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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"Ohhhh, wonderful! A proper inn, no blood, comfortable beds, and more lovely food~" The trip to the next village hadn't been too long, and that was all that had been on Linn's mind. Well, among other, more elvish things. But she wasn't too concerned about that right now, only concerned about finding somewhere to sit down and rest her legs. She followed behind Adari into the inn, and sat herself down at one of the chairs near the entrance. "Ahhhh, sitting feels good..."

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And just when I was going to relax. "Er... Hello, Malachi. You didn't happen to finish the adjustments on that armor, did you?" As long as he doesn't need anymore measurements, I'm sure this conversation will go just fine. Too be fair to the man, Linn didn't think he was sore on the eyes. He was fairly well built, and freckles were always a plus. At least she'd have something to look at.

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Reaching the new village, which was comfortingly teeming with people, Caslan's first duty was to head to the stables and make sure Joey was comfortable. And as a proper rider, that meant feeding the pompous creature and grooming it.

In the stables, the elf paid the stable boy for a bag of oat and poured it into the feed for Joey. Seeing his mount eating, Caslan took out the brush and began grooming the big gelding. While doing so, he pondered on the relationship he was sure was developing between him and his own fellow elvenkin. Would it distract him from making proper decisions in battle? He had heard of tales of how improper it was to develop feelings for people in the same work place. Should I consult someone experienced in this?


While munching happily, Joey noticed its rider slowing down and worse, repeatedly grooming the same spot over and over. Sheesh, stop day dreaming elf, the gelding did a swift jerk to catch its rider's attention before shifting its position to bring the brush as close to the places that needed more grooming. Get back to work.

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"Oh, Linn, didn't see y' there. Uh, yeah, I done the armour." The archer slicked back his hair. "Was lookin' to find some dyes here, though, b'fore I handed it over. 'Less you're really fond've shit brown, I guess."

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Of course you didn't. "That's wonderful. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you wanted me to come along with you while you search so we get the color right." I guess wandering around the village wouldn't be so bad. Maybe I'll actually get to know him more than just his looks? I wonder if that's really a good thing.

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"N-No, wait!" Linn said, standing up, "I really do want to go, yeah! I'd hate to leave some menial and boring task for you to do by yourself. Besides we could...talk, I guess." I can't let him go alone and pick something ridiculous like yellow, or pink. Oh, Gods, that would be terrible.

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Andre was busy discussing with Charlie and a couple members of the village militia the events of the past few days. The monk, along with Aina and the militia, were to head to Verden to report about the monster and Senian attacks - minus the part about Xane, of course. Meanwhile, the rest of the Harriers would proceed to the fortress itself, led by the dwelf who was now being supervised by Ernce. Of course, negotiations were dragging on, so it'd be a short while before they'd actually leave.


Jacob made a beeline straight for the village's blacksmith. His sword simply wasn't effective enough last battle, so he was going to see if he could pick up a sharper blade. And maybe a shield, while he was at it.


Hale, meanwhile followed a few of the mercenaries into the inn, found a seat further to the back, brought out his notes and tome, and began to read. He would probably go explore the village at some point, but that would be later.

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The town of Petra... she had been here recently enough... though in entirely different company. Still, even though she had combed the town for signs of a certain someone already and come up empty-handed, she had been offered work with Harrop's Harriers, on the condition that she not attempt to kill the Senian prisoner again, which was an easy enough request.

She still didn't know much of anything about her compatriots, however. Linn had been talkative enough, but aside, none of the others had made a point of approaching her past initial introductions. Regardless, making her way into the inn with the others, and sitting at her standard somewhat far off table, Elysia ordered a light, non-alcoholic beverage from one of the serving girls.

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Arriving into the next town was a refreshing feeling. It was good to see people moving about chattering about nothing in particular. He recalled needing to buy something in the previous town but he hadn't gotten around to it, what with the entire village in ruin and almost getting killed by his own countrymen. He wondered if anyone on the enemy team had noticed where he was from, and whether or not they particularly scorned him as a rebel or a traitor. Bah, no matter. I'm already here now. It would be unbecoming to wag my tail back to Senia and fight for their bloodthirsty army of fools. He recalled his battle with Tyrus, the enemy commander, and recalled in particular how he failed to deal any sizable damage. After all, I'm still the same ol' weakling aren't I?

He wasn't going to kid himself. He still had a long way to go before he could consider himself even an average fighter. As he walked, he felt the weight of not one, but two swords at his side. It was an odd feeling that he still wasn't used to. He unsheathed Aina's sword and looked at it for quite a while. Now this is what a true sword looks like. Still, without his glove he wouldn't be able to accomplish much. In truth, his new sword would probably be a liability in battle the way things currently were. He sighed. Returning the sword back to it's sheath, he decided that he would postpone his visit to the market. What he wanted was a little rest, and some peace.

Heading off into the inn, he took a seat at a table that was empty and plopped himself down. He wasn't much of a drinker, so he ordered a glass of water to drink instead. He wondered what he would be doing now, had he decided to stay back at home. Probably moping about as usual no doubt. What pained him the most, was that there was no one in the world who he could talk to the same way he talked with Reva. It was hard to confide secrets to people you barely knew. Even with friends, you always had to be a little careful not to pry too much, not to do this or not to do that. He missed the tales of elven lore. He missed the walks they had together. He missed the discussions they would share over a meal. He missed her. He missed his old life. "Tch. Hey," he motioned to one of the waiters. "Get me a drink. Anything is fine."

Bah. What the hell am I even doing anymore?

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"One minute, Malachi. I really do want to go with you, honest, but... Just hold on." Linn had noticed Zeff's more than obvious plight and she couldn't just leave him there without trying to console him over...whatever was bothering him. But how to go about it? Oh! I know! He might not appreciate it but it's the best thing i've got. Linn walked herself over, and in a similar fashion, placed an arm around him and started stroking his hair. "Hey, Zeff. You don't seem too great. You alright?" Obviously not, but even I have enough tact not to pry if he won't tell me. She tacked on a smile, hoping he'd cheer up, even a little bit.


"Aye, tough lot, laddie! Yer woman walkin' off t'talk to someone else like that," said a mop of hair peering over the table at Malachi. "Ah'm sure she's got 'er good intentions, though, not to worry," it said, as it propped itself onto a chair, showing that it was not a sentient mop of hair, but in fact a small man. "Perhaps I can interest you in some chatter until she's finished her-- oh, my," he said, looking back, "well, perhaps a card game would last longer. What d'you say?"

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Aeson continued with the gang to their next location. He was rather amused to find it took hardly time at all. When he had been travelling with Linn, it had often been weeks before they had found somewhere to stay - although that was mostly because they were just wandering about. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Linn talking to a dispirited Zeff, surely he was in need of her rather unusual humour. Sometimes it baffled him that she was his elder.

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Linn's attempts at consolation were appreciated, but at the same time, unwanted. Without even so much as looking at her, he shrugged her off and continued to drink. He thought to himself in silence for a moment, before finishing off the rest of the drink. "Sorry, I know you mean well, it's just I...Linn," he began, all the while still looking down at his now empty cup, "in all your years of being alive. Has there ever been anyone you've lost so close to you, that when they were gone, it felt like losing a part of yourself?"

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Linn wasn't expecting to get shrugged off, and she cocked an eye at the boy. That was rude. I can't imagine whatever's eating him is that bad. She assumed it wasn't, until he asked his question, getting a response of a sigh, and her sitting down next to him. "I did...though I've long gotten over it. I'm sixty three for Mirage's sake. But at the time, I didn't understand it, and I only felt sadness. I guess I still don't understand why it happened, but I've had time to get over it happening. I'm not expecting this to magically cure whatever sadness is locked up in your head, but at least know that I understand how you feel."

She proceeded to ruffle his hair and give him another smile. "You let it eat you up and you won't have anything left! Hold onto the memory, but don't let it become all you've got left, alright? You still have all of us, whatever that's worth to you. You're all worth a lot to me."

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He sat, swirling his now empty glass, listening to her words. "Time eh? Something you elves have quite a lot of isn't it?" He knew she was trying to lighten the mood, but he certainly didn't feel any better. He leaned back into his chair and sighed, ordering another drink. He didn't respond to her last few words.

Truth be told Linn, I'd rather have never met you all, than to have lost her. But I guess the world doesn't give a damn about what people want.

Why should it?

Reva's death. Brader's death. He wondered who else would die, until it was finally his turn.

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Her smile slowly faded into a frown, as she slumped onto the table. She peered up at him, wondering if she was wasting her time or not. It wasn't like she wanted to run off, nor did she feel obligated to help him. Seeing friends depressed just sucked. He'd ordered another drink, and Linn didn't really know what to say. Twice now, really? There must be something I can say. Well, there is something, but I dunno if it'll help things. She let things sit for another moment, pondering on whether she should say anything or not.

"...It was my mother, that I lost. In case you were wondering," she finally said. "Brought me to a human village when I was really young, for some shopping. It... It was attacked by raiders while we were there. I was eight years old." She sat herself back up in her chair. "I know that means I've had a lot more time to get over things than you have, but I doubt I'm much more mature, if I'm even any more mature, than you are. Just," she placed her hand on his, "don't let this be all you are. Please." She stood up, and looked back at Malachi, who seemed to be speaking to a rather small man. "I'll, uh... I'll leave you to your drink. If you ever want to talk, about anything, let me know. I'm here for you. We all are." And so she left him at his table, to ponder over things, as she went to find out who Malachi was dealing with.

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Aeson watched carefully as Linn spoke to Zeff. The man was sadder than an onion peeling a slightly smaller onion. After Linn had wandered off, the priest decided to have his turn. Sitting down next to Zeff, he turned his mind from vegetable based mysteries to the young man in front of him.

"If the tree doesn't say a thing, the woodpeckers will keep pecking." he began, watching Zeff finish his drink. "I've seen a lot of people come and go in my time, I would be willing to listen to your tales and perhaps offer a prayer or two if I can."

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Away from all of the blood of the previous inn Ernce was feeling fine once again. Throughout the trip he had pondered how he would go about curing himself of his resurfaced phobia, making sure to occasionally glance to his left to ensure that the dwelf hadn't made a run for it or fallen behind his pace. No idea on how to re-cure his phobia Ernce's mind drifted to other things; such as why he'd been chosen to supervise their prisoner when there were obviously better choices to more mundane things such as his would-be killer's name. On that topic Ernce realized that the more he thought about how close he'd come to death the less he cared about dying. 'Death has always been your certain end and it will always be so as long as you are alive! It's just a matter of when and how so go out there and live damnit!' The sudden recollection stopped Ernce in his tracks, just outside of the inn.

"Why have you stopped? Is something the matter?" the dwelf asked, curious rather than concerned and speaking for the first time since they'd started walking. It wasn't like he'd fainted again.

"No, no, just fine thank you," Ernce said, easily snapping back to reality and ending any further questions. Going into the inn he chose to sit at one of the empty tables with the dwelf following suite. He noticed Zeff and Aeson over at a nearby table although he couldn't tell what they were saying. The dwelf noticed as well although she had no idea why Ernce thought it necessary to keep glancing between the two at the other table and herself. It wasn't like she'd even think of escaping while they were in a crowded village such as this. "Are they friends of yours?"


"There, all finished," Zeke said with a smile on his face, satisfied with the grooming he'd finished giving Srene. "Now where'd Conan say he was going again, shopping? Might as well head in and go reserve a room." As he made his way out of the stables he spotted an elf grooming his horse. "Hey there, you new in town?" Zeke asked. "Wait, did you come in with that big group just now? Are you mercenaries?" As Zeke spoke he noticed the elf's horse try to catch it's owner's attention. "Uh, your horse looks kinda aggravated. Might want to do something about that."

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Seems like he's made a new friend. Guess I'll hand around in case Zeff changes his mind and actually wants to talk, or something... Oh no, he's talking to Aeson. That'll end well... Linn stood herself near the door and shook her head slightly, leaning on the wall, watching whatever Malachi was doing with this stranger.


"Franklin's the name, friend! 'Ere, I'll even let you shuffle th'deck!" He handed him a standard, fifty two card deck. No obvious modifications. Only a smile from the small man. "Go on, give it a toss. I'll keep myself sittin' here. Wouldn't want t'take too long though, seems yer lady friend's back from whatever she was up to." He propped his feet up on the table, and started humming to himself.

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Malachi shuffled with needless flair. "What's y'r poison then, eh? Kiss The Fat Woman? Prussian Two-Finger Hold? Gin? ... Go Fish?"

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"Aye, poker sounds like a good time. Go on, quit yer grandstandin' and give us out some cards 'ere." Not to say Franklin wasn't amused by the over the top action that was Malachi's shuffling. "Tell a good traveler yer name, would ya?"

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