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What is to be a "man"?


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Being a man is used to justify and force you to do anything the person says. Be a man and "snort this, become responsible, rob, act polite, hit this person, tell the truth," are some examples. It has lost all its meaning, if there was ever any and discard as a relic of a sexist past.

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I assume he means more "people shouldn't be expected to follow these kinds of arbitrary expectations any more," than sexismisover.gif

keyword "shouldn't"

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Well there is the biological aspect of being a male but gender identity should be considered. I think some people would define man to be different from the biological aspect, perhaps how one identifies themselves is an issue also?

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I'm generally perplexed how the prevailing weltanschauung around these parts is rampant disregard for the material and worldly features. The carnal aspects of human nature shape the core of our identity and dictate the way we act.

people are trying to sound as politically correct and enlightened as possible.

They do succeed at the former. They fail hilariously at the latter though and just sound like dumbasses.

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i really really really want to say "a miserable little pile of secrets" and be done with it but

Without getting into the real philosophical part of it (which I really don't feel like I'm qualified to get into) I just define a "man" by the biological definition- a person with a penis and testicles

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i really really really want to say "a miserable little pile of secrets" and be done with it but

Without getting into the real philosophical part of it (which I really don't feel like I'm qualified to get into) I just define a "man" by the biological definition- a person with a penis and testicles

careful, you might get warned for not being serious enough in serious discussion!

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what a compelling, substantial argument you have there

because yours is so much better amirite?

he's right, people are defined to a large extent by their carnal aspects. Ignoring that is incredibly disingenuous.

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I am very tempted to hand out a LOT of warns. However, I'll leave it at this:

Don't spam the topic; you guys are better than that. If you can't contribute seriously, keep it to yourself. Next time I have to step in here, I'm locking it.

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I think I might prefer a set of statements, which, while generalized, were based on observations, over "people [who I am not naming or quoting] are saying things I disagree with and to illustrate my displeasure I'm going to call them a name," actually, yes.

What does "based on carnal aspects " actually mean, to start with? Is it referring to intercourse, or gender norms, or the intersection of the two?

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The problem I have with the statement. Be a man or really anything like that. Is that the person makes a set of standard that all members of group A has to follow. What are those standards? The guy won't tell, it what he/she wants you to be/do at that moment. Not everyone or no one can possibly fit their standards of this vague category of "being a man". Nor does everyone want too. People should decide on who they want to be and do what they want to do as long as persons aren’t harmed or their liberties affected. Anyone claiming all should do one thing or be this one thing is just a form of bullying or veiled racism/sexism/ whatever arbitrary classification the figure decides.

This a expanded restatement of what I said last time... hopefully I clarified it.

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1) Most important, be as kind and loving as you possibly can, no matter what! Obey the Golden Rule!

2) Be as strong as you possibly can, whether that's physically, mentally, or what have you, so you can protect and help people.

3) Always be willing to fight for what you believe in!

4) Always strive for wisdom!

5) Whatever other virtues help you and others to lead a life that's both positive and helpful to others, be it discipline, open-mindedness, and what have you, strive for!

Note that it is possible for women to be men as well!

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obviously it's to have a pair of testicles and a penis

a really long penis

Transmen aren't men at all, obviously.

A man is a man is a man. No further explanation is needed.

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1) Most important, be as kind and loving as you possibly can, no matter what! Obey the Golden Rule!

2) Be as strong as you possibly can, whether that's physically, mentally, or what have you, so you can protect and help people.

3) Always be willing to fight for what you believe in!

4) Always strive for wisdom!

5) Whatever other virtues help you and others to lead a life that's both positive and helpful to others, be it discipline, open-mindedness, and what have you, strive for!

Note that it is possible for women to be men as well!

Shit, someone beat me to it

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1) Most important, be as kind and loving as you possibly can, no matter what! Obey the Golden Rule!

2) Be as strong as you possibly can, whether that's physically, mentally, or what have you, so you can protect and help people.

3) Always be willing to fight for what you believe in!

4) Always strive for wisdom!

5) Whatever other virtues help you and others to lead a life that's both positive and helpful to others, be it discipline, open-mindedness, and what have you, strive for!

Note that it is possible for women to be men as well!

So, the phrase could be changed to "How to be a respectable human being", thus throwing the sexist implications out. I'm for it, as I think that using personality traits to portray one gender as better than the other is outdated.

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  • 1 month later...

its like an old tradition that's been passed on for god knows how many years. sort of like a survival instinct when it was needed back in the day. this stuff should not matter in today's time. we have the ability to change our ways.

that's what evolution is all about. a change for a better tomorrow. i feel like im talking out of my ass

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread title gives me flashbacks to the worst literature class I've ever had.

After every single dicking thing we read, the professor, a woman 800 years past retirement, would ask us, "What does this story say about what it means to be a man?"

Lady, it's a poem about getting high. It doesn't need gender theory...

Anyway, it's all well and good to echo the "be a decent person" sentiments but if someone is looking for a valid "What is it to be a man?" answer, you're putting yourself in gender context, so, it's all about how you represent your gender.

So, to be a (decent person)man, don't treat (anyone)women like crap.

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