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I don't like coffee.


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See I prefer the taste of tea but

I need espresso-levels of caffeine for caffeine to actually work on me even with a summer of trying to kill my tolerance

Tea hasn't worked since forever and I drink it like any other beverage as opposed to something that will let me get my work done on time

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Earl Grey > coffee

I don't like coffee either.

The only time I ever go near coffee related things is when I'm either putting it in my baking or coffee ice cream.

Yes everything said here is true.

I share these sentiments. Coffee is unbearably bitter to me no matter what I do to it. :C

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Am I the only person on this forum that hates tea and coffee? Tea is terrible tasting and highly bitter and NEEDS handfuls of packs of sugar to make it drinkable. While coffee taste like dirt and soft drinks are a much better way to get your caffeine rush.

*sigh* I wasted a dollar on a vending machine when I saw this "french vanilla" stuff. I thought "ooh this must be sweet and tasty for it to have vanilla in it". So I gave it a buck and it dispensed a liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike vanilla sweetness. had like a fifth of it and threw it away. I could of had a cup of hot chocolate instead, but no because the marketing department thought to butcher the taste of vanilla by adding vile coffee and no sugar, I downed 2 cups of hot chocolate afterwards to drown out the taste of the "beverage".

in conclusion (chocolate=soda)>(tea=coffee)

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>highly bitter

Did you put in the tea bags for way too long or something because most tea I know are not highly bitter at all

Granted I drink the Chinese varieties most and don't really know much about British or Indian or wherever else teas but there's only a few types of Chinese tea that fits the description and only if you leave in the tea leaves for way too long

I'd recommend some good types but they're in Chinese and I have no clue how to translate them but they're far from "highly bitter"

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Black tea can be mouth-curlingly bitter, but like The One Above Me said, it depends on how strong you make it. If you don't make it too strong, it really won't be all that bitter. But me, I like my tea black and really strong. I think the flavour is best that way. With sugar, of course.

Edited by Nightmare
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I don't like coffee either, I have a caffeine intolerance and it makes me sick.

I see.
Juice/milk are alot better for you anyway.

FYI, I don't like coffee either. The taste <_<

Without sugar that is. Yeeeech.

fucking toddlers

get jobs and you'll love coffee

Said the spider to the fly.


I only like mine with sugar. A little. Water or milk doesn't matter.

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I like coffee and tea, but I would say I prefer tea over coffee... It is definitely a lot less bitter than coffee and you can't really mess up tea (unless you let it the tea bag/leaves in too long or something). And I don't end up running to the bathroom after drinking tea unlike coffee.... unless I drink lots of tea. Which I sometimes do.

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Now that I think about it I probably don't like tea since whenever I visit my friend's house when I was a young lad, I was served dark Arabic tea which is known to be very bitter. This problem was solved by the parent leaving a tea kettle filled with sugar so I dumped the sugar in my cup each time I visited. It tastes great afterwards

Well that is my Freuad excuse to me not liking tea. With Coffee, I just never tried it.

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Hazelnut and mint coffee syrups are top tier.

I had to spend like 5 minutes Googling to even know that "coffee syrups" were called such. I always just called them "those bottles of good shit I put in my coffee over there"

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I like flavoured coffee! And over time I gained a resistance to its bitterness so that milk only seemed to make the coffee worse x3 So I just have it with creamer now. Some if not all creamer have milk in them anyway~!

I haven't had coffee in a looooong time ago, because I only drink one or two cups at a time and it's difficult brewing enough for only me ;u; The reason I could always have it before was when my brother still lived here, we would have some together! It's fun sitting in the morning having conversations and listening to music over a cup of coffee =3

I've only had tea a couple times, a long time ago my mom was having Arizona brand tea and she let me and my brother try, I remembe really liking it.

Then in high school for my art class we made ceramic teacups and the tea we had... was probably plain tea. It tasted horrible. And VO5's tea scented shampoo smells absolutely disgusting.

Hopefully I can find a kind of tea I like again! As long as something isn't super bitter and is flavoured, I tend to like it~

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