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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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The first senian officer took to the skies, to avoid getting shot down by the archer. Besides, this would make it easier to just pop in and stab someone.

Enemy Phase

Tyrus chuckled as the enemy Senian tried to breach his defenses. It was futile effort, and, judging by who was above them, would cost the swordsman. "And you call yourself a Senian. You're gonna need a bigger blade than that to get through this mail. Shame about your friend the archer though."

As he spoke, the dwelven flier dove down onto the sharpshooter, knocking him down in a single pass with her spear. Once it was concluded, she returned to her dwindling allies.

Tyrus Aggros Zeff!

Runic activates! MAG - 3 STR + 3. Now 3 and 9, respectively.
4,6,3 = hit! 15-1 = 14 points of damage! Malachi is defeated!

Malachi 0/12
Senian Officer A 18/18

His defendee's attacker dealt with, the lance-wielding horseman decided to go after the swordsman who brought down his fellow scout from the other squad. His lance struck true, but the kill was not secured.
2,4,2 = autohit! 11-4 = 7 points of damage!
Jacob 5/15

The footsoldier, now all alone, went after the other killer of his mounted comrade. He brought the dastard down with a flawless spear thrust.
3,2,3 = autohit!
8-1 = 7 points of damage! Rayil is defeated!
Rayil 0/15 HP
Senian Soldier A (ignore roll typo) 18/18

Seeing that most of the second squad was distracted, the Senian light mage took that opportunity to strike the swordswoman down. With a burst of light, that was one less foe to worry about, for now.
2,6,4 = hit! 13-1 = 12 points of damage! Raelyn is defeated!
Senian Blaster A 9/9

There was a healer open. The elven axeman took his chance and swung at the man with his weapon. His axe struck true, but it appeared to have only slightly cut into the foe's arm. What a shame.
1,4,5 = hit! 7-6 = 1 point of damage!
Aeson 17/18

Other Phase

Sayina finally arrived at Rimsky's resting place, and quickly healed him and got the dwarf back up on his feet. Once that was done, the elven healer rode off to avoid retaliation.

Sayina Raises Rimsky! Rimsky HP + 11
Rimsky 11/21
Sayina activates Sneak!

Adari took a sip of her tonic, drew her sword, and braced herself to engage the knight should he try to hurt the elven mage.

Adari uses Tonic! MT is now 23, and HIT is now 20!

Adari defends Elysia!

Having had to listen to that wretched knight's voice for far too long, Elysia decided to try and chill him out. Her first attack seemed to suck some of the life out of the Senian, but Adari's blows were for nought. Luckily, he missed Adari, so all in all they came out ahead in that exchange.

3,4,3 = autohit! 16-1 = 15 points of damage! Tyrus 15/30
Defended by Adari!
3,2,4 = 12-15 = Miss!
5,1,5 = autohit! 24-27 = Tink!
2,1,1 = Critical Hit! 2(24-27) = Massive Tinkage!

Tyrus 15/30
Elysia 16/21
Adari 24/24

Tyrus 15/30 (Erratic)
Senian Medic A 12/12 (Aggressive)
Senian Scout A 13/15 (Defending Senian Spy A)
Senian Spy A 0/18 (Subvert)
Senian Officer A 18/18 (Subvert)
Senian Scout B 0/15 (Aggressive)
Senian Caster A 0/9 (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier A 18/18 (Aggressive)
Senian Officer B 21/21(Defending his team)
Senian Medic B 12/12 (Aggressive)
Senian Blaster A 9/9 (Aggressive)
Senian Spy B 12/12 (Aggressive)
Senian Caster B 0/21 (Defending Senian Blaster B)
Senian Blaster B 0/15 (Aggressive)

Senian Soldier B 0/24(Aggressive)
Senian Spy C 0/9 (Subvert)
Senian Soldier C 0/27 (Aggressive)
Senian Scout C 0/15 (Aggressive)
Senian Spy D 0/9 (Aggressive)
Senian Caster C 0/9 (Subvert)

Sayina 18/18
Adari 24/24
Elysia 16/21

Aeson 17/18
Alfonso 19/27
Linn 6/15
Ernce 0/18
Raelyn 0/12
Chandra 12/12
Jacob 5/15
Rimsky 11/21
Zeff 10/15 (Aggro'd)
Leon 12/12
Caslan 12/12
Malachi 0/12
Rayil 0/15

Player Phase 5

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"Hey! You fat-chinned man there!" Alfonso said, mad at the dibbly-daddling mockery that was still going about. "Pick a fight with a knight your size, knave!" He spoke, the anger noticeable in his breath. It seemed all the taunting that the enemy knight did to his allies made the old knight angry himself.

"Linn! He may have some darned armor, but we're breaking it with magic!" Alfonso started giving his orders, feeling a bit sure of himself. "I recall there's another mage in our ranks. Let's see if he can pick up the pace! We charge now, I'll protect you from his attacks."

Alfonso defends Linn!
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She was bleeding, breathing heavy, and had a terrible bruise all down her back. But Alfonso was right! It was up to her, Elysia, and Caslan to take this armored nightmare down, and she had to do something. Confident in the wall that was Alfonso, she tried her best to conjure up some magic. Unfortunately her wounds were taking their toll, and the spell had little effect on the armored man, despite cutting right through said armor. "Alfonso, I'm sorry... I couldn't do much." She was more sorry for the blow the angered man laid down upon the older knight.


Linn 6/15

He blocks! - Alfonso 14/27

Tyrus 10/30

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Malachi screamed as the sabre cut bloody furrows through him. As he staggered back from the onslaught, his only thought was that he wondered why people in the stories always managed defiant last words. All he could think of was his home...

He blacked out before he hit the ground.

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After noting how the enemy knight was impregnable to most of the weapon users, Caslan saw the other mages bring the man to his knees. Which made him understand his duty. Drawing as much magic as he could muster, Caslan slammed Tyrus with as much of the surrounding water as he could. It was not a grand way of bringing down the enemy, but it effective nonetheless.

But doing so had put the elf far out of Joey's cover.

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4242364/ 3,6,2,1,3,2

3 + 5 - 3 > 0 Hit!

8 + 6 - 1 = 13 damage!

Caslan 12/12

Tyrus 0/30

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Leon makes sure Zeff stops bleeding from his everywhere before taking a defensive stance, ready to run and jump at the first sign of danger.

Leon heals Zeff +6 HP

Zeff 15/15 HP

Leon earns 3 points, 9 points total

Leon uses Dodge, 1/2 Uses Remaining

0/2 Sneak uses remaining

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At last, Rimsky was revived. As Sayina rushed off to avoid a counterattack, Chandra took her staff to finish up the healing process:

Chandra heals Rimsky for 9 HP


+3 points

"I don't want to see you back on the ground again, got it?" Chandra said to Rimsky as she helped him up. While the dwarf was off to battle, Chandra caught Raelyn fall to another caster. Just as one was up, another went down. There was no way Sayina could manage all the knockouts they were suffering.

"I should learn how to revive," she thought to herself. Had she stayed in the abbey, Chandra likely would have learned the technique. Perhaps these intense battles were a way of telling her of a new path to take. They had plenty of strong magic casters, but not much in the way of support. Chandra had the background in healing; she could make the switch...

For now, Chandra attempted to aid Raelyn with what she had. She grabbed the girl by the hands and dragged her away from the battle in order to avoid getting trampled. She then knelt next to Raelyn and applied minor healing to control the damage.

"I got your back, Raelyn. Just like we said."

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Rimsky awoke to see Sayina beside him for only a bit, then he rode away. He had just revived him, huh? He felt rejuvenated, although not completely. Then Chandra went to him and healed him a bit. "Thanks, Chandra. Truly." he said He sanned his surroundings- he couldn't see Mehr anywhere and he found his comrades unconscious. Seeing Raelyn down did not please him at all, and gritting his teeth, he decided to shoot the rider who was standing there casually, oblivious to any attack. Looked like he was defending his squad. Time to make him pay. He shot two shots at it, the first shot having more oomph to it than the second. Rimsky blamed his state of body- he wasn't fully energized or at his best after he got knocked out by that creature.


Rimsky does 17 damage to Senian Officer B. 4/21

And all of a sudden he noticed Mehr running towards him from nowhere. "Oh there you are, Mehr! I was worried about you!"

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Rimsky was back up, but Raelyn went down in his place. To make matters worse, it had nearly been the end of Jacob, as he took a far-too close inspection of an enemy's spear. The Celisan backed off to calm himself, but quickly charged in when he saw a wounded horseman. With a single stroke, he beheaded the Senian, and immediately began to retreat.


5,3,2 = hit!

11-3 = 8 points of damage!

Senian Officer B is defeated!

Team Jacob gains 5 points.

Jacob 5/15

Senian Officer B 0/21


"Oh come on," Tyrus said, after being chilled and battered and stabbed and slashed at. "You can't even bring me down dishonourably! How do you expect to-" A surge of water interrupted his sentence, as the knight was battered and knocked over by the liquid. There was a sick snap as he hit the ground, and the Senian armed forces were down yet another Captain.

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Taking the chaos created by Caslan's fatal blow to the Senian commander, Zeff took the opportunity to take out one of the medics nearby and cutoff any aid the healer may have provided to Tyrus.

Senian Medic B just got pwn't to hell. Zeff is the new crit-machine.


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Aeson heals Linn! Linn 11/15

Team Aeson + 3 points.

Enemy Phase

And then there were six.

The sole surviving Senian officer dove down and dropped the dastardly devil of an elf who killed Tyrus with two blows from her lance.


5,3,2 = hit! 12-1 = 11 points of damage!

3,5,6 = hit! 14-1 = 13 points of damage! Caslan is defeated!

Senian Officer A 18/18

Caslan 0/12

The last medic healed her scout ally, preparing for the bitter end.

Senian Medic A heals Senian Scout A!

Senian Scout A 15/15

Now at full strength, the scout went after one of the unprotected mages. Had he hit a smidgeon harder, she would've dropped like a sack of wheat. Instead, the elf got to live, for a little while longer.


4.5.3 = hit! 12-2 = 10 points of damage! Linn 1/15

The soldier decided to try going after the healed horseman, but he was too slow to even hope to strike the dwarf.


3,5,4 = miss!

Rimsky 11/21

The light mage, still miraculously alive, tried to smite the enemy Senian. It worked, but the swordsman hung on.


5,6,3 = hit! 13-1 = 12 points of damage!

Zeff 3/15

The spy, on the other hand, spotted a wounded Celisan. He planted his axe into the man's chest, then kicked the barely-alive Celisan off of his weapon, leaving him there to bleed.


4,6,6 = 8-7 = Critical Hit!

2(9-4) = 10 points of damage! Jacob is defeated.

Jacob 0/15

Senian Spy B 12/12

Other Phase

The enemies' numbers were thin enough that prolonging this would do more harm than just keeping fighters up, at this point. So Sayina sent two light spells sailing at the Senian scout, knocking him off of his horse and to his death.


6,4,3 = hit! 15-3 = 12 points of damage!

2,4,5 = Miss!

5,1,5 = autohit! 12-3 = 9 points of damage! Senian Scout A is defeated!

Sayina 18/18

Adari, on the other hand, had loftier goals. After drawing her bow the nomad let loose two arrows towards the Senian officer. The first one forced the pegasus to land, lest it crash, while the second one hit its' rider square in the chestplate, knocking her off of her mount. Miraculously enough, she survived, but with a broken ankle, she wasn't about to do much.


3,2,6 = hit! 16-5 = 11 points of damage!

1,1,5 = hit! 15-5 = 10 points of damage! Senian Officer A is defeated!

Adari 24/24

Now that that annoying knight was dead, it was time to clean up. Elysia waste no time with making ice spears, and just froze the enemies' last mage outright. Then there were three.


MTA! MT + 3! Now 15.

6,3,6 = autohit!

18-2 = 16 points of damage! Senian Blaster A is defeated!

Elysia 16/21

Tyrus 0/30 (Erratic)
Senian Medic A 12/12 (Aggressive)
Senian Scout A 0/15 (Aggressive)
Senian Spy A 0/18 (Subvert)
Senian Officer A 0/18 (Subvert)
Senian Scout B 0/15 (Aggressive)
Senian Caster A 0/9 (Aggressive)
Senian Soldier A 18/18 (Aggressive)
Senian Officer B 0/21(Defending his team)
Senian Medic B 0/12 (Aggressive)
Senian Blaster A 0/9 (Aggressive)

Senian Spy B 12/12 (Aggressive)
Senian Caster B 0/21 (Defending Senian Blaster B)
Senian Blaster B 0/15 (Aggressive)

Senian Soldier B 0/24(Aggressive)
Senian Spy C 0/9 (Subvert)
Senian Soldier C 0/27 (Aggressive)
Senian Scout C 0/15 (Aggressive)
Senian Spy D 0/9 (Aggressive)
Senian Caster C 0/9 (Subvert)

Sayina 18/18
Adari 24/24
Elysia 16/21

Aeson 17/18
Alfonso 14/27
Linn 1/15
Ernce 0/18
Raelyn 0/12
Chandra 12/12
Jacob 0/15
Rimsky 11/21
Zeff 3/15
Leon 12/12
Caslan 0/12
Malachi 0/12
Rayil 0/15

Player Phase 6

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"Linn!" Alfonso shouted. "Get back here! Don't stray from me! We still need to take more of them out, but as long as I can still bleed, you're not falling!" He spoke, taking position in front of the mage, in case she readied an attack again.

Alfonso defends Linn!
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Linn felt like she was going to fall apart. Aeson's last heal had kept her alive, as the scout tore into her unguarded self. She was feeling it, and it wasn't feeling good. But she was still standing, and it was her job to help everyone that was still standing! With the last of her strength, she nodded at Alfonso, and took this chance to blast what little magic she could at the journeyman standing yonder. Her spell was weak, and barely cut into him. He charged, but met with Alfonso's armor, and failed to do a single thing! The older knight finally made use of his lance, and stabbed deep into the soldier's armor. Linn mustered up a spell, and managed, somehow, to bring him down. She proceeded to fall to her knees, gasping for breath, and clutching her wounds. "I hope...this fight...ends soon."


Linn 1/15

Alfonso 14/27

Spy B 0/12

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Rimsky got enraged as he saw Jacob fall to an axe wielder. Caslan also went down with one hit, and then he saw Adari and co. deal with 3 enemies. Watching as Zeff, Linn and Alfonso took on two out of the three enemies left, Rimsky decided to release his frustration and anger on the lone soldier that was preparing to attack the group.


Rimsky shot an arrow straight through the soldier's chest. He smirked as he watched the soldier fall slowly.

OOC: Totally KO'd this dude w00t.

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Enemy Phase

Other Phase

Adari feathered the sole Senian standing, before she lowered her bow and dismounted, getting ready to help with the wounded.


6,5,4 = Critical hit (Killer Bow)! 2(19-5) = 28 points of damage! Senian Medic B is defeated!

Adari 24/24


Teams 1 and 2 gain 108 points. Rayil gains 110 points. Team 3 gains 119.

New Average: 220

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(going backwards in time a bit)

When did it get so bright? Raelyn shielded her eyes, then let out a strangled scream as she felt herself fly backwards. Light faded to darkness. . .

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"Oh, dear goodness, it's over. You hear that, Linn? Aeson? It's over!" Alfonso rejoiced, it seemed the near-slaughter of their own ranks put even the knight at edge, though he knew he had it much better than most others. Especially those that fell, they were certainly worse off.

Leaping out of his horse as soon as Adari did, he hurried to get his comrade lying on the floor, Ernce, and took him near Aeson quickly. "It's going to be a busy job for you and the others, priest. Let's get started with him first." He said, putting the mercenary at rest in front of Aeson.

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With the conclusion of the battle, Zeff immediate retreated to his original post where he had left Aina. Rushing over, he called "Aina! Aina! H-hey, you're still with us right?". He noticed the wound Aina has incurred to her eye, the only good eye she had left. Maybe Sayina can...?

"Oh for the love of...Aina!". Unsure of whether she was simply slow to respond or had perhaps suffered a worse fate while his attention had been diverted, he placed his fingers on her neck to check her pulse. It was no use however, his hands were trembling and he couldn't get a good indication of what her condition was.

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"Urgh... the hell are you squawkin 'bout... Zeff? I think... my ears are ringin' a little, and I can't see nothin, so..." Aina muttered, as the loud man approached her downed form... it would seem the fight was over, and they appeared to have won.

"Why're ya shakin so bad, boy? If y'can yell like that, no way in hell you've got it worse off than me right now, eh?" She continued, a slight chuckle escaping her lips. The bleeding had stopped... for now, but within the time it had taken to fight off the Senians, and the nature of the wound, the eye was surely lost already.


"I... I'm alive? We actually... fought them off...?" Elysia muttered, surprised, as the last of the enemies was slain... aside from the fucker who had thrashed her about escaping with his creepy project, they had completely wiped them out. Turning to the one who had taken up fighting next to her, who also appeared to be the most proficient of the group, Elysia donned a smile.

"Heya, I know this is all a bit sudden, but... well, my name is Elysia. If you wouldn't mind, I'd atleast like to know who you guys are, since it's because of you I wasn't eventually flushed out of hiding and executed... and all that stuff. Thanks for that... and keeping an eye on me, too... can't say I've ever fought that many guys before." The elf noted to Adari... not that she knew that tidbit of information.

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He breathed a sigh of relief as Aina began to speak. "S-sorry," he managed to say, "I just thought that you might have...never mind. I'm just glad you're alive."

"But that eye of yours - we need to get someone to look at it right away! Sayina's an excellent healer, I'm sure he'll be able to do something about this..." He looked up in desperation, trying to locate the healer.

Or any type of medical assistance for that matter.

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"Aye... it's too late fer that, Zeff. Even if he had gotten to it right as it happened, it probly woulda been too late... guess I should say I'm lucky the thing didn't cave my skull in right off... Sayina's good, but he ain't no miracle worker." Aina replied sombrely, letting out a sigh.

"How'd ya do t'day, Zeff? I know we didn't get all the much time to practice but hell, sometimes a change in attitude is all it takes, y'know?"

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Ernce woke up to the sound of Alfonso's voice, not that he showed any signs of being conscious, but he made no effort to reassure the elder knight that he was fine. His head was swimming and he swore he could see things although he knew his eyes were closed. He tried to remember why he had been sleeping on the floor in the first place but came up with nothing. With his mind refusing to listen Ernce fell back into unconsciousness.

[spoiler=Alt Reality]

Ernce instantly woke up when Alfonso had began speaking to Aeson. Standing up by himself he was surprised he wasn't hurt that badly despite taking light magic to the face. Looking around the battlefield he spotted the one responsible for his brief trip into unconsciousness and made his way over to her. He saw her tending to her ankle, which appeared to be broken, and despite himself said the first words that came to mind. "Hey you just owned me, and I am angry, but you're not that bad... so join us maybe?"

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He wanted to believe that she still had a chance to regain her sight but, if Aina herself didn't believe that she'd make a recovery, what was the sense in clinging on to his false hope? He felt so much sorrow for her though, so much so, that tears started to roll down his cheeks. In a way, he was slightly glad Aina wouldn't be able to see him crying. She'd probably scold him for being so pathetic and crying when it wasn't even his wound.

He picked up Aina's hand and held it in his, to comfort her and assure her that he was still there. "I did alright. Didn't get knocked around like I usually do. Even faced off against the commander. Bastard's armor was so tough though, my sword barely put a scratch on it," he managed to say, mixing empty laughter into his words. "I have to thank you though, for talking to me in the inn that day. I'd still probably be a wreck if you hadn't come by..."

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"That's another thing... that dinky little butterknife a' yours. No proper swordsman should go around wit' somethin like that, it'll scar yer pride. Listen... I wantcha t'take my sword... belonged to m'great grandpappy... not like I'll be able to show 'er justice no more... when I swing that blade, I still feel 'im watchin over me... I'm sure he'll help ya out too, Zeff... he ain't petty like all that, especially if I give 'er to ya." Aina replied, shifting her weight so as to sit up properly, before removing her sword from it's place on her belt... even without her sight, that motion was ingrained into her memory, and holding it towards Zeff.

"Make both of us proud, aye?"

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