dawn was about to be released, I replayed the games and after so many years I finally defeated this guy properly. Not hard but it felt really good for me personal.

Because of his regeneration and me often spending several turns licking wounds, I didn't even know if I was doing damage. It was quite something to see him finally fall.

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