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I just realized this

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This game appers to be easy because of the fact that you can train for hours and hours without ever advancing in a chapter. But, when you try to go forward with no Tower or Ruins Training, it's extremely difficult. I noted that in one chapter the enemy units jumped five levels on average.

And another thing: but crap I forgot what it was. I'll remember it later while talking about something completely irrelevant, like Teletubbies or something.

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No one likes to necropost. I thought YOU were the one suggesting against it.

I agree, on hard mode without external EXP, this game is a bitch. Even on Eirika's route. People just complain because they can't control themselves from getting external exp.

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Really, this game is very easy compared to all the others, even without tower abuse. On Easy and Normal, the enemies don't even gain a stat until they pass level 5. Hard Mode, the only significantly noticable thing is that promoted enemies are finally more powerful than the unpromoted ones.

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Sacred Stones is one of the easiest Fire Emblems out there, but it's not quite as easy as everyone seems to think. Hard mode has a few moderately challenging areas here and there. I think FE8's hard mode is more difficult than FE3's book 1. =/

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Sacred Stones is one of the easiest Fire Emblems out there, but it's not quite as easy as everyone seems to think. Hard mode has a few moderately challenging areas here and there.

This is too true. Easier than the others, but harder than made out to be (in regards to hard mode, anyway)

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This is too true. Easier than the others, but harder than made out to be (in regards to hard mode, anyway)
Hell, I had trouble getting through the first 10 chapters. There was no access to the tower then.

You two must not be good at FE8 then, because I can blitz through it like it's nothing on Hard Mode. >_>

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You two must not be good at FE8 then, because I can blitz through it like it's nothing on Hard Mode. >_>

I consider myself to be very good at FE, thank you. You can't deny there are problem chapters in this game on hard mode, even if only a few; if you do, you're lying.

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I've completed Eirika's mode on Hard Mode on my first playthrough. The really annoying chapters were Hamill Canyon and Rausten Castle. It wasn't harder than FE6 Normal though, and I B-ranked that the first time through.

FE8 Normal Eirika Mode was a piece of cake. Slim Swords for Gerik and Seth.

The Pirate Ship chapter in Ephraim's Mode was difficult though. I dunno about his Normal Mode.

Edited by Cephas
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The hard mode without using the Tower or Ruins is pretty challenging, it annoys me to see people say that it's easy, when it is pretty challenging at a few points in the game. I took Ephraim's route, and I tried to raise Amelia, who was still a Recruit, on the Pirate Ship chapter. It wasn't easy trying to gain her exp and keep her alive and out of enemy range, so I have now given up on raising Amelia at all.

Then there was Grado Keep, that was pretty easy. But on the right side, L'Arachel (who had the Restore staff) got silenced, while Gerik got berserked. So in typical run-for-your-fucking-life fashion, I turned tail and ended up having all my units group up by the left door. That wasn't hard so to speak, just a bit unlucky, could have been much worse.

Then there was the desert chapter. There were three occasions where the hit was about 50% - 60% and would have killed my unit, and two of those were Ephraim, which would have forced me to restart there and then.

Then, there was the Renais Castle, or Keep, or whatever they call it. My first three attempts, someone would end up getting killed, either from the Bolting-wielding Sage that appears a few turns in, or all the promoted Swordmasters and Druids that begin to move after a certain boundary was crossed. So, to solve that, I had L'Arachel and Ross (who was a good Berserker) go on the right side. I had L'Arachel Warp Ross over the wall just north of the three chests, and had him wait on the pillar there. It was on that enemy phase that the Bolting-wielding Sage appeared right beside him. One problem solved. He was in range now to get attacked by the Swordmasters and Druids, so I warped Garcia over whom they had an A support with eachother, and had him stand on the pillar close to Ross. Support bonuses + pillar = couldn't get hit for nought. So they were there taking out all the Swordmasters and Druids. Once they were cleared, the rest was easy.

I've just finished the chapter with the Gorgoon (amirite?) eggs... The next one is Rausten Castle, and judging by the other Hard mode save file in which I did use the tower on (but left people who died, dead) it will not be easy, considering my units are considerably weaker than they are on the other save file, and my Cormag's not as uber as he was on the other save file, so there's going to be little or no mass Swordmaster and Great Knight ownage coming from him, I think.

So yeah. Long post. Bye.

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to be honest, i hardly ever go through the towers or the ruins..... it seems as if i'm cheating.....

i go through the game as fast as possible. i didn't find it very hard, but i haven't tried going through hard mode yet.

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I consider myself to be very good at FE, thank you. You can't deny there are problem chapters in this game on hard mode, even if only a few; if you do, you're lying.

No, I'm not lying. The only time I got into a snag was my first time playing FE8 Hard Mode, and it was for one turn in one chapter. I got Cormag out of it next turn and proceeded to whip the chapter in the ass. Then I beat down the game with ease.

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No, I'm not lying. The only time I got into a snag was my first time playing FE8 Hard Mode, and it was for one turn in one chapter. I got Cormag out of it next turn and proceeded to whip the chapter in the ass. Then I beat down the game with ease.

I can't believe that. I posted what problems I had with FE8 in another thread somewhere, and it was more than just one problem. If what you say is true, then maybe you can tell us what you did to stay out of sticky situations.

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I focus on specific units I want in my team towards the end of the game so I can shield the weaker units and fucking destroy everything in my path with my stronger units.

And if that wasn't what happened at certain points where there may have been a possible problem, I expected it and prepared for it a few turns before hand. When I play on harder difficulties I usually think three turns in advance, so yeah. It was too easy for me.

Edited by xX_Wasure_Xx
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I focus on specific units I want in my team towards the end of the game so I can shield the weaker units and fucking destroy everything in my path with my stronger units.

And if that wasn't what happened at certain points where there may have been a possible problem, I expected it and prepared for it a few turns before hand. When I play on harder difficulties I usually think three turns in advance, so yeah. It was too easy for me.

I'm exactly the same here. I just can't see how you didn't have any problem chapters at all. Renais Castle was my one big one, how did that go for you?

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Just like everything else: really, really well.

Also, I just feel like tossing in my Colm was a fucking hacker that run. He destroyed more shit than Ephraim, it was insane. And when I got to Creature Campaign I had him solo the entire Tower on his own... holy hell was that amazing. IIRC he capped HP, Strength, Skill, Speed and Luck naturally... I don't recall exactly what was capped and what wasn't. All I know is he only hit lvl 20 at the END of the game, during my tower solo, so I can probably find that. I have that part uploaded to YouTube.

EDIT: Damn, it was on the fifth floor where he hit 20... ah well. Anyway, he capped Strength, Speed and Luck naturally, was one short on HP and a few short in Skill, looking at his stats when he hit level 18.

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