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What is to be a "man"?


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I feel people often assiociate and mistake it for being aggresive/violent, having lots of women and stuff like drinking beer and watching football. inb4, "being a man is to be masculine". In that case, same question.

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To be a man is to love and protect, to give and to serve to whom ever you have sworn to do so. Wether you are feminine, sensitive, masculine, heterosexual, homosexual, or anything in between, if you have sworn to be a man to those you hold dear, then these qualities are a good place to start! It's really all about wanting what is best for those you love :)!

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Man - is someone, who care about others people, who can make some difficult decision in life. "Man" is someone, who will fight for things, which he consider as important. The man never gives up! True man is someone like Brenner from AW:DoR.

Screw that! Just go to gym and do your work-out or grow a beard.

Edited by Nicolas
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There are a lot of spammy FFtF posts here. Remember that this is the serious discussion forum, implying that the topic creator is not looking for spam posts.

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Guest meibum

Don't let society restrict your feelings and actions. You don't ever need to define yourself based on gender.

the same thing it means to be a woman: strong, independent, caring, mature, and responsible.

I'm glad to see a non-sexist post in this thread.

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To be a man is to love and protect, to give and to serve to whom ever you have sworn to do so. Wether you are feminine, sensitive, masculine, heterosexual, homosexual, or anything in between, if you have sworn to be a man to those you hold dear, then these qualities are a good place to start! It's really all about wanting what is best for those you love :)!


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A male who is B'nai Mitzvah.

A male over the age of 18. I don't think that value judgments and secondary characteristics need to be weighed.

Exactly it. A lot of people try to shame other people into a mold by telling them they aren't real men. They say a real man is someone that does x and y and usually x and y benefits someone else than him.

A real man is just a male over 18

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okay i got a warn for my previous post being off-topic so i feel obligated to link to this study: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/04/130408-penises-science-evolution-genitalia-health-weird/

(you can find the actual journal article on PNAS, though you won't be able to view the full text without a subscription).

some men do rightly believe that having a larger penis is more masculine!

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some men do rightly believe that having a larger penis is more masculine!

I'm generally perplexed how the prevailing weltanschauung around these parts is rampant disregard for the material and worldly features. The carnal aspects of human nature shape the core of our identity and dictate the way we act.

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you must be as swift as a coursing river.

but seriously, to be a man is to be awesome at being yourself. Gender roles are becoming more blurred in our society. Real men (and women) are comfortable with themselves.

In fact, that's the message of Mulan's "I'll make man out of you." Shang is trying to make a man out of Ping. But really, Ping doesn't need to be a man to be a great warrior. Ping just needs to be awesome at what (s)he does.

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To be a man by dictionary standards is any human male who has come of age. However each person can interpret it differently. To me it means to be kind, chivalrous, open minded, and trustworthy.

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Society has given a false characterization of what each gender is supposed to be like. Being a man is not being the big alpha male among mankind. Being a man is not getting the most women to bed you. It's most definitely not being the most masculine either. The phrase, "Be a man" can be interpreted as mustering up the strength and the courage to stand up for what you believe in and what/who you care for in times of adversity. It's not gender locked either, for there are indeed grown women who are more a man than an actual guy is. Single moms are a strong example

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None of the rules or observations that I've ever heard applied to gender at large have fit everyone. Further, I've never heard an attempt to distinguish whether a pattern attributed to a gender was truly innate or just commonly socialized that came to any conclusion that didn't allow ample room for doubt, or indeed that came to much of significance at all. Many things I've heard positively associated with being male, that is to say make somebody "more of" a man, have sounded completely unappealing to me for as long as I can remember. Basically, most things I've heard associated with "being a man" have just made me wonder why anybody would find that appealing, or attractive. I don't remember ever getting much out of worrying about the whole thing, other than actually realizing how the old preconceptions might be hurting somebody.

[spoiler=with regard to genitals, sex, et cet][spoiler=one more spoiler just in case you don't actually want to read about, like, gory details of (f/m) intercourse]Last I heard, vaginas generally average out to being a rough match/slightly smaller than what penises average out to, in size, anyway. And the only reliably proven erogenous zone (as in, nerve cell endings and shit) in them is the clitoris, anyway, so bigger penises supposedly performing better has only reliably been linked to getting more leverage on the clit. Not exactly the most terrible challenge to emulate ever

On the other hand, bigger penises are generally less sensitive, get much harder to give oral to as they scale upwards, and, if there's enough of a size mismatch, can actually be painful to insert (like, something might actually tear/burst) for both people. Not to mention being more of an annoyance in underwear. It sounds like kind of a gyp overall, actually

Edited by Rehab
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